The Druid Months
Maghieden (mohg hee' dhen):
Maghieden is the beginning month in the Celtic lunar calendar. It begins five days after Samhain and lasts until the next full moon (thus, it is also the shortest month of the year). Maghieden is known as a time for journeys & as the Birthing Moon, a time of beginnings. The patron deity for the month of Maghieden is Akurime.
Maghieden is from October 11 to November 3. (harvest Moon)
Oveanh (oo vin'):
Oveanh is the second month in the Celtic calendar. It is also known as the Sleeping Moon, and is a time for thought and contemplation. The patron deity for this month is Machiea.
Oveanh is from November 4 (full moon) to December 2nd.(Dark Moon)
Hunlidh (hün' lee):
Hunlidh is the third month of the year. It is called the Dreaming Moon & is a good time for resting. The first day of Hunlidh (full moon) is when the Celts celebrate Yule. The patron deity for this month is Kreaheg.
Hunlidh is from December 3 (full moon/Yule) to December 31.(Cold Moon)
Llianth(th ee' ahnth):
Llianth is the fourth month of the year. It is also known as the Poet's Moon & is a time for peace, creativity, and inspiration. The patron deity of Llianth is Brighid.
Llianth is from January 1 to January 30. (Quiet Moon)
Carmoil (kar moy' l):
Carmoil is the fifth month & is known as the Waking Moon. It is a good time for dancing and challenges. The first day of Carmoil (full moon) is when the Celts celebrated Imbolc. This month's patron deity is Goibhnu.
Carmoil is from January 31(Imbolc) to March 1.(Moon of Ice)
Haemgild (hayeem' gilt):
Haemgild is the sixth month of the year & also known as the Planting Moon. It is a time for growth and emergence. The patron deity for Haemgild is Kairn.
Haemgild is from March 2 to March 30.
Gidhet (gee eht'):
Gidhet is the seventh month of the year, and also known as the Flower Moon. It is considered a good time for carving and craftsmanship. The first day of Gidhet (full moon) is when the Celts celebrated Beltane. The patron detiy for this month is Oghami.
Gidhet is from March 31 (Beltane) to April 29.(Moon of Winds)
Duharkat (dwâr kît'):
Duharkat is the eighth month & is called the Cattle Moon. It is a good time for celebrations, parties, and raids. Duharkat's patron deity is Eposia.
Duharkat is from April 30 to May 29.(Growing Moon)
Rodlima (rud lee may'):
Rodlima is the ninth month of the year, known as the Bird Moon. It is a time for births. The first day of this month (full moon) is when the Celts celebrated Midsummer . The patron deity for Rodlima is Tasimea.
Rodlima is from May 30 (Midsummer) to June 27.(Bright Moon)
Bemgusith (bem güs' eeth):
This is the tenth month which is called the Battle Moon, and is considered a time for war. The month's patron deity is Rusidheumidd.
Bemgusith is from June 28 to July 27.(Moon of Horses)
Culendom (cu' lin dum):
This is the eleventh month & called the Harvest Moon. It is a time of reaping and fruition. The first day of Culendom (full moon) is when the Celts celebrated Harvest or Lughnasadh . The patron deity for the month of culendom is Haskiti.
Culendom is from July 28 (Harvest) to August 27.(Moon of Claiming)
Alverci (al ver' see):
This is the twelfth month & can also be called the Artist Moon or Raining Moon. It is the time of wind and rain. The patron deity for this month is Basihea.
Alverci is from August 28 to September 24.(Dispute Moon)
Shar'tanog (shar' tuh näg'):
This is the thirteenth and last month & is also called the Dying Moon. It is a time of sleep, endings, and death. Laknois is the patron deity for this month
Shar'tanog is from September 25 to October 23.(Singing Moon)
Uenicar (oo' ni kar):
Uenicar is the No-Time between years & lasts from October 25 to October 29. This is the in between time of the year, a time of change and settling. (Dead Moon) |
Below in the chart, you will find the names and meanings for each of the Celtic months in Scots Gaelic. They are slightly different then those of the Irish gaelic. You can see that for yourself here:
Different Celtic Languages
an t-Samhain - (samh, "sleep or ghost") - November
an Dubhlachd - (dubh, "black or dark") - December
an Faoilleach - (faol, "wolf") - January
an Gearran - (gearr, "rabbit") - February
am Mart - (mart, "cow") - March
na Giblean - (gibleid, "scraps, bits") - April
an Ceitean - (ceatha, "showers") - May
an t-Ogmhios - (Ogma = og, "young", mios, "month") - June
an t-Iuchar - (Jupiter = iuchair = eochair, "keys") - July
an Lugnasdai - (Lugh = lug, "lynx") - August
an t-Sultain - (suil, "eye") - September
an Damhair - ( damh, "stag") - October
And below, you will find the quadrants/elements named as well, just for your convenience.
The Four Quadrants:
North, Fal (Conflict)
South, Goire (Harmony)
East, Finn (Creation)
West, Muir (Regeneration)