Purpose: To cleanse yourself in preparation for each ritual. For cleansing away negativity.
Tools needed: Container filled with salt water I greet thee, Lady. It is time to draw down the moon as the gracious Mother has directed shall be done once each month. I call upon thee Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all that is fruitful, by seed and root, by leaf and flower and fruit, in the fullness of the Moon do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this thy servant. I call upon thee O Great Father, Sun and Consort of the Mother, who brings her light and warmth. Come forth Mighty Horned One. Live now within the body of thy servant. Anoint forehead with salt water I cleanse my thoughts that they might be pure and honest - grant that they always be pleasing to the God and Goddess. I cleanse my voice that all that I say might be for good and naught for ill or harm. I cleanse my heart that it might be open, giving, and full of light. Grant that I might give freely of my love and care to others. I cleanse my hands that I might use them for workings of good, to help and never to harm. I cleanse my feet that they might take me far in life, that my journeys may be filled with love, light, peace and the joy of the Goddess and God. You may now either perform your magick or if you use this simply for cleansing, then it is time to release the circle and thank the God and Goddess. |