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Preparing Herbs for Use

Capsules: Many herbs have a bitter taste, so if you prefer capsules can be used to take herbs easily. Use all natural gelatin capsules when using powdered herbs.

Herbal Teas: The flowers or leaves of an herb are used to make teas. Bring water to a boil. Use a half ounce or one tablespoon of dried herb to one cup of water. Place the herb in a glass or ceramic teapot with a tight fitting lid. Pour boiling water over the herb. Cover and allow to steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain and sip. Sweeten if desired.

Decoction: When making a decoction, you boil the herb in water for about 25 to 30 minutes. Roots, bark, seeds, etc. are generally best prepared this way. They require longer heating times in order to extract their active ingredients. One ounce of the required herb is placed in 1 pint of cold water & then covered. It is then boiled for a half hour, after which it is strained, cooled and ready for use. Many use 1 1\2 pints of water so that when the herb has finished boiling , the decoction measures approximately 1 pint.

Fomentation: Dip cloth in the infusion or decoction, wring it out, and apply locally.

Infusions: Infusions are often referred to as teas, and are generally prepared in 1 pint of water to 1 ounce of the herb. Bring the water to a boil and then pour it over the herb. Place in a covered container & allow it to steep (stand) for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the steeping has ended, strain the infusion and then it's ready for use. Infusions can be prepared by placing 1 teaspoon of the plant substance in a cup and pouring boiling water over it. It is then covered with a saucer and allowed to steep for 15 minutes, after this, it is strained and used. Sometimes a little honey is added to make the infusion more palatable. Infusions are not allowed to boil.

Tincture: Some herbs are not effective when used in an herbal tea because their properties are not water-soluble. The alternative is to prepare a tincture with alcohol. Tinctures are made with pure or diluted alcohol---not rubbing alcohol. Brandy, vodka, or gin are best. Usually, 4 ounces of water and 12 ounces of alcohol is mixed with 1 ounce of the powdered herb. The mixture is then allowed to steep (stand) for 2 weeks, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly every night. After 2 weeks, the clear liquid is then strained off carefully, so as not to disturb the sediment. Discard the sediment. The tincture is then bottled for use.

An alternative:
Tincture: Only if you need the herb quickly for some reason should you use this recipe, but in a pinch, it can be useful. Chop the herb or macerate with a mortar and pestle and a small amount of alcohol. This will release the oils of the plant. Soak in pure grain alcohol overnight. Stir or shake periodically. Inexpensive vodka works just as well. Strain or filter well before use.

Poultices: A poultice is a good method of applying the medicinal properties of herbs to a painful or inflamed area of the body. Poultices are used externally to apply moist heat to draw out toxins or to soothe. Fresh leaves are bruised and steeped in boiling water (only enough to moisten) for a short period. The leaves are then spread between two pieces of cloth and applied as hot as possible, then, covered with a dry cloth to retain heat. A second poultice is prepared while the first one is being administered. It is used to replace the first one when it begins to lose heat. The powdered herb of a plant may be substituted for fresh leaves if necessary. Use enough of the powdered herb to make a paste. The paste is then spread between two pieces of cloth, applied and renewed as stated above, several times.

Syrup: Boil tea for 20 minutes, add 1 oz. glycerin, and seal up tightly in bottles, as you would fruit.

Ointments or Salve: An easy method to make a salve or ointment is to take approximately eight parts of vaseline or vegetable shortening and two parts of the herb you are using. Heat on low heat and stir occasionally for 20 minutes. Strain into glass or porcelain container with a large opening, for easy access. Allow it to cool. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Herbal Pillow ----Sleep On It If you like using aromatherapy, an herbal pillow can be made quite easily. Besides your herbs, you will need cotton cloth and stuffing. Using two pieces of cotton, simply sew the sides together, leaving one end open. Next stuff the pillow full so that the herbs can't bunch up or move around. Now put in the herb over the stuffing on both sides. Pin up the end (or use velcro) and you're done. The heat from your head warms the pillow and releases the scents, so you'll know when to replace the herbs. I pin mine so that I can easily wash and replace the herbs whenever needed, and because I am lazy. I don't see a point in having to rip it open every time to restuff it. -----------------------------------------------------------------

MAKING AN ESSENTIAL OIL: For rubbing; Massages; This is a generic recipe for making an essential oil, using lavedar as an example, although any aromatic herb will work. Soak a finely chopped aromatic herb in an oil. This extracts the essential oils from the herb. The ratio of herb to oil is around 1:5, but you can use more oil if you are using more than one herb in the same batch.

One part lavendar, leaves and flowers (or other aromatic herb) Five parts virgin olive oil (or sweet almond oil)

Mix your ingredients well, either in a blender or by finely chopping the herb and whisking in the oil. Put this in a sealed jar and let it sit in the sun for three weeks, shaking it daily. To make your oil stronger, strain out the herbs once a week and replace with fresh herbs. After three weeks, strain the oil well and store in small, dark glass bottles.

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way