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Herbal Magick

On some of the following pages in this section, you will find tables of correspondence for some of the herbs that you may deal with. There is also an enchantment spell at the end of the first page of herbal listings included to help give you a "beginning" understanding on how to practice herbal magick. I have compiled several different lists, each one different in it's own way, that will be included in the sections dedicated to herbalism. Some have more information than others. Some are just quik lookup tables, some more involved. On some, I found the corresponding zodiac or color etc with them & on some I did not. I, however, included each one as I found it. At least this way, you have a variety of information at your fingertips & the rest you can diligently study & look up for yourselves. Heh, heh...got to keep them old brains churning!! Use all of this info with discretion & care. Oh & btw, to anyone that does find information pertinent to this section (or any other, for that matter) that would like to submit it for publication here at the Olde Way, we would more than welcome your help, & would be pleased to name you as one of our apprentices in our herbal section ( or whereever). Just use that ole' comment box to send me anything you come up with.

"Know not only how, but also why and when and where."

The purpose of this section is to introduce you to the magickal uses and properties of herbs. Herbs can offer so very much in the way of spellmaking & rituals, & ofttimes in medicinal ways as well. Remember, however, that when working with things from Mother Nature, sometimes "less" is better & none is best.

Magick is natural.You must be careful to not bring about harm when practicing any kind of magick including herbal. Don't forget, "An it harm none" also includes yourself. Magick takes hard work and dedication. You get whatever you put into it in return, & no less or no more. Magick is also all about learning. Herbalism is but one aspect of magick that we shall study. In fact, even after you have read every single page here on this website, as your teacher, I fully expect you to make me proud & continue your education on your own. Don't let anything stop the ever-growing quest for knowledge. This is merely a stop along the unending journey. Welcome! "Know not only how, but also why and when and where."

On a brief note here, (heh, most people learn to groan rather loudly whenever I use that word--"brief". I wonder why??) I wanted to "briefly" discuss the differences between using the herb/plant/oil etc in a magickal spell alone or using it as an actual remedy for some ailment. First, be very sure before advising anyone to take anything that you haven't completely researched. In some cases, the plant mentioned is used only in spell-casting & not intended for internal or external human consumption, heh...., okay, you know what I meant!! Unless it specifically says for the herb to be taken internally or rubbed on the body externally, then don't take it into your heads to simply "decide" that the spell that Aunt Bertha gave you "meant" for you to ingest it, even though it doesn't say so. Got it?? Good! "Know not only how, but also why and when and where," couldn't be applied any better than it is right here!

Another point I wanted to make before going any farther was one on commercial preparations. Using "store bought" herbs is fine, although I have seen some occult traditions that urge against this. Why, I'm not really certain except that perhaps they feel it helps them stay attuned with nature. But for whatever reason, this is not always practical. We may not be in the proper climates to grow everyhing that we need, so we may have no choice but to buy them over the counter. Fine! Witches need to "come into the future" just like everybody else. In my opinion, especially witches, because knowledge is what we are all about & if we don't make use of it, then what good is it?

Now that we have established that we may used our local grocery food stores for our purchases, this leads to another concern that is much more important. Back in the day, heh...okay, I'm not THAT old, but anyway when I worked as a cosmetologist, I learned one very important rule of thumb. On any commercial product, the