The Heart Chakra


Welcome to my sanctuary. All opinions are welcomed as long as you agree with me.     


For those that gave their lives on September 11, 2001.

Here's to you and here's to me
I pray that friends we'll always be,
But if by chance we disagree,
The heck with you and here's to me!


The Heart Chakra
The Anahata Chakra
The Fourth Chakra

The fourth centre is the heart centre. It is called anahata. Anahata means unstruck sound. "Do you hear the sound of one hand clapping?"- unstruck sound. Love and Harmony rule this Chakra. This is the Chakra where you fall in love and it handles issues that relate to the soul. This Chakra's basic need is to feel protected. It needs to love and be loved. It affects unconditional spiritual love, compassion, empathy, and awareness of all things. Physically the heart chakra influences the immune system, the thymus gland, heart and circulation, tissue regeneration, lungs, shoulders, arms, ribs, chest/breast and the diaphragm. If blocked, this chakra can result in self-hatred and self-disgust,also distrust of others. A disruption here creates an imbalance between the cold intellect and all the other physical drives.

This energy center relates to relationships. Love has more depth than mere sentiment. Never mistake liking for love. When this happens, this person misjudging the situation will go from one person to another and never allow intimacy to grow. The Heart Chakra is connected to our loving self. It governs harmony, kindness, sensitivity, emotional balancing, unconditional love, understanding and growth. It is our center of empathy and feeling and is connected to our higher intelligence. Balancing this chakra is vital to the heart, the circulatory system, and thymus. It is responsible for your inner wisdom and love. When this chakra is blocked high blood pressure results, and possibly breathing problems, and heart problems.

The Heart Chakra governs the heart, blood and circulatory system, and the physical sensation of touch. It also has a strong influence on the endocrine and immune system. This energy center influences tissue regeneration, and right brain function as well and it governs higher love, healing, understanding, and compassion. It is the center of transformation and balance. All healing energy is routed through the heart chakra. It must remain unblocked or serious disease can set in. The favorite qualities of this centre are imagination and dreaming. If the imagination is allowed to fully developed, it may turn into determination and willpower. If dreaming completely evolves, it is then transformed into vision.

The physical signs of an imbalance include congestive heart failure, heart attack, mitral valve prolapse, pneumonia, upper back problems, shoulder problems, asthma, allergies, lung cancer and breast cancer.

When this chakra is underactive and unbalanced, it indicates a person who is unemotional or feels unloved. The person with an underactive heart chakra may pity himself, be afraid to let go & be afraid of getting hurt. This is a self-pitying person, who also has a tendency towards paranoia, indecisiveness, and constantly needs reassurance. They have to have constant confirmation of their own self worth. They are unsure of themselves and everything they do, and are generally useless when it comes to enforcing rules or their own will on others. They can be possessive, self doubting, and hold unto feelings of being unloved.

Overactive: When overactive, it may cause a person to be overly confident, jealous, and angry.Too much energy from this chakra results in one being overly critical, demanding, possessive, manic - depressive, angry, jealous, blaming of others, miserly and stingy, overconfident, allowing oneself to be walked on and taken advantage of.

Use green but followed by pink or soft red. The image in nature to focus on is untouched nature, blossoms, or a pink sky.

The color of this chakra is green. It is symbolic of harmony and balance and corresponds to the planet Venus. It is considered a tonic for the heart and blood and is believed to relieve tension. Green can cleanses and balance our energy. It can also aid in balancing other personality traits, such as self-control and adaptability. Green can make us more sympathetic, compassionate, generous, humble, nature loving, and romantic. It's has such a soothing, tranquilizing effect that it is often used to aid high blood pressure, ulcers, and anxiety. It is also used in treating hay fever, negativity, fatigue, breathing difficulties, tension, insomnia, anger, paranoia, immune system ailments, loneliness, disharmony, emotional imbalances, aids emotional stability, calming the fear of death, blood clots, and varicose veins. Green is said to be soothing to the spirit and nerves. Use it to calm down and bring peace in. Works on the heart lungs thymus gland, immune system and blood circulation. Use Green to help ease tension, relax muscles, calm your nerves, ease digestion problems, and for balance when you need peace and harmony. Green heals the heart and circulatory system and can help you overcome fear of giving, sharing, adaptability.

The image in nature to focus on is untouched nature, blossoms, or a pink sky. Using Eucalyptus oil in your bath may help with respiratory problems, colds, fevers and sore throats.

Heart Center - Green
Heart Location - Chest
element: air
Number: 4

To Balance this Chakra: Serve others, love and take care of yourself. Breathe consciously. Try the yoga breathing and possibly some of the relaxation techniques as well. Read love stories or human interest, watch tender movies that "get to you" emotionally, spend time with someone that really needs attention such as a person in a nursing home, a neglect child, even (and especially this one) a neglected family member or lover.

sense: touch
Musical Note: f#
Mantra: yam or a as in ah
Angel: Raphael
Essential Oils: jasmine, rose Basil,
Eucalyptus, Fennel, Geranium, Peppermint.
Gems: Aventurine, emerald ,Kunzite ,Dioptaise,
Rose Quartz, Turquoise, Green Jade , Malachite, Peridot
Bach Flower Essences: Water Violet, Impatiens, Heather,
Chicory, Vervain, Vine, Beech, Rock Water.
Healing/Health: Heart, Lungs, Ulcers, Hypertension, Blood, Circulation
Gland: Thymus
Organs: Heart, Circulatory System, Blood, Vagus Nerve

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Or do you want to go home?

I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way