Elemental Healing


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Elemental Healing

While using colors to heal, you can also use the elements and their correspondences as well, and vice versa. Just be sure to remember that when you do any kind of healing work, you must "Know not only how, but also why and when and where" about what you are doing. You must be precise and make sure you are not doing more harm than good. Do not forget to advise your patient if necessary to see a physician. Each healer will find that they have certain talents they excel in and regardless of how great you are in this art, you are not a god or goddess. Do not take chances with someones health. You may perform your healing along with a doctors treatment just as well, perhaps better. It is extremely self-centered to disregard your patients needs in favor of your own ego.

The elemental forces each have their own color and associations. It is important to note that the Celts had different color associations from Wicca or traditional witchcraft when it came to the elements. In celtic magick, North was black; South was white; West was grey; And East was red. In the correspondence tables below are the colors associated with Wicca and Traditional.

The Elemental Earth colors are dark green, black and brown. Its direction is North. This element deals in concrete, practical matters; Wisdom, practicality, symbols, ritual, ceremony, materialism and prosperity, sacred knowledge, teaching and learning, patience, truth, responsibility, authority, employment, homes, real estate, nature, fertility, healing, money, and food.

Earth Magick: uses herbs and flowers,burying objects, drawing images in the earth, planting trees or plants, working with nature. Good for grounding and visualization
(Other colors: Green, Violet, Brown, Black, White, DeepBlue, Purple, Gold)

season : Winter
symbol: Pentacle ,salt ,grain ,stone.
Candles- Green

ATHENA: Goddess of Wisdom
GNOMES: Elemental Spirits of Earth, ruled by Ghob.
AGLA: Elemental King of Earth.
DEMETER: Goddess of Grain and Abundance
RHEA: Mother of all deities.
HERNE: Horned God of the Green Wood.
PAN: God of Joy on Earth.
ARIEL (URIERL): Archangel of the North, Keeper if the Sacred Wisdom.

Sacred Animals
BUFFALO: For Wisdom and Practicality.
WOLF: Earth Wisdom.
OWL: Sacred Knowledge. Wisdom, Clarity, Purpose.
DRAGON: For Symbols, Ritual, Magick.
STAG DEER: For Ritual or Ceremony, Authority, Magick
HERON: Wisdom
MYTHICAL BEASTS: Of All types, Symbols of Wisdom.
MOOSE: Practical Wisdom

Myrrh, Sagebrush, Patchouly, Magnolia

CRYSTAL FORMATIONS OR CLUSTERS: For gathering wisdom and energy
DARK CRYSTALS: For Sacred Knowledge and Ceremony
ONYX: For Practicality.
JASPER: For Earth Wisdom
AVENTURINE: For Prosperity
GREEN JADE: For Growth and Prosperity
BLACK JADE: For Patience
DEEP VIOLET FLOURITE: For Ritual and Symbols.
MARBLE: For Steadfast practicality.
AMETHYST: For Ritual, Wisdom and Ceremony

The Elemental fire color is red and its direction is south. Fire represents the creative impulse, insights, self-assurance and energy to undertake matters; use it for renewal, self-healing, strength, courage, sports, to win games, expressive art, dance, drama, faith, trust, elusiveness, innocence, physical and personal vulnerability, strength, protection, relationships with others, relationships with self, relationships with nature, stress, love, courage success, movement, exercise,physical communication, sensuality, body awareness, helpful thoughts, sexual love, and solving conflicts in your favor.

Fire stones are used for protection, defensive magic, physical strength, magical energy, courage, will power (such as dieting), and purification

Types of Magick: Fire magick is useful to bring on the new and destroy the old. It is also used for: Physical and personal vulnerability - Strength - Protection - Relationship with others - Relation with nature - Stress, Love, Courage, Renewal.

Fire Magick consists of many types, such as Bonfire Magick, Candle Magick, and Sun Magick.

Bonfire Magick: burning something like a piece of paper along with your spell or perhaps an image for banishing, destroying.

Candle Magick: is easy and effective, using candles and visualization to obtain your desires.

Sun Magick : uses the sun to enhance your power, new beginnings,strength, and control. By simply sitting outside in the sun, you can gain access to a different type of energy from within yourself, a healing, calming, stress-free energy.

(Other colors used in Fire Magick: Red, Orange, Scarlet, Yellow, Blue of a Flame, Gold )

season: Summer
symbol: Sword, Candle ,Burner
Candle- Red


BRIDGET: Goddess of the inner flame of life and creation.
PELE: Goddess of Purification and Upheavals.
MARS: God of strength and conflict.
MICHAEL: Archangel of the South, warrior of the Sacred Flames.
DJINN: Servant of Michael, great Fire giant, for protection.
SALAMANDERS: Elemental Spirits of Fire, ruled by Djinn.
ADONAI: Elemental King of Fire

Sacred Animals
SQUIRRELS: vulnerability, tricky relationships
TIGERS AND LIONS: Stress, Courage
PORCUPINE:protection. defense.
BADGER: For Protection in Conflict. Defense.
COYOTE: Protection in tricky situations. Vulnerability and Elusiveness.
FOX: For Elusiveness and Innocence. Vulnerability
HAWK: For Protection and Relationships.
MOUSE: For Vulnerability and Elusiveness. Renewal and Self-Healing.
CATS: For All sorts
BEAR: Physical Self-Healing.
RABBIT: Renewal, Self-healing
SNAKES: Protection.

