orizontal Rules can come in handy when you need to separate sections on your page. You can make them go all the way across your page (which I am not going to do here) or you can set the width using percentage. Personally, I prefer shorter rules because they tend to be more attractive and serve the same purpose. Color can be added also, but last I heard Netscape doesn't recognize it. Netscape users will see the same gray rule as usual, but others will see the color. No problem there. Use color if you want to. I do. The code goes like this: <HR> To add color and size you write it like so:
s you can see, I set the width to 25% and the color to red. This is what it would look like:
ice, huh? Okay, a few more tips and you're on your own. You can set the thickness of a horizontal rule like this:
<HR NOSHADE> - inserts a solid rule with no shadow like this:
You can align your horizontal rule using:
This is aligned right:
This is aligned left:
And this is centered:
And this is an example of the code:
And that's about the size of it!