Beginning Magick

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Before you actually begin working on spellcrafting & ritualistic magick you need a basic knowledge of what is involved in the creation of these things first. This section will help you ready not only yourself, but your tools of the trade as well. This section is a MUST for all magick. If you don't want to learn it, then don't bother with any of it, because you are wasting both your time and mine. These are the basics of magick along with the first rituals you should learn to prepare yourself for any magickal working.

To Know: Go step by step down the list. When you finish this section, you will begin using the other three powers of the Magi: To Dare, To Will, and To Keep Silence!!


Breathing and Grounding
The First Step

More Grounding Techniques

Learn to Meditate
A MUST for Magick!

Self-Hypnosis I
Another MUST for Magick!

Self-Hypnosis II

Visualization & Energy Direction
The basis for all Magick!

Different Types of Magick

Writing Your Own Spells & Rituals


Choosing a Craft Name
Name Generators for your use!


Ritual Tools

Cleansing Ritual

Consecration of Tools

Self Dedication Ritual

The Circle & The Ritual (Two part Lesson)

Spellwork Begins here!

Elemental Magick

And now...If you wish it
Here's the actual spellwork.

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Complete Study Course
Lessons in the Craft

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        Blessed be!

© The Olde Way