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Calling Nature's Spirits:

Although no particular part of the earth is more sacred than the next, you may feel more comfortable finding your own special place. To do this, while attuning with nature, one should find his or her own power spot. Find a place that feels good to you, a peaceful place. One thing that is fun and worthwhile in nature is to bring instruments, such as a a flute and/or a drum, to tune in to nature's sounds, and to make music in time to nature's rythyms. Before entering a particular spot that feels "right" to you, ask permission to enter. If the response is good, enter. If not, locate a more receptive area.

When entering the power spot, look around you. Perhaps the responsive energy will be concentrated around a certain item or area. (Remember: Mood enhancement is part of the key to magick.) You might feel "right" about a particular tree, a specific branch, a rock, or other item that stands out and draws your attention. Perhaps the energy will be more general. Use your intuition to guide your actions. You want to pick a spot that makes you feel great and warm and in general, happy.

Be sensitive, open, and listen.

Then do the following:

Relax, while standing upright. Focus on your breathing.

Breathe deeply from the diaphragm.

Feel the wind. Let it relax you and awaken the spirit within you.

In your mind picture a light inside yourself. As you breathe, feel the light expand, purify and energize you. Let it expand to fill your aura.

Feel the heat. Feel yourself glowing, balanced, purified, and full of power. Use your imagination and visualize this. Focus.

Connect with your inner self (your higher self), and feel your intuition blossom. Maintain focus.

Think of yourself as:

The wind, sweeping over the area, full of life and intelligence, communicating with all around you.

Sunlight, shining down on the earth and everything in it, warm, alive, channeling the power to communicate with nature and energizing all around it.

Water, flowing and bobbing, emotional, intuitive, refreshing, and connected with nature.

The Earth, solid and strong, grounded, and note how your physical body is able to wander while remaining part of Mother Earth.

Now focus on your spiritual self, and:

Note the light within your inner being. Feel it as warmth and light and love.

Expand the light and love beyond the immediate aura (heat) of your body to the surrounding area.

Telepathically, (by thought patterns while channeling the love and light energy) call out to nature's spirit.

Tell why you are doing this and the work you intend.

Visualize the light and the love individually and then merging together. Visualize the energy you are channeling, extending out in all directions and merging with other light from distant places.

Feel the power of the Earth flowing up through your feet and easing into your body.

Feel the power from the sky, and channel this power to further energize the signal of light and love for communing with nature.

Visualize the light expanding and merging.

Continue your focus, sending out telepathic signals.

Now go deeper:

Close your eyes, sit on the Earth, and feel your connection while you concentrate on more light and more love.

Continue modulating the light and love with your thoughts - inviting receptive spirits to join you and to make themselves known.

Affirm that you are a part of nature, a healer, who knows and communicates with nature. Let this part of yourself grow into total consciousness. Let the connection to your inner self awaken that part of you that naturally communicates with other life forms. Let it awaken your telepathic senses.

Continue sending telepathic signals to nature.

When you feel ready and feel an inner urge to begin, open your eyes and take a look around you. Continue to channel. You may see light coming from certain areas that are receptive. You may get other signals, such as a feeling of power or warmth. Perhaps the response to this work will be unexpected; follow your intuition in interpretation.

When you have found an areas that seems to be responsive and receptive, go to that area, extending love energy. Extend your aura to the area and "feel" the energy.

Deepening Communication With Nature Spirits:

Now that you have made contact with spirits that seem receptive, deepen the communication:

Breathe deep breaths from the diaphragm, and with each breath, you will feel more refreshed. Now imagine that your spine is the trunk of a tree; and, from its base, roots extend deep into the Earth. Deep into the rich moist Earth. With every breath, feel the roots going deeper and deeper, growing and entwining inside the earth. Feel the energy within the Earth and within the waters of the Earth. Feel your roots absorbing warmth and nourishment from the Earth and from its waters. Feel the moist, warm energy rising up. Feel it rushing up from the Earth, rising up into your spine. Feel the energy rise to your crown chakra (at the top of your head).

Now imagine that you have branches. Your branches sweep up toward the sky gracefully and then bend back down towards the Earth. Feel those branches as they lengthen and entwine with your surroundings. Feel the warm, moist energy of the Earth flowing through each of your branches. Feel yourself being purified, centered, and finally connected to the Earth. Feel the power from the Earth flowing through your branches and then back into the Earth once more, flowing smoothly like a fountain. Note how your branches absorb energy from the air. Feel them gathering light (fire) from the sky. Feel the energy from above circulating deep within your body and eventually flowing on into the Earth. Feel the warmth of the Earth rising. Feel the energy circulating.

Notice how your branches entwine with the branches of energy that surrounds you. Feel the energy as it sways and dances among your branches. Notice how your roots also intertwine with the underground energy channels. Feel the energy dancing around your roots and the surrounding energy patterns. Notice how you and the life around you are rooted in that same bit of Earth, breathing that same air, receiving that very same fire, drinking that same water, sharing the same underlying essence. You are now one with the magical grove.

Before you leave the power spot:

Thank the spirits.

Channel your energy.

Trigger your memory of the experience, and if it feels right, leave an offering of tobacco, beer, and honey on the ground (or something suitable). Some prefer to leave a newly planted tree or flower as an offering.

Leave the power spot in peace and love. Before leaving the general area in which you found power spots and contacted nature spirits:

Channel love energy towards the receptive sites you found,

Thank the spirits of the land,

Pull back your roots and branches,

Ground any excess energy into the Earth (placing your hands on the Earth, breathe in any excess energy, and channel the energy down your arms, while visualizing and feeling the energy going into the Earth) Leave in peace and love.

You should leave the area clean. If you work with Wicca or Ceremonial Magic, you may find that by casting a circle, calling the Elements, the Goddess, the Gods, and the local nature spirits while you are at receptive sites, you may be able to greatly increase communication. Through the use of drums and other power raising techniques, it is even possible to energize receptive nature spirits. The results can be very interesting. If with a coven, such circles can be done as part of a group attunement to a power spot you have located.

When consecrating space in the wild, or casting a circle, do not set up your perimeter as a barrier to all forces; it should be a beacon to attract friendly nature spirits, a container for holding magical power, and a barrier to unkind spirits.

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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way