Family-line: ? > Harley Specie: Martian mouse gender: Female fur colour: hair colour: eyes: Blue (very uncommon among Martian mice) Protector Goddess: Queen King, Harley is Daughter of Healer typical clothing: Martian Freedom Fighter Mechanics & Medic Uniform parents: unknown and unknown Hopper Siblings: N/A marital status: Unmarried during the time when the events of "Once Upon Time on Mars" took place, Unofficially Stoker`s girlfriend but seemed to get more interested in of young Vinnie than the old Stoker Megazone Family status: Possible allies children: At least 1 offpring is known to existfor the reason that this offspring has been in the chain of generations which connects the Hopper name to Aston Hopper, who is the first of the Kraiser-Predator clan to have children without vampiric features in them. likes: Vinnie, Stoker, invent all kind of things which is usefull on the battlefield agains the Plutarkians dislikes: Plutarkians Harley was kidnapped by a rat named mace in the end of the time when the events of "Once Upon Time on Mars" took place. Anyway, she`s known now to have had a child at some point of time in her life because it is Harley and her descendants from whom comes the name "Hopper" for Aston and her twin sons Hardgo and Honda. |