Breathing & Grounding Techniques

Breathing is important to almost any given situation. It can be relaxing in even the most difficult of situations...if you learn to do it correctly. You should try doing a breathing exercise as a part of your daily routine. Always remember to breathe from the diaphragm and through your nose, not your mouth.

The Four-Fold Breath

(You should be cautious, or not attempt this if you have a respiratory or heart condition. Nor should most epileptics attempt this. No one, as a matter of fact, should try this if they have any serious medical condition without first checking with a physician if in doubt, and don't overdo.) One of the most useful physical exercises is pranayama, or controlled breathing.

The main purpose of pranayama is to relax the body and mind. There should be no strain of any kind duringthis exercise. You may notice a slight dizziness at first, since the effect of pranayama is hyperventilation. Try sitting back in a chair with your eyes closed when you do this. Begin with a minute each day for the first week and then gradually increase up to about five minutes daily. Doing the pranayama before any magick can be useful as well to help you get into the mood. It is also an excellent aid to relaxation, tension release and centering yourself. Pranayama should not be done during times when there is heavy air pollution if you have asthma, allergies, or any type of breathing problems.

There are many kinds of pranayama, but this one is called the 'four-fold breath. It consists of four short quick inhalations, then four short quick exhalations. Then you repeat the process, continuing until the allocated time is up. It will take about 1 1/2 seconds for the four inhalations, and about 1 1/2 seconds for the four exhalations; or about 3 seconds for the complete in-out cycle.

Like this. In two, three, four and pause. Out two three four and pause. Do at least five repetitions of this.

Preparation: Breathing Technique II

Now here is another breathing exercise. Let's begin. Sit comfortably but keep your spine is straight.

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take very long and very deep breaths through your nose.

Each time you breathe in, hold it for 2 to 3 seconds and then slowly exhale. Continue this breathing until you feel very calm and peaceful. This usually takes 3-5 minutes. Take as long as you need. It is different for everyone.

Next we will take four very fast breathes. Inhale 4 times now through your nose, focusing on the inhalation part of your breathing, making that part of the breath more forceful than the exhalations. Very good.

Now we do the opposite. Take four very fast breaths but this time focus on the exhalations and make them more forceful, centering on exhaling from your lungs. The inhalations will be more shallow, but less noticeable. Do this several times and then stop. Begin to breathe normally. Slowly. Naturally.

Preparation: Breathing Techniques III

Remember to breathe from the diaphragm and through your nose, not your mouth. Those with respiratory illnesses may want to consult a doctor before trying this, but many find it aids their respiratory illness greatly. Here is an exercise that I perform with regularity.

First inhale through your nose as you count slowly, 1..2..3..4. Then hold your breath until you are slightly uncomfortable. Now exhale to the same count. As you work on this exercise try to slow your breathing down, taking longer to inhale and then exhale. Try to hold your breath longer now. Inhale slowly through your nose. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then blow the breath out through your mouth, uniformly using a firm, even breath, until your lungs are empty. You will feel yourself relax. As you do this, visualize breathing in positive energy, and blowing out negativity.


This is to help ground yourself whenever it is needed, like before a chakra healing or magickal endeavor. Place your feet flat on the floor and breathe in deeply. On the exhale, picture the excess energy flowing out of your feet and going down into the Earth. Keep doing this over and over until you feel relaxed and calm.

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

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