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Guide to Physical Symptoms A-Z

 Abscess  Resentment and anger draining out.     1st, 3rd
 Aches   Aching for love, touch & understanding.       4th
 Acne   Fear of change; holding back or onto something.  1st, 2nd
 Addictions Fear; lack of trust in self & others.  All/Any
 Adrenal  Frustration, defeat, self destruction.  1st, 2nd, 4th
 A.I.D.S. Shame; guilt; creative and sexual repression; 
fear of rejection; belief in a wrathful God
 2nd, 4th, 6th
 Allergies Fear; craving nurturing & attention.  3rd,4th,5th
Amnesia Life is overwhelming;Inability to cope, a need to hide 1st, 3rd, 4th
 Anemia  Need Grounding: Not feeling worthy of happiness - Holding on to a belief that you are weak & helpless; a victim.  1st, 3rd, 4th
 Ankles Unbending view of life; unable to give or receive joy.  3rd, 4th
 Anorexia  Denying the need for a mother's love (food &  nurturing feelings). 1st,3rd,4th
 Anus Letting go of what we no longer need.     1st & 3rd
 Appendicitis Stifling creative and/or sexual energies.        2nd
 Arms Unwilling to give or receive from others.  2nd, 3rd, 4th
 Arteries  Denying life. "clogging up the works."     1st, 2nd, 4th
 Arteriosclerosis Cynical, narrow, viewpoint. Rigid.  1st, 4th
 Arthritis Repressed emotional pain; victim.  3rd, 4th
     Rheumatoid Fear/hate authority; unwilling to give.    1st, 3rd, 4th
Asthma Weeping for a mothers love, yet unwilling or unable to let love in 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Back Strength & Foundation for living. The spine spans all the Chakras, and correlates to the nerve bundles on the spine All
     Lower back Don't trust  survival abilities; Fear of material loss.  1st, 2nd
    Middle back Feeling overburdened by others problems, yet guilty
for not seeing to them or carrying them. 
 3rd, 5th
     Upper back 
Refuses emotional support, carrying on alone. Self  imposed  isolation and loneliness.  2nd, 4th, 5th
     Sciatica  Doesn't trust survival skills: Fear of financial loss/lack . 1st, 2nd 
    Slipped Disk  Overweighted with burdens; life slipping out of control.  1st, 3rd
    Spinal Curvature Heavy burdens but no love or support .  1st -5th 
 Bad Breath Anger & resentment; Fearful, unable or unwilling to communicate, yet desperately
needs to communicate his own needs to others.
 3rd, 5th
 Bed Wetting Fear of abandonment and/or authority.   Many bed wetters become Co-dependent.   1st, 3rd
 Bladder Frustration, fear and rage = The harder you hold on, the more out of control you become.  1st, 3rd
 Blood   Life force, river of life, vitality and joy.  All
    Bleeding    Giving up and allowing life to bleed away.  1st, 4th
    Blood Pressure    
                   High Nurturing old resentments. Refusal to forgive self and others; Confusion, fear, anger.  3rd, 4th
                   Low  Giving up, lack of love (past and/or present)  1st, 4th
       Clotting   Blocking life; Loss of interest in life.  1st, 2nd, 4th
 Boils Repressed emotions, especially frustration & rage.  1st, 3rd
 Bones The structure or foundation of life.  1st-6th
       Fractures Rigid; Frustration; lack of trust; fear of authority  1st, 3rd
        Marrow   A core of feeling "I don't deserve." Lack of self love.  4th, 5th
       Osteoporosis Foundation is crumbling; Financial/emotional insecurity .  1st, 3rd
 Bowels Holding on to the past and and that which is done and over with.   1st, 3rd
 Brain Despair leading to denial of self, others and God.   1st, 4th   6th, 7th
Bronchitis Critical, harsh, unloving environment. Needing mother's love.  2nd, 4th
 Bulimia Need to pull in mother's love, finding it repulsive, throw it up. Core of self loathing.  2nd, 3rd, 4th
 Bursitis Suppressing a need to communicate feelings of pain and rage. Feeling misunderstood; Lack of trust.  1st, 3rd, 5th

