Making Choices: Do I or Don't I?

Making Choices in Magick
Choosing not to act

According to most Wiccan religions, you can never perform magick on someone without permission. This must be a rule of the new ages or times because I did not learn this back in the olde days, although "permission" may be nice at times, if it is possible to obtain it. (Recall please, that I did not grow up "Wiccan" per se. I was raised in the Craft by a Celtic group ( my family) from Ireland and Scotland.) Note: Sometimes we must make choices in life and this is both in and outside of any and all religions in our everyday walks of life. Sometimes we must choose not to "act" in a given situation because although it may seem like an answer to the problem, perhaps there is another answer that would be best.

For instance,( and realize now that this is merely my viewpoint from a Celtic Practitioner's standpoint, and from my own experiences in life) if you decide that you just must rid your friend (or whoever) of the desire to drink because he/she is an alcoholic, this may not always be the best possible course of action. Why? An alcoholics will is super strong when it comes to that bottle. The person afflicted with the need for alcohol is definitely going to resist your efforts, which may seem paltry in the end, because we each must make our own choices. Free will is for us all, not just for you. He or she must actively "make their own choice". Otherwise, the intention will fail before it even starts. You can not impose your will on someone who is fighting you every step of the way. You might try. But I can tell you that you are wasting your time. You actually shouldn't attempt to change anyone unless they want to be changed. Then you may "help" them but you can not do it for them. In other words, they've already "directed' their own energy and atoms in the direction that they want them to go, so don't waste your time.

A better course of action might be to direct your own energy to help yourself deal with the problem. Perhaps you are too weak to just "leave" when it comes to a spouse, yet you know that you will be miserably hurt if you stay. This is where that energy must go. You can "magick" yourself into it by visualizing what your life could be like if you took a stand. Realise that as long as you are in this negative situation that you have "NO" control. It's being dramatically wasted on useless problems. Meditate. Visualize. Cry if you have to but "talk" yourself into it out loud. Hear yourself grieve, get angry, get determined. Do your stuff, but make it happen because this is what you really want. Besides he or she won't get better if you coddle them or play along. Take it from a pro. They've got to go!! And you've got to stop wasting your time and "ENERGY" on useless problems. Choosing "Not to Act" is your best bet in some situations.

Making Choices in Magick
Choosing t to act Without Permission

Now for another type of problem. As I stated, most Wiccans say that you must always get permission before doing magick on anyone, but this is not always feasible and I did not learn it this way. (Celtic perspective) It is, however, a nice thought, and I'd do it myself, if it were possible, but as we all know, it may not always be possible. For example, let's say that you are on a road trip (this happened to me...heh) and you came across a person that was unconscious and appeared to be dying of heart failure at a roadside stop. Many Wiccans say that they'd have to walk on by rather than give CPR, because they are unable to get the person's permission to help them -- and for all they know the person might want to die or it might just be his time. This is unneccessary.

Number one, even if you do believe in the three-fold law, which as you know, I do not, what will it hurt if "saving a life" comes back to you 3 times? Personally, I could use some extra lives, lol...

Number two: What if he DID NOT want to die and had a family that would be turned out into the streets if he did & could no longer support his motherless kids? But then, you can't ask him, can you?

(Okay, so we're pretending this part. heh...) You could help him and he would be eternally grateful. But what if you had passed him up and he had died? Wouldn't you be turned out into the streets or something equally bad because your decision "not to act" caused ill effects on those poor now motherless AND fatherless children? I mean, damn, you couldn't have known, so does this let you off the hook for inaction. NO! it does not. You can't have it both ways. Hey, YOU did it that way. It's your own fault. You "chose' not to help.

Asking is not always possible or even feasible. Make the choice yourself and be brave enough to live with it because in the end you are going to be the one living with those consequences, no matter who makes the choices. Good or bad...if you do your very best to do a "good" thing, then the Laws of Cause and Effect", The Three-fold Law, or whatever you go by, is not going to be able to harm you because it is your "intent behind the weapon" that is in question. Nothing else. ( I do suggest getting permission if you can though, just as a nicety.) We are not christians, remember? No personal floggings or fear here, please. It is pointless. Now if you've done your very best to do the right thing, whether you "asked' or not, then go do something useful and stop worrying. It's enough! ~~

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

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