The Chakras and Your Auras

Going a Little Deeper

East Indian philosophy teaches that we possess seven major *Chakras* or psychic centers on the body. Each of these forms a bridge, connecting the four bodies (ie. spiritual, mental, astral, and physical) together. .

Chakras correlate with major acupuncture points along the 'governing vessel meridian' (acupuncture term). The seven major chakras are connected together by three major nadies. The middle nadi is called *sushumna* and it has neutral characteristics. The nadi on the left (ie. nearest your left hand) is the *ida* nadi which has yin characteristics. On the other side of sushumna (nearest your right hand) is the *pingala* nadi, having yang qualities. Now it is in your best interest to discover what each chakra means and governs . Being as each one corresponds to a place on your body, when that chakra (whichever one you pick of 7) becomes blocked or out of balance, then our physical and emotional, and sometimes even spiritual "bodies" will behave negatively. But "knowing" what part of yourself must be worked on to attain alignment or as some refer to it, balance will even the odds of recuperation greatly.

Oh yeah, (*rolls eyes*) not that again! Yes, whether one understands the general principles of the chakras is important insomuch as it relates to how you feel, think, act; it relates to your health. Your health, anyone's health for that matter, works on the basic principle that if the physical body, emotional/mental body, & spiritual/astral body are all healthy, then so are you. Correct?

Now for a more "in detail" explanation: Recall, if you will, our discussions on the spirit. The spirit is in essence our brains and our heart. It is what makes! It is what you think and feel! It is our own personal energy. Recall if you will, how I explained that we can record brain/thought waves and also heart rhythms. Thus if it can be recorded, it obviously must be something of substance. Something "real". Real as in your life force. Your energy. Your health. The chakra is an excellent way to explain just exactly how this vast amount of energy works and how we can begin to tap into it.

The word chakra means wheel, and originally referred to a chariot wheel. Later it became known as the "wheel of light". The seven chakras were first described nearly 2600 years ago, in sacred texts known as the Upanishads. It has been noted that the seven energy centers described in these ancient texts actually have a basis in anatomy. In fact, they correspond to five main nerve ganglia of the spinal column and two areas of the brain (upper and lower). As a result, it can be said that they truly are "energy centers".

Having one or more chakras out of balance, can often lead to physical, emotional or mental disease. Keeping our chakras aligned and filled with harmony can in turn lead us to astate of health and balance which can vastly improve our lives in a multitude of ways.

Take this for an example: If the heart chakra becomes unbalanced, then the person may have a problem forming good relationships with loved ones, or it may leave him feeling little empathy for his fellow humans. Or it could cause one to become way too emotional, and take things too personally, which usually leads to unnecessary suffering and worry.

Recent medical evidence reports that people living happy lives have a decreased incidence of coronary heart disease, thus proving that a happy heart is a healthier heart! Studying the differences between the relationships of our subtle bodies and our physical bodies can help us to lead happier and fuller lives, as well as enjoy increaing good health.

Keeping the chakras in balance is said to promote general health and well-being by ensuring the free flow of energy or qi (chee), throughout the body Qi is known by many different names. You may have heard it called some of the names listed here. It is known as Chi { Chinese }, prana { Hindu }, orgone { Wilhelm Reich }, , or vril { German }. These are all names that have been used to represent our life energy, the energy that flows through our physical and subtle {or nonphysical } bodies. This energy is extremely important in magick.. It flows throughout the body via the meridians, kundalini, and chakras. Understanding of the Chakra can help us get better results, live better lives. Blockages in the flow of this vital energy will eventually result in mental, emotional, and/or physical illness. By removing them and maximizing the energy flow, we enable body, mind, and spirit to function at it's optimal level.

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