Empowering Meditations
The Negative Voice (whether internalized or projected from predatorial people or patriarchal society) reflects harmful ways of thinking. A Positive Response is necessary to defeat the Negative Voice.


January Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that insists that your positive qualities don't exist. View yourself from the perspective of the all-knowing Deity. Recognize you are sacred. Affirm the existence of your positive qualities. Affirm you are equal to others, intelligent, capable, compassionate, and lovable.


February Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that dwells on, or magnifies the importance of, your negative qualities, actions, and experiences. Evaluate it from the perspective of the all-knowing Deity. Focus on your positive qualities, actions, accomplishments, and experiences.


March Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that uses negative and hurtful labels and sexist/racist stereotypes. Reject the label or stereotype; affirm they do not reflect real people. Focus on how you (and others) don't fit the label or stereotype. Defend against words and actions of predatory people.


April Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that concludes that someone doesn't like you, is sexist/racist, or is otherwise thinking negatively, without any objective proof. Recognize that you are projecting a negative motivation. Affirm "I don't really know what he/she is thinking. He/she is probably not hostile toward me."


May Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that urges you to hate, to be disrespectful, or to cause harm to others. Evaluate it from the perspective of the all-knowing Deity. Recognize the harm these cause to both yourself and others. Recognize others are sacred.


June Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that dwells on, or magnifies the importance of, the negative, the evil, and the ugliness in the world. Evaluate it from the perspective of the all-knowing Deity. Focus on the positive, the good, and the beauty in the world. Recognize all is sacred.


July Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that tells you your performance must be perfect or it is a total failure. Focus on the positive aspects of your performance. Affirm that even an imperfect effort is valuable in itself and necessary for the learning process. Keep trying.


August Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that tells you a single negative event reflects a never-ending pattern of defeat. Put the negative into perspective; focus on positive events and accomplishments. Keep trying.


September Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that anticipates that things will turn out badly, and treats the prediction as an established fact. Recognize that you are sabotaging yourself with a self-fulfilling prophecy. Affirm "I don't really know how it will turn out; I will try to make it turn out well."


October Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that says others are the cause of some event, which you were, in fact, responsible for. View the situation from the perspective of the all-knowing Deity. Affirm "I am responsible for all I do, good and bad. No one else is."


November Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that says you are the cause of some negative event, which you were not, in fact, responsible for. View the situation from the perspective of the all-knowing Deity. Affirm "I am not responsible for the acts of others."


December Empowering Meditation
Confront the Negative Voice that tries to motivate you to reach unreasonable goals or sexist expectations with "shoulds" or "should nots." Affirm "It's healthy/unhealthy for me to do this, and I want to be healthy," or "It's respectful/harmful for me to do that, and I want to be respectful."


[For a complete practical guide providing cognitive psychology tools for self-empowerment and overcoming depression, read: "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy," and "The Feeling Good Handbook," by psychiatrist David D. Burns.]


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2002 Astrological Periods

* 1/20: Beginning of Aquarius (the Water Bearer).


* 2/19: Beginning of Pisces (the Fishes).


* 3/21: Beginning of Aries (the Ram/Ewe/Lamb).


* 4/20: Beginning of Taurus (the Bull/Cow/Calf).


* 5/21: Beginning of Gemini (the Twins/Lovers/Partners).


* 6/21: Beginning of Cancer (the Crab/Scarab).


* 7/23: Beginning of Leo (the Lion/Lioness).


* 8/23: Beginning of Virgo (the Grain Maiden/Man).


* 9/23: Beginning of Libra (the Scales of Lady Justice).


* 10/23: Beginning of Scorpio (the Scorpion).


* 11/22: Beginning of Sagittarius (the Hunter/Huntress).


* 12/22: Beginning of Capricorn (the Goat).


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Permission to use and distribute these excerpts is granted for non-commercial purposes, provided the following information is included:


Excerpted from
A Multifaith Calendar Reflecting Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality


For information contact Page Two, Inc.:
P.O. Box 77167, Washington, D.C. 20013

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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way