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Important Information for Kids:

    Kids should know that they can always talk to their parents or another trusted adult about anything.
Kids should know how to dial 9-1-1 in an emergency.
Kids should never talk to anyone they don't know well.
Kids should always use the "Buddy System."   Always stay in groups!
Kids should say "No!" to anyone who tries to touch them in a way that makes them uncomfortable. Then tell their parents or another trusted adult right away.
Kids should never open the door for anyone but a trusted friend or relative.
Kids should always tell their parents or another trusted adult if anyone asks them to keep a secret.
Kids should always follow their Family Safety Plan of Action.   If you don't already have one, talk to your family and create one that works for everyone.
Kids should know their parents would never send someone they don't know well to pick them up.
    Kids should carry a flashlight when dark.
Kids should walk, don't run.

Kids should stay on Sidewalks.
Kids should obey traffic signals.

Kids should stay in familiar neighborhoods.
Kids should not cut across yards or driveways.
Kids should wear a watch you can read.
(No Sidewalk) you should walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.