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The Crown Chakra, at the top of the head or crown, (baby's soft spot) corresponds to the color white or light violet. This chakra is our umbilical cord to "God." It symbolizes wisdom, spirituality and a universal connection. This is the ultimate center and it connects you directly to the Goddess. This center balances all the others, integrates all polarities, and is all-pervasive in its strength and power. It affects the development of psychic abilities and spiritual attainment.

The "sahasrara chakra" as it is called is the source of divine energy and self realisation. Attuned, it opens us to divine energy and we can gain total access to the unconscious. We can transcend the laws of nature, and become the miracle worker. This chakra is spiritual, faithful, peaceful, refined, joyful, grateful and with a great love of beauty.

When balanced, it governs the connection to cosmic consciousness ,spiritual wisdom, aspirations, and knowledge of the truth. It is a source of divine awareness and there is now compassion with a connection to the supreme power. At this same time, the energy often reverses when in tune and radiates brilliance. We experience enlightenment. This is Sahasrara, The Seventh Chakra.

Yet an imbalance of this chakra disrupts or prevents flow of spiritual energy altogether. Life now becomes stagnant and meaningless. All possibilities for spiritual growth will cease and the physical body will eventually die when this chakra is blocked for too long. These negative aspects cause depression, intensely erotic fantasies, a feeling of being misunderstood, feelings of shame, low self image and self-esteem, and an inability to maintain relationships. This person often appears egotistical, disconnected and boring, yet he actually remains in a constant state of self-denial with an excessive, almost obssesive need for sympathy.

When there is a blockage, it makes us loose our connection with the spirit and we often drift about aimlessly and afraid. There is no longer even a tiny spark of fun or joy in our lives; we are nearly catatonic and cannot make decisions. There is also a lack of memory and diminished concentration.

When overactive, this chakra feels: a keen sense of frustration, unrealised power, depression, destructive, frequent migraines, sometimes distant, full of despair, and egotistical. Many times there is a problem with alcohol abuse.

Underactive energy in this chakra leaves us feeling misunderstood, shameful, in self denial, with a negative self-image and often lacking in tenderness. A person with an underactive imbalance is seen as cold and non-feeling, frigid, impotent yet frustrated with the world. Hiding it, is what they do best at this stage by overcompensating and that is why the ego gets in the way. They are afraid of what others will say or think.

Yet when this seventh center is in tune, a person is totally in sync with the body-mind-spirit connection. The gift of clairsentience or "knowing" extends from here. Brain function is at its healthiest. Focus is clear and physical energy is strong.

Sahasrara relates to the element of thought, and the colors are violet or white. This chakra is associated with the pineal gland, right brain hemisphere and cerebral cortex (outer layer of the brain), right eye and right side of face.

View Crown Meditation Window

Violet - Corresponds to the chakra at the top of the head; the crown chakra, and is ruled by the Moon. It is not for the undeveloped mind due to the subtlety of it's vibrations, and is well-suited to the temperments of artists, musicians, writers, and other creative people. It is credited with purifying the blood and alleviating tumors. It also regulates the potassium balance in the system and is considered antiseptic for negative spiritual conditions (psychosomatic disorders). Too much violet is said to result in arrogance or treachery so be careful in doling it out. Violet can be used for depression, migraines, baldness and dandruff. Use this color instead of red for highly strung people and those with neurotic behaviour.The image in nature to focus on is mountain tops.

Location: Top of the Head
Color: Violet, White
Number: 7
Element: Ether. spirit

To Balance this Chakra: Meditation, guided
visualization, energy work.

Sense: Pervading peace.
Musical Note: B
Mantra: aum , ee as in bee
Essential Oils: Lavender, clary sage, juniper, rosewood
Gems: sugulite,tanzanite, moonstone, amethyst, clear quartz,
fluorite, clear calcite, diamond, Herkimer diamond, charoite,
clear and rutile quartz, phenacite, and opal.

Overactive energy: destructive, unrealized power
Underactive energy: can't make up mind, there's no spark

Healing: Nerves, Stress, Confusion, Neurosis, Bones, Insomnia
Gland: Pineal
Organs: Right brain, Right Eye, Pineal, pituitary,
nervous system, brain

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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way 2000