Blessings to you! Blessings to you!


You can find an index to
the Chakras and each one's individual
correspondence tables (also images) here.
It should open in a seperate window.

Chakras are energy centers in the body. Above you can see the 7 chakras on the diagram.

Nearly every major culture that you can think of, at one time or another, has had a similar way of treating illness or imbalances in the human body. The Lifeforce, Prana, Qi, Ki & Chi are just a few of the names that have been used, universally, for what most consider our subtle energys. There is also a universal belief that illness, either mental, physical or emotional, is caused by a lack or imbalance of this energy.

We are made up of four bodies: the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual . All but our " physical body" is often called the aura. (The auras surround the entire body.) Within these subtle bodies are energy vortexes that are referred to as " Chakras", which is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel". (The chakras are pinpointed as "inside" the aura and the body.) Chakras correlate with certain major acupuncture points, and so some think of these points as tiny chakras. There are many chakras in the human body, but we will be studying the 7 Major ones.

It is generally thought that if one chakra is out of balance, then you are ill or unhappy etc, so the idea here is to find out about each chakra & to what body parts each is applied. This way, you can soon be on your way to improved health, spiritually & physically & emotionally.

As a person, you are made up of two major parts, your body & your soul. For a person to be healthy, both of these must be in balance. Your body will not remain at it's best if your soul or spirit is depressed. People that go through major depressive episodes tend to either overeat or not eat much of anything at all as long as the depression continues. Likewise, if you are ill, say with influenza or even something worse, then you ache all over, possibly feel weak, & generally get all down & out because everything hurts, you may be missing work or play, etc. For both body & soul to remain healthy, there must be a balance somewhere between the two.

Now as I said, your chakras are energy centers on your body. Considering for a moment just what each energy center relates to might help you put the correlations together. Below in the chart, you will see how each chakra relates to certain areas of the body or the spirit. These can be likened to other things that you know about your body. For instance, we know that our body is made up of several different "man-named systems" such as the circulatory system, the lymphatic, nervous,& reproductive systems etc. So perhaps, knowing this, you may find it easier to relate each chakra or energy center to a portion of the human body.

1st Chakra: (Root) Relates to: Anus, Rectum, Colon, Adrenals.
2nd Chakra: Sexual) Relates to: Pelvic cavity/area, Reproductive system, Ovaries, Prostate, Testicles.
3rd Chakra: (Solar Plexus) Relates to: Abdominal area, Spleen, Navel, Digestive system.
4th Chakra: (Heart) Relates to: Thorasic cavity, Heart, Ribcage, Lungs,Thymus.
5th Chakra: (Throat) Relates to: Throat, Voice, Neck, Thyroid, Para-thyroid.
6th Chakra: (Third Eye/Psychic Center) Relates to: Third eye, Higher brain centers, Pituitary.
7th Chakra (Crown) Relates to: Crown, Highest brain centers, Pineal.

1.) Root Chakra: psychic smell. The first chakra is the physical body, survival.

2.)Spleen or Sexual Chakra: psychic taste. The second chakra is sex and creativity.

3.) Solar Plexus: psychic sight . The third chakra is the feeling center or ego. It is the center of will power & self-esteem.

4.) Heart Chakra: psychic touch. The fourth chakra is love, unconditional acceptance, compassion, & healing.

5.)Throat Chakra: psychic hearing. The fifth chakra is the communication center, ideas, beliefs.

6.)Third Eye: psychic center The sixth chakra is the self awareness and psychic awareness center or "image" center.

7.)Crown Chakra: Spiritual Center. The seventh center is the cosmic awareness center.

Be sure to check the "Associated Colors" section before going into in healing methods. This section is important in knowing what to do. The associate colors are the colors you use to heal with sometimes. For instance, if a person has a fever, this conditon is considered "hot", so you wouldn't use red. Blue or green would be the best choices because they have a cooling effect. This chart will help if you get stuck. If the chakra is yellow, but the patient has too much yellow or an overactive chakra, then you wouldn't throw more yellow at them, but an associate color, depending on what you are working on. NOW READ THIS CAREFULLY!!---> If I take care of my body, or each energy center/chakra in turn, then that also takes care of my heart,..... which takes care of all my major blood vessels..... And then those blood vessels carry blood all the way around my body ........and feed my skin & hair along the way, until finally, once again, .......we come back through the heart & to a healthy body. Likewise if I take care of my spirit to the best of my ability, (perhaps through meditation etc) then body & soul remain in balance & both remain relatively healthy.

If something stops or damages one of the above things, like say, a clogged artery or a virus in the blood, then it causes an "imbalance" for the remaining "body parts" or areas of the chakras. When I am out of balance, my body definitely knows it! So, in essence, you will find that all the different areas of your body relates to one of the chakras. Consider it a map of the human body & soul.


Your health, anyone's health for that matter, works on the basic principle that if the physical body, emotional/mental body, & spiritual/astral body are all healthy, then you are healthy too. Correct?

Now let's look at an example. We are going to diagnose what is wrong with this person:
Bob awakens one day & hops out of bed with a big smile on his face, all cheery-eyed & bubbling over with happiness. One would assume that his "bodies/chakras" are in perfect balance. This is not the case here, however.

Now let's imagine Bob running downstairs in his house and entering the kitchen. He sits down with a big smile still on his face and busily begins eating his breakfast. He stays that way, seemingly happy & contented, until a sudden loud noise causes him to jump straight up from his chair & huddle down in the nearest corner, shaking with fear. What on earth just happened here? Why would a person suddenly huddle in the corner like a frightened child just because of a loud noise in his vicinity?

Obviously, something is wrong here. An unreasonable fear of loud noises caused by something in the past most likely. Perhaps being shot at & not knowing who or why? Perhaps an intruder broke into Bob's house & in the course of things not only hurt his family but played russian roulette with Bob as well. It could be that his sixth chakra, his higher brain center, is out of balance. (Check the page for all the correspondents on the 6th chakra.)

To balance this chakra, there are many things that could be done. Overcoming the fear would be one. Meditation concentrated on the colors indigo or violet is said to help balance this third chakra. Sometimes for particular problems, hypnosis or accupressure is applied. Therapy with a qualified psychiatrist may help as well. Or just talking it out with another could also be beneficial.

More often than not, problems with this chakra can cause related problems as well such as stomach problems, which then leads to another chakra being out of balance, the 3rd, the solar plexus. Why would you have problems here, you ask? (Okay, so I'm asking for you. lol!) Because this chakra is the one that works around your digestive system. Stomach ailments are quite common with emotional distress. It also addresses issues of personal power since no one likes being out of control of their emotions or personal situations.

As I have said, there are many ways to balance each chakra, but for now let's try focusing on meditation. You will find an exercise for this below. It will help teach you how it is done & what corresponds to each chakra.

Each individual chakra will help you identify which area is out of sync and what correspondents will be beneficial. You must now apply serious energy to yourself, or someone else, to help heal & balance.

This is not a reason to "not" go to the doctors, by the way. Don't use it as a path to stupidity, please. Sometimes, doctors have the remedies to put these chakras back on track, so you may have to use them. Not everyone has equal abilities to heal themselves through meditation. It takes lots of work & lots of practice & determination. You should also take a look at the page discussing AURAS. In the meantime, check out this bit of meditation/visualization. Also, if you wish, you may go into the Chakra discussion a little deeper & learn how it compares to chi etc & much more, although it is not necessary for you to continue. See Going a Little Deeper.

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