Cactus, thorn bushes, spiney plants for protection. Sage, Clove, Thyme, Juniper, Cinnamon, Cedar Sweetgrass, Myrrh, Cedar, Frankincense, Dragon's Blood Resin, Juniper

PINK CARNELIAN: For Kinship and relationships
RED CARNELIAN: For strength and protection, faith.
GOLD AMBER: For clarity in relationships.
RED AMBER: For courage and faith.
BLUE AMBER: For shamanic journeys of purification, inner flame.
YELLOW & GOLD FLOURITE: For personal protection on journeys.
CITRINE: For clairty and purification.
FIRE OPAL: For deep inner vision, physical purification and cleansing.
STEEL: For Strength in trials of life.
IRON ORE: For courage and protection.
LAVA: For purification and upheavals.
Smokey Crystal, Beach Sands, Gold, Copper, and also
Pyrite, Textured or patterned Stones. Human World Helping Activities

The Elemental water colors are blue and green and its direction is West. Water is the element of our feelings and emotions, atmospheres and nurturing; the emotional part of love and relationships, dreams, fantasy, healing emotional pain, medicine and treatment, receptivity, acting, compassion, inner knowing and self-knowledge, dreams, emotions, feelings, introspection, shamanic journeys and initiations, healing, balancing the active male and receiptive female energies, deep psychic work, spiritual renewal, communications, deep void-level meditations.

Type of Magick: Dreams - Emotions - Feelings - Introspection -Initiations - Communication Deep psychic work - Spiritual renewal - Meditation. Ritual Work inner quests - Inner Vision - Self healing - wellness

Water Magick incorporates streams, lakes, rivers, ponds, the beach, sand, shells, seawater, mirrors. Intuition, scrying. Good for love spells. Use your Visualization techniques.

(Other colors used: Blue-Green, Aqua, Grey, Blue-Grey, Black, Indigo, Blue, Silver, white of sea foam in the moonlight)

season: Autumn
symbols : Chalice
Candle- Blue

POSEIDON: God of oceanic consciousness
NEPTUNE: God of Psychic Flow.
ISIS: Goddess of the rivers of life.
ARIANRHOD: Celtic Goddess of the Moon and Earth.
SELENE: Goddess of the Full Moon
HECATE: Goddess of the Dark Moon
GABRIEL: Archangel of the West, angel of the Moon and inner vision.
UNDINES: Elemental spirits of Water, Ruled by Niksa.
EHEIEH: Elemental King of Water.

Sacred Animals
ELK: For feelings and emotions.
FISH: For swimming in the tides of life's emotions.
DOLPHIN: Deep Psychic Work
SEA MAMMALS: Psychic Communication.
SEA BIRDS: For uplifted emotions.
HERON: For intuition and organization, inner self-knowledge.
JAGUAR: For Shamanic Journeys and Self-Initiations
RAVEN: For dreams and inner knowledge, spirit communication.
BEAR: For introspection and healing, Spiritual healing and renewal.
PANTHER: Introspection.

GARDENIA: Spirit Guides, Love
LAVENDER: Summons Spirits
WILLOW: Journeys, Magick
PINE TREES: Emotions
MAGNOLIA: Dream Work
Lotus, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Mugwort, Camphor, Vanilla, Violet, Chamomile, Jasmine, Raspberry, Catnip, Cherry, Hibiscus

AMETHYST: For inner journeys, soothing emotions.
MERCURY: For changeable emotions.
WHITE CORAL: For Flexibility
RAINBOW CRYSTALS: For Shamanic Journeys.
BLUE FLOURITE: For Shamanic Journeys and Dreams.
AQUAMARINE: For inner journeys, serenity.
RIVER STONES: For Emotions.
SILVER: For Intuition.
Tranclucent, Crystalline stones, River, and also
Ocean Rocks, Platinum, Coral and Shells: World Helping Activities

The Elemental air colors are all the blue shades and also yellow. The direction is East. This element rules the mind, perception, awareness, free thought, illumination, divination, brain stimulation, philosophy, mindfulness, thinking ideas, meditation, communication, creativity, flexibility, travel, inventions, education, counseling, change, and adapting. Air is the Focus Element.

Type of Magick - Free mind - Creativity - Illumination - Divination -Philosophy -Awareness - Perception - Meditation - Focus. Also anything having to do with thoughts, reason, intellect, memory, knowledge, freedom. Ritual Work includes Creativity - Divination - Peace - Mental Power

(Other colors: Blue,Yellow, Scarlet, White, Peach, Turquoise, Gold, Rainbow colors)

season: Spring
symbol : Wand, Athame
Candle- white

DANU: Goddess of Creativity
RAPHAEL: Archangel of the East, mystic illuminator, star traveler.
SYLPHS: Elemental spirits of Air, ruled by Paralda.
YOD HE VAWHE: Elemental Kinf of Air.
MERCURY: God of Communication
ATHENA: Goddess of Wisdom
KWAN YIN: Goddess of Mindfulness.
BUDDHA: Teacher of Illumination )

Sacred Animals
WOLF: Communication, Perception.
DEER: Perception, Awareness.
RACCOON: Thinking.
CARDINALS: Creativity.
DOVES: Messengers of peace and illumination.
HAWK: Focus, Perception.
EAGLE: Philosophy, Ideals.
CATS: All Kinds
FOXES: Awareness.
TURTLE: Creativity. Items )

Spearmint, Lavender, Clover, Lemon Balm and Sage.)

WHITE OR CLEAR FLOURITE: For Illumination and creativity.
MOONSTONE: For Receptivity to illumination.
TURQUOISE: For Focus and Awareness.
AMETHYST: For Meditation and Illumination. )

The Elemental Spirit colors are white and violet. This element aids meditation, visualization, psychic abilities, inspiration, divination, dowsing, channeling, and spiritual development. It is an aid to all healing and must be used with each one.

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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way