Here's to you and here's to me
I pray that friends we'll always be,
But if by chance we disagree,
The heck with you and here's to me!


Crown Chakra Meditation

Now we are going to focus on the Crown Chakra. Ready? Lie or sit in a relaxed and comfortable position. Your spine should be straight and your head in alignment with your body. Eye closed.

Begin your breathing exercise. Breathe in deeply several timesthrough your nose and when you begin to exhale , envision all the negative energy leaving and feel the peacefulness taking over. Relax and breathe in and out naturally. Now take a moment to ground yourself here in this moment, in this body, in this place, in this time......Take some deep breaths....In.... and out....In....and out....Follow the breath as it flows toward your nostrils, as it enters your nose, as it fills your lungs and then as it is expelled. That's it, just relax into this quiet moment. Breathe in...follow your breath... and out. In....and out.

Focus your attention on your Crown Chakra, at the crown of your head. This chakra is violet in color near the body, fading to white further away. This chakra governs your connection to the universe and your Creator... This chakra is similar to an umbilical cord to "home." Located at the top of the head, this is where all knowledge from the Universe is drawn to. This is where the manifestation of the information from the "third eye" gathers. If this chakra is blocked. it renders you incapable of drawing upon the sources of knowledge. It is in this state that perception is altered. This is where the interconnecting relationships that exist between all things is acquired.

Reflect on your spirituality. Now examine this chakra and allow any healing necessary. Gently allow your invisible hands to cleanse and purify this chakra and when finally finished, release any tensions, imperfections or impurities into a garbage bin and put the lid on it.

Next throw that garbage away, hurl it into the sun hard and fast and watch as it travels through space. Send the impurities into the universe for recycling. Now look at this chakra. It is brilliantly violet, glowing white around the edges. Mentally reach out to that which you consider your "God" or the Universe. Feel the energy flow towards you. Ask for a strong crown chakra connection. See the crown chakra grow enormous, and the white energy surround your body. You are now completely revitalized, calm, and peaceful. Your energy is balanced.

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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way