 Cancer  Anger and hurt repressed by FEAR. Victim, people pleasers, self doubt, shame, lack of power.  3rd, 4th, 5th
 Candida  Distrust; suspicious, angry; unhappy love/sex life.  1st, 3rd
 Canker Sore  Biting back words; lack of communication; Fear.  3rd, 5th
 Carpal-Tunnel Tired, burdened; No longer willing to serve others or to
  participate fully in their own life.   
 2nd, 3rd
 Chills  Needing love, warmth & affection  4th
 Chronic Disorders  Unwilling to let go of the familiar pain in exchange for
 unknown joy. Distrust, fear, rigid.
 1st, 3rd, 4th
 Circulation  Inability to flow with life's up's and down's.  1st, 3rd, 5th
 Colds  Body's need to detoxify; emotional need to rest.  1st, 4th
 Colitis  A painful refusal to let go of past; Fear, feeling a lack of
  everyday type of survival skills.
2nd, 3rd
 Coma  Fear of life, need to run, escape, hide.  1st, 3rd, 4th
 Constipation  Fear/terror of lose; Belief in scarcity; Holding on. Lack of self-love & trust.  1st, 2nd, 3rd
 Cough  Fear of communicating needs and wants.  3rd, 5th
 Cramps  Stress,  nervousness, and/or fear of the future.  2nd, 3rd
 Crying  Releasing toxic emotions, which heals.  3rd, 4th, 5th
 Cysts  Repressing anger and resentments.  1st, 2nd, 3rd

 Death  Going Home  All
Death of a
 loved one
 Grief, fear, anger and/or rage at being left behind, left alone,  left to carry financial burden, etc.  1st, 3rd, 4th
 Depression  Repression of emotions especially rage; helplessness, unable
 to communicate, lack of meaningful love.
 2nd, 3rd, 4th
 Diabetes  Rejecting self; Inability to assimilate life's sweetness," joys
 and love. Overwhelmed by emotions.
 2nd, 4th
 Diarrhea  Fear and/or anger spilling out.  1st, 3rd

 Ears  Receives messages both positive & negative.  5th, 6th
             Ache  "What I hear (feel) hurts me."   Lack of love and  understanding.  4th
             Deafness  Refusal to listen; wanting to be left alone.Lack of love and understanding.  1st, 4th

 Eczema  Repressed hostility; Lack of love.  1st, 3rd, 4th
 Edema  Fears love; imagines a loveless future.     4th
 Elbow  Inflexibility; unable to reach out to give or receive love.  2nd, 4th
 Emphysema  Rejecting the breath of life, lost love (especially maternal).   1st, 2nd, 4th
 Epstein Barr  Belief that one will never be understood, accepted or
completely loved. Fear of love. Tired of the struggles of life.
 3rd, 4th, 5th
 Eyes Ability to see, and respond to, your physical life.    1st to 5th
     Cataracts  Seen enough of life; despondent.  1st, 6th
     Conjunctivitis  Feeling helpless to change what one sees in life, inability to
 trust in self or in divine order
 1st, 4th, 6th
     Crossed Eyes  Unable to see the world as it is.  1st, 4th, 6th
      Farsighted  Unable to face the present; Living in a past or imagined
 3rd, 4th, 6th
      Glaucoma  Defeated by suppressed emotions; Rigid, unable to bend
 or forgive.
 3rd, 4th, 5th
      Nearsighted  Inability to trust; fear of the future.    1st, 3rd, 6th

 Fatigue  No interest, love or joy in life. Tired of the struggle, and fearful of tomorrow.  1st, 4th, 5th,
 Feet  Support & courage for walking forward in life.  1st, 2nd,3rd
   Pigeon Toes  Feeling "out of step"; not at comfortable with life.   2nd, 4th, 6th
 Need to slow down; to rest & regain strength & courage.  1st, 2nd, 6th
 Female  Fear of mother and all things maternal and/or feminine.  2nd, 3rd, 4th
    Breasts  Inability to accept maternal love and or to emotionally nurture self. Overburdened with those who "need".  2nd, 4th
    Lumps  Blocking giving and/or receiving nurturing (maternal) love.  2nd, 4th
  Leukorrhea   Fear and anger towards men; Fear of rejection  2nd, 3rd, 4th
   Menopause  Fear of being unloved and unwanted, repression of creative and/or sexual expression.                                        2nd, 4th
    Menstrual  Feeling dirty, shameful, belief it is painful to be a woman.  2nd, 4th
    Ovaries  Repression of creativity and/or sexual expression  2nd, 3rd
    PMS  Helpless; victim; sees women as weak  1st, 2nd
    Vaginitis  Fear/anger towards men: Fear of rejection.  2nd, 3rd, 4th
 Fever  Anger; need to "burn" life's obstructions.    1st, 3rd
 Fistula  Holding on to past resentment and anger.   1st, 3rd, 5th 
 Flu  Need to rest, slow down,& purge physical & emotional toxins. 1st, 3rd
 Frigidity  Guilt; shame; fear of sexuality; distrust; fear of a wrathful,  judgmental God.      2nd, 4th, 6th

