Welcome to my sanctuary. All opinions are welcomed as long as you agree with me.     


For those that gave their lives on September 11, 2001.

Here's to you and here's to me
I pray that friends we'll always be,
But if by chance we disagree,
The heck with you and here's to me!


The Ajna Chakra

Have you ever had a thought and turned around only to have it happen right before your very eyes? And I'm not talking about dejá vu here. I'm talking about something you are fully aware of thinking at the moment, even if it was a few days before. It happens to me all the time. Enough so that sometimes it downright scarey. Well, this chakra, the Brow Chakra has the ability to think reality into existence when it is in balance. Intuition and positive visualizations are propelled into the world through this Chakra.

Now the name of this sixth chakra (Ajna) means order, and it is lies in the center of the forehead between the brows. It is often called the third-eye or transcendent gateway, and of course, most of us know that the Third Eye is seen in regards to psychic perception.

It is also the energy centre where we begin to question our spirituality and how we relate to it. Most people will look at their lives through new eyes when working with this chakra. A person attuned with this chakra is a "master of self",and will show lots of spiritual energy, intuition, wisdom, and keen perception.

A person with a balanced and in tune chakra will have a creative imagination and extremely good visualization powers. This person may even have a link to things that other people do not and be able to see visions and spirits and such. One of this chakras greatest desires is to be as one with the universe. A person in tune with this 6th chakra will be charismatic and charming, and will have made enough of life's journey to have experienced it on many different levels. They are ready, willing and able to receive guidance, experience cosmic conciousness, telepathy, astral travel and also learn about their past lives, if they haven't already.

Now I realize that not all of us are on a scale with Jesus and Buddha, are we? They had to have reached the supreme level of balance in this chakra to do the things they did. Perhaps they were on another spiritual plane entirely different from this one. Whatever the reason, there are just not many in this world that can teach and heal as they did. But many of us do have a certain knack for healing and seeing things that others do not, even if it only because you are more perceptive than most. This is why it is important to keep all of the chakras balanced, but this chakra in particular because it is vital to psychic perception. It is your connection to your Unconscious Self, to your own power centre where your body can heal itself or you can aid in healing others.

Emotionally, this chakra is a bridge to self evaluation. Besides your psychic side, it assists you with your intellectual abilities as well. It also helps you to retain an open mindedness to the ideas of others and gives you the ability to learn from experience. It is the centre of your emotional intelligence and increases your inner vision as long as there is no blockage. Okay, now let's see what happens when this chakra is unbalanced.

When this sixth chakra experiences a blockage, one may suffer from frequent nightmares and headaches, poor eyesight, lack of concentration and sometimes even migraines. Grief or personal pain may be a problem that is blocking this chakra. Physically it influences the immune system, brain, pituitary gland, the eyes, nose and ears, the nervous system, pineal gland and sinuses. It is connected to all five senses. Physical signs of an imbalance would be brain tumors or stroke, blindness, deafness, spinal difficulties, seizures, neurological disturbances and learning disorders. The image in nature to focus on is the nighttime sky.

When underactive and out of balance, this may cause a person to become forgetful and to fixate on things to the point of being an obssesive worrier. This person could also become overly superstitious, supremely envious of others and their abilities, and very doubting of things in general, including himself and his natural abilities. A persone like this would appear non-assertive, undisciplined and over sensitive.

On the other hand, when overactive, this causes a person to become impatient, fearful, and also overly sensitive. They can even appear to be in another world part of the time or as some would say it, "spaced out", and uncaring of those around them. This person would show the tendencies of the egomanic; he would be proud, manipulative, dogmatic, authoritarian, cold, mean, ungracious, bitter and severely belittling of others. ================================================================

Third Eye
Location - Brow
Color - Indigo

Indigo is connected to the pituitary or third eye chakra and its planet is Saturn. It's effects are similar to those of blue but somewhat more intense. It stimulates the parathyroid glands but depresses the thyroid. It is valuable in clearing up congested conditions in the eyes, ears, nose,lungs,and stomach. Indigo reduces bleeding, inflammation, violence, excitability, and is reputed to be of value in exorcisms. Indigo is connected to your pituitary gland and affects your nervous system It is said to regenerate cells and heal the etheric body. Violet or indigo at night can be helpful in getting children to sleep; it can ease nightmares or headaches and a pale indigo often helps bed wetting problems. This color can also help pain, poor eyesight, lack of concentration, diarrhea, mental problems, agitation in the intestines, psychic exhaustion, releasing negative patterns, promoting inspiration. The image in nature to focus on is the nighttime sky.

Number 6
Effect: coolant
To Balance this Chakra: Meditation, guided visualization.
Colors: indigo or violet
Element: Ether. spiritual
Musical Note: high a
Mantra: Ksham, aum om or mmm
Essential Oils: basil ,cedarwood,clary sage, camphor, elemi, eucalyptus.
Gems: lapis lazuli, blue sapphire, sodalite, celinite,
azurite, sugulite, fluorite, amethyst, clear quartz, moonstone,
jade, peridote.
Healing/Health - Coagulant, Sinuses, Headaches, Stroke
Gland - Pituitary
Organs - Lower Brain, Left Eye, Nose, Nervous System
Characteristics: no fear of death, can receive guidance, astral travel
Too Much energy: egomaniac, religiously dogmatic
Too little energy: undisciplined, afraid of success

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way