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Introduction to Healing

"Know not only how, but also why and when and where."


In this section, we would like to introduce you to many different healing methods from around the world. Many from the Craft practice the art of healing diligently, but not all. There seems to be some misunderstanding these days as to whether or not a practitioner must be able to heal. Some traditions are saying that this is an absolute must, but in the olde days, this just was not so.

The Craft was a belief, not a skill or an occupation. Some devotees of the Craft were healers, some poets (bards), some teachers, some priests (Druids)some simply mothers, fathers, husbands, wives. There were as many different types of people with as many different types of skills as there are in any religion. You do not have to be a healer to be a Wiccan, Druid, or Craft member. You do not, in fact, have to know a single thing about herbs, not even how to spell the word unless you wish it. But seeing as how so many do, wish to learn how to heal & help others in this way, then most often it is included.

Now that we have that established, I wish to make sure that it is noted here that YOU must be responsible for your own actions. I will take no responsibility for you. The healing techniques that you will find here are meant to be educational & hopefully helpful but in no way a substitute for care by a qualified physician. As a matter of record, just allow me to say this: My father was a doctor & it is my opinion that anyone that uses religion or any other excuse not to go to the doctor is not thinking as clearly as the Gods/Goddess gave them the sense for. Use your heads people!! That is why you were gifted with a brain to begin with. If "your" God or Goddess given energies are not enough to heal yourself or a loved one, then take the one in need to a higher power, someone in the know, a qualified healer with an MD or PHD attached to his/her name. That's why they studied. That's why they trained. They are using the gift that "Their" God gave them. Be smart & use yours as well. It makes absolutely no difference what religion a healer practices. He may be an occultist or not, a christian or not. You are in need of his "Knowledge", not his "Beliefs" at the current time.

Just a word of advice: Caution should be used in any & all techniques & preparations used by an individual. Be absolutely positive that you know what you are doing. Diagnosing illness can be a tricky business & ofttimes do more harm than good especially if misdiagnosed or maltreated. Ask a licensed physician & he'll tell you all about "malpractice". Always KNOW what you are doing!!

When in doubt, contact your doctor & get his permission to use any techniques or herbal preparations BEFORE indulging. Some herbs are DEADLY!! Some are only deadly with certain other preparations or medications. You have been forearmed. This said, you have also been forewarned. Now let's continue, if I haven't completely scared you to the darkest regions of the Underworld. lol!

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