 Gallstones  Critical, bitter, judgmental, rigid. Inability to digest life; suppression of  toxic emotions. 3rd, 5th
 Hay Fever  Victim and/or rejection of life  1st, 4th, 6th
 Headaches  Repressed resentments and/or frustrations.   3rd, 5th, 6th
 Hemorrhoids  Holding in negative emotions; life is a strain.  1st, 2nd, 3rd
 Heart  Center of self love and of others  4th
   Attack  Giving up on love and/or choosing ambition over love; loss of love.  1st, 4th
   Heartburn  Can't "stomach" love; Fear of rejection  3rd, 4th
   Problems  Experience has taught how much love hurts  2nd, 3rd, 4th
 Hemorrhoids  Unable and afraid to let go of what is no longer need.  1st, 3rd
 Hepatitis   Lack of love; Feels inferior; rigid; critical; jealous.  1st, 3rd, 4th
 Herpes       Feels they don't deserve love.  2nd, 3rd, 4th
   Cold Sore  
 Unable to find/create love with others and self, causing them to "bite back" words or frustration and anger.  3rd, 5th,
   Genital   Shame; guilt; creative and sexual repression;  fear of rejection; belief in a wrathful God causing inability to find/create love with others and self, 2nd, 6th
 Hives  Fear of abandonment, and/or need for attention & love  1st, 3rd, 4th
 Hyperglycemia  Inability to cope with life; Deep seated terror.  1st,  3rd
 Hypoglycemia  No "sweetness" in life; Defeated, lost, powerless, fear  1st, 3rd
Impotence Anger at women; refusing to give to women; inability to give or receive love; lack of self love. 2nd, 4th
 Indigestion Refusal to face emotions; fear of self and one's own power 3rd, 4th
 Infection People pleasers; Inability to say no; resentment. 3rd, 5th
 Inflammation Suppressed anger which is surfacing.           1st, 3rd
Ingrown Toenail Fear of success and/or moving forward in life.  1st, 3rd 
 Injuries Self blame and judgment; feeling inadequate; needing to stop life to regroup.  1st, 2nd, 4th
 Insanity Fear of and running from self; inability to feel love 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th
 Insomnia  Fear of self (inner world) and death.   1st, 6th, 7th
 Itching  Need to move forward not sure how; repressing creative and sexual expression. 2nd, 4th, 5th
 Jaundice Unreasonable; can't see another's point of view;  Fear of
being wrong; perfectionist.  
1st, 3rd, 4th
 Jaw  Fear - "Biting back" anger fear, and resentment.    1st, 3rd, 5th
 Kidney  Criticism, rejection, lack of love.   3rd, 4th, 5th
          Stones  Repressed emotions; resentment; powerless  1st, 4th, 5th
 Knee  Ego; foundation for self-love/respect & flexibility in life.     1st
          Problems False pride; low self worth; rigid with fear.   1st, 4th, 5th 

 Laryngitis  Tired & angry; Inability to communicate or be understood.  3rd, 5th
 Left Side of Body     Feminine, maternal, receiving, spiritual.   2nd, 7th
 Leukemia    Defeated, powerless, smothered, overwhelmed. 1st, 3rd, 6th
 Liver  Center of the 3rd Chakra, emotional storage place.   3rd
          Hepatitis  Feels inferior; rigid; critical; jealous.   1st, 3rd, 4th
          Jaundice  Unreasonable; can't see another's point of view; Fear of  being wrong; perfectionist.    1st, 3rd, 4th
          Disorders  Self critical; lack of self-trust and love.  1st, 4th, 5th
 Lungs    Rejecting the breath of life and maternal love; lost love;
deep sadness.
 Lupus Inability to say no; Repressed emotions; Finds merit in
being a martyr.   
 1st, 3rd, 5th

