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Violeta de Megazone

Family-line: ? > Violeta

Specie: Shark mouse

gender: Female

fur colour: light gray

hair colour: Dark brown

eyes: Red

Typical clothing: swimming suit

family: N/A

marital status: Married to Rocky

Megazone Family status: Sister-in-law to the Queen Mizeleingzelo

children: 1 daughter, Poppy

likes: Swimming, Rocky

dislikes: Plutarkians, Dr. Karbunkle, her shark features

In her early youth Violeta was a promicing talent in swimming. She loved to do that but when the Plutarkians came she was no longer able to continue her favorite hobby and main interest. But some Plutarkians had already noticed her talents. They imprisoned her and brought her in the main laboratorium of the Plutarkian experiments on Mars. There Dr. Karbunkle started his experiments on her, trying to create a shark featured warrior to fight on the side of the Plutarkians.

But something went wrong: Violeta could escape from the laboratorium. But she didn`t stand for a very long time being out of waterpool. She was drying and trying to gasp the air with her mutated lugns - being all the time closer and closer to sure death. When she was already giving in to death a motorist mouse saved her and brought Violeta in Technodrome in a blink of an eye and carried her to the pools where she started to recover. The mutation which was started by the experiments of Dr. Karbunkle weren`t over yet and they changed Violeta a lot more shark like than what she would have wanted to happen.

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