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Here's to you and here's to me
I pray that friends we'll always be,
But if by chance we disagree,
The heck with you and here's to me!

Air Visualization

Air rules the East because this is the direction of the greatest light, the direction that gives birth to the dawning of each new day; the light of wisdom and consciousness. It's color is the yellow of the Sun, and its season is Spring. Other Colors associated with air are white, bright yellow, crimson, and a bluish-white. Air represents new ideas, knowledge, and the freedom to choose in which direction to move. It is the element of the intellect and the unbridled passion of daydreams. Airs symbols are the sky, wind, breezes, clouds, breath, vibrations, plants, herbs, flowers, trees and birds.

Self-hypnosis is recommended for this visualization, or a period of meditation preceding it. For this visualization, choose a starry night if you are able, as close to dawn as possible but with the night still in evidence. Otherwise just visualize it.. Now find a place outside where you can be comfortable yet remain undisturbed throughout this exercise. This one is better done on a breezy evening and preferably not an icy cold one. If you can't find a night like this at present, then stay inside but open a window and get out a fan that oscillates, so you can at least pretend. Be sure to turn out all the lights and make it as dark as possible. For this exercise you will need to choose an imaginary companion. This can be male or female depending on what sex you are and what sex you prefer romantically, since you will have to imagine kissing this being. lol! I have known people to even give this magickal helper a name, preferably one that you can associate with Air, like Arial or Aaron etc, if you need this added bonus. Below you will find some of Air's correspondences.

Quarter: East
Quarter Candle: Yellow
Chakra Candle: Green
Chakra: Heart
Idea: Thought, Imagination
Visualization: Green Semi-Circle

Air Magick involves the dawn, sunrise, Spring, knowledge, inspiration, hearing, harmony, herbal knowledge, plant growth, intellect, thought, ideas, travel, freedom, revealing the truth, movement, psychic abilities, instruction, learning, discovering lost items, and uncovering lies. It also corresponds to: Divination, Foretunetelling, Sourcing, Vision Quests, ZenMeditation, Tai Chi Chaun, Martial Arts, Brainstorming, Philosophical Debates, The Expressive Arts, Flower Arranging, Oriental Mindfulness, Awareness, Vibration and Guides, Helping Thoughts , Free Mind, Creativity, Illumination, Divination, Brain Stimulation, Philosophy, Mindfulness, Awareness, Perception, Thinking Ideas, Communication, Meditation, Focus.

Close your eyes. Now we will begin with some deep breathing exercises. In and out, in and out. As you do this, be conscious of the air you are breathing. Are there smells in the air or is it cold and brisk, warm and musty? Notice what the air smells like, and then take it into your body as you breathe. Feel it flowing all around you. Turn your face up to the breeze and notice how it feels on your skin. Does it give you goosebumps because it is chilly or perhaps because it is warm?

Imagine now for a moment that the Air is a physical being and that this being slowly puts their arms around you and embraces you, at the same time caressing you with airy srokes along your face and arms and wherever else you wish. Feel the tiny breeze-like touches stroking your skin softly. Now breathe in and imagine kissing this ethereal being. Open your lips and continue breathing. Can you taste the air on your lips? Allow it to seep further into your body, to travel all around you inside and out. You can carry this visualization as far as you like, but don't forget that this is AIR, and continue to FEEL it.

Now feel yourself being lifted up into the air by this magickal lover and visualize yourself flying through the clouds. Hold out your arms. Feel them changing. Now spread your wings and feel that air as you are released to fly on your on and as you continue to go up and up into the sky. Feel yourself floating, riding the breezes, swaying with the winds. Imagine the air running through your hair, over your skin, along your body, breath it in. Feel the textures of the clouds as you float right through them. Let your imagination carry you up onto one of the highest clouds in the sky. Now keeping your eyes close, look around you using your mind's eye and see the cloud you are sitting on, see the clouds surrounding you ,and the stars glittering all around you . Feel the breeze and breathe it in even deeper. You are now one with the Air. You are the Air. Open your eyes for just a moment and actually look up into the evening sky. Breathe deeply in and out, in and out. Sit this way for as long as you like.

Now close your eyes once more and drift down off the cloud. As you touch the ground, feel the air flowing from your head and easing its way upward back into the sky. Release it all. You are now finished. Blessed Be!

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way