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Here's to you and here's to me
I pray that friends we'll always be,
But if by chance we disagree,
The heck with you and here's to me!

Earth Visualization

Many times, when we do earth magick, it is because we need grounding or stability. Earth is the foundation of all the elements. Everything that we do is obviously done upon the earth and yet it is the element that we most take for granted. It rules the most mundane aspects of our lives such as sleeping, eating, working, playing, raising families etc. All these things are necessary to our existence. Earth is foundation, balance, perseverence, and focus. It is the most stable of the elements, but when it is taken to extremes, it can also be inertia, resistance to change, unreasoning stubbornness, and a lack of imagination. Earth gives us all a sense of security, and the ability to focus and concentrate. Earth's colors are black, brown, green, and white.

For this exercise, we will need to go outside and find a nice quiet place where we won't be disturbed and plant ourselves on the ground. Make yourself comfortable. You should lie down for this one so check out the spot you pick for ants etc. Wear shorts or as little clothing as possible so that your body can "touch" the earth. You can even go skyclad if you wish, but I am not advising it' seeing as how you can get arrested these days for things like that. Shorts and a tank top will do just fine. In Winter, you will want to stay warm, so this exercise may be difficult, but you can try to work around it. Dress warmly but use loose clothing if it's cold. If it is feezing outside, wait until warmer weather. We don't want you to get sick.

Quarter: North
Quarter Candle: Green
Chakra Candle: Red
Chakra: Perineum
Idea: Grounding
Visualization: Red Cube

Earth Magick in volves night, midnight, winter, riches, treasures, surrendering self-will, touch, empathing, incorporation, business, prosperity, employment, stability, success, fertility, money, business, and prosperity in all its forms. Earth governs tree, knot, and stone magick.

Now let's begin. Stretch your body out on the ground and close your eyes. Make yourself aware of it beneath you by grasping handfuls of grass with your fingers or dirt if that's what you have chosen. Meditate on the feeling of the coolness in your hands and visualize your hands becoming one with the earth. See the roots coming out of the earth and watch them come up and twine their cool fingers through yours and then entwine all around your body. Feel the stability of being held in the arms of the earth.

Remember that the earth is your Mother and that there is nothing to fear. This is where you came from. You were born here. Now you are once more back in the loving arms of Mother Nature herself. Take a calming breath. Inhale, exhale. Again. Now you are going to see yourself growing roots in return, starting with your hair. (If you have no hair, you are going to see yourself grow some.) FEEL. Feel it growing longer and longer until it grows right down into the ground.

Now feel the skin on your body begin to tingle and watch as your hands and feet also begin to sprout roots that will slowly, slowly seep into the ground. You are embracing Nature and are unafraid. This is the safest place on the earth to be right now.

Breathe in and out, becoming aware of Nature's breath all around you and listen to her sounds. Can you hear her whisper your name on the breezes? Are the birds chirping? Can you smell the earthy scents of the grass and dirt? Your body is now going to become heavy. Heavy and even more heavy like the dirt on the ground. Pretend for a moment that you are just a huge mound of grass and dirt and allow your limbs to dig in even deeper. FEEL the earth with your whole body. You are becoming earth and are growing heavier and heavier.

Continue doing this until you feel yourself sinking to just below the surface. Do not panic. You are becoming one with the earth and you will feel safe and cool and content. There is nothing to fear. You will feel as if this is where you belong. You are now Earth and earth is you. Relax and take a deep breath. As you inhale and exhale, meditate on what you feel. Let it embrace you and when you feel quite content, you will slowly begin to unentwine yourself and drift back to the surface. The roots are pulling in and you are beginning to feel much lighter. Release the earth and now open your eyes. You are finished. Blessed Be!

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way