Blessings to you! Blessings to you!

The Craft


Altar - usually a raised structure with a flat surface 
which serves as an area for ritual worship. Used to contain
items for consecration and offering. An altar can be made
anytime or anyplace that is suitable to the practitioner.

Amulet - a charm often inscribed with a
magick incantation or symbol for
protection or aid. Wards off negative
energies or thought forms.

Ankh - A cross having a "looped" vertical arm.
It is an Egyptian symbol for
Life, Love and Reincarnation.

Arcane - hidden, secret, mysterious;

Astral - a higher, parallel dimension of
reality. Achieved through meditation
and reaching a higher state of consciousness.

Banish - to  drive out, ward off,  rid  yourself
of the presence of unwanted energies

Belief System - a persons personal journey. One
of three aspects of self, the other
two being emotion and thought.

Bind - to restrain or confine something or someone.

Book of Shadows - a personal collection of notes, spells, recipes and information from a practitioner of the Craft.

Burning Times - This phrase calls to mind a 
historical time around 1000 CE through the 17th
 century when it is said that over nine million 
 people were tortured and burned by  the church
 and public officials due to the charge of
 "Witchcraft". This was  a moneymaker  for 
 the accusers and the churches,  because the 
 land and property of the accused was seized
 and distributed between the two.  Unfortunately,
  the majority of those tortured and  murdered
 were woman and children. 

Call - to invoke or petition the Divine for help

Chakras - Seven major energy centers
found in the human body, each
associated with a specific color.

Channelling- Anything that functions
as a carrier of vibrations and ideas.

Charge - to magickally imbue with power,
whether a person, place or thing

Charms -Items, such  as amulets and talismans 
magickally charged for a specific purpose

Cleanse - to remove negative energy
from a person, place or thing usually by
endowing with positive, psychic energies.

Conditioning -to force the acceptance by the
unconscious of a belief, emotion or thought.

Consecrate - to bless an object or
by "charging" with positive energy.

Coven - a collection of individuals 
working together, 
often worshipping together,
using magick, performing rituals.

Deosil - Clockwise movement. Most rituals
 and ceremonies, even spells, call 
for deosil movement.

Divination - the magickal art of discovering the
unknown, the past, present and future
through the use of tools
and symbols such as Runes, Tarot, etc

Earth Magick - magick system that utilizes the
powers and "elements" of
Mother Earth

Earth Mother - female aspect of the universal
conscious mind

Elements - Modern:  the Earth, Air, Water and Fire 
Ancient: Land, Skye, Sea
and its corresponding directions of
North, East, West, and South.

Enchant - to influence by  charms  and incantations, 
to attract and move deeply.

Enlighten - the effect that occurs when unconscious
forgotten awareness is re-remembered.

Evil Eye - the mythical glance that could cast
evil (bad energies) upon another.

Evoke - to call or conjure from within yourself.

Grimoire - A record of  rituals, spells, etc. It 
contains magickal workings and observations.

High Priestess - a female that is devoted to her own
chosen deities. Usually the head female
member of a coven. Chief representative of
the Goddess energies at rituals.

High Priest - a male that is devoted to his own
chosen deities. Usually the head male
member of a coven. Chief representative of
the God energies at rituals.

Intention -One's  Purpose,  Aim, or  End 
type of energy and belief that initiates
movement, action and experience:
the most important factor in the
experiencing of reality.

Intuition - the automatic discernment.
The "power" of knowing without conscious reasoning.

 Kabalah - (spelled many ways). The
 ancient Hebrew  magickal system.

Macrocosm - the world around us. 

Metaphysics -the philosophy of  studying the 
ultimate cause and underlying nature of things

Microcosm - the world within us.

Mysticism - a belief that direct knowledge of
spiritual truth or ultimate reality can be
attained through intuition, insight or divination.

Pentacle - a magickal symbol consisting of a 
5-pointed star, each corresponding to the elements
of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit
connected by a continuous line.

Psychic - lying outside the sphere of physical
science or knowledge: sensitive to
nonphysical influences and perceptions

Psychometry - ability to obtain paranormal
information from touching, or holding an object.

Ritual - an established order of words and/or
actions for ceremonies in magickal workings.

Scrying - a method of divination using tools
such as bowls or mirrors in which the
seer "sees" information.
Nostradamus used this form.

Spell - an act of a wishful desire, a need put
into words and either written, spoken aloud,
thought, danced or all of the above in
which full mental energy is used.

Talisman - a magickally "charged" object to bring
favor to the holder/wearer, similar
to the amulet.

Telepathy - communication from one mind
to another with a vibrational frequency
instead of through normal channels

Widdershins - Counterclockwise motion used
 in some magickal workings or  ceremonies.

Will - the conscious control the higher level
has over the psychic mind. "That sum
of psychic energy that is disposable
to consciousness".

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Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way