 Migraine      Fear of authority, resisting change, creative and sexual repression.  2nd, 4th, 6th
 Mononucleosis  Giving up; defeated; lack of love.  1st, 2nd, 4th
 Mouth   Center of communication and giving/receiving love.    4th, 5th
 Multiple Sclerosis  Rigid; harsh; self-critical perfectionist; Unable to receive love, so become "people pleasers.".  1st, 4th
 Muscular Dystrophy  Emotional immaturity; impatient; wants/needs other to care for them.  2nd, 4th, 6th

 Nail Biting  Feeling powerless and or out-of-control; Fear of rejection and/or authority. Need to feel protected and nurtured.  1st, 3rd, 6th
 Nausea       Fear of new experiences; or rejecting old experiences.   2nd, 3rd
 Neck     Unwilling to look at new life issues; fear of future.   1st, 5th, 6th
 Feeling powerless, helpless and out of control. Lack of
communication;  Repressed negative emotions.
 1st, 3rd, 4th
 Neuralgia   "It's my fault;" fear of communication. 3rd, 5th 
 Nose     "Filters" emotions; Smells, new or remembered, trigger
   memories and emotions.
        Bleeds  Need for love/support/attention from self/others.   4th, 5th, 6th
        Congested   Need for self love and self esteem.   4th, 5th, 6th
 Numbness  Denying some emotional feeling or experience; look up the physical area that is numb Look up the
physical area

 Pancreas  Denying self happiness, repression of emotions.  3rd, 4th
 Parasites     Victim. "Hosting" other people's problems.  1st, 2nd
 Pituitary  Life feels unmanageable; need spiritual connection.  1st, 6th
 Pneumonia  Need to punish self to deserve love; cry for love.  4th
 Prostate  Pressure to perform; shame of sexuality; tired of giving.       2nd, 4th
 Psoriasis  Fear of rejection/responsibility; repressed emotions.   1st, 3rd

 Rash  Impatience; irritable; undisciplined.  3rd, 5th
 Rheumatism  Rigid; critical; need love from self and others.    3rd, 4th
 Rheumatoid  Arthritis  Fear/hate authority; unwilling to give.  1st, 3rd, 4th
 Right side of Body  Masculine, giving, earthly.  1st to 6th

 Seizures    Severely repressed emotions.  2nd to 6th
Senility  Tired; Loss of identity; Forcing other to care for them.  1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th
 Shingles    Emotionally sensitive, yet lacking the ability to communicate. 3rd, 4th, 5th 
 Snoring  Repressed fear/anger; lack of communication.  3rd, 5th
 Solar Plexus    Center of 3rd Chakra; storage area of emotions.  3rd
 Spleen     Obsessive; compulsive; addictive; Low self-worth.  1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th
 Sprain    Reluctant to move forward; need a rest.  1st, 6th
 Sterility    Repressed creative and/or sexual energy.  2nd
 Stroke .  Rigid; fear and opposition to making changes  1st, 3rd, 6th
 Stuttering  Fear and anger; won't communicate with self or others.  1st, 3rd, 5th
 Stress/anxiety  Lack of trust in self & others; "I'll do it myself," attitude.   3rd, 4th, 5th 
 Syphilis  See Venereal Disorders  

 Teeth    How we assimilate life  2nd, 3rd, 5th
      Gums     Inability to speak up or make life choices.  1st, 5th
      Pyorrhea  Lack of self acceptance; inability make choices.  1st, 3rd, 6th
      Root Canal  Core (root) beliefs are reluctantly released."No pain nogain," attitude.     1st, 3rd, 6th
 Testicles    Feelings of masculine identity and responsibilities.  1st, 2nd
 Throat Sore .    Swallowing emotions/words  3rd, 5th
 Thymus   Feeling vulnerable; needing love from self and others.  1st, 4th
 Thyroid    Victim; sees life as unfair; unable to communicate.  1st, 5th
 Tinnitus  Won't listen to self, others or own intuition.  5th, 6th
 Tonsillitis  Repressed emotions; won't/can't speak up for self.  3rd, 5th
 Tuberculosis  Self centered; possessive; Needing feminine/motherly love.  3rd, 4th
 Tumors  Resentments; sorrow; lack of love  3rd, 4th

 Ulcer   Distrust of self & others; critical; perfectionist.    1st, 4th
 Urinary      Problems Critical; blaming to others to avoid self examination.  2nd, 4th, 5th
 Varicose Veins     Overwhelmed; unable to move forward.  1st, 4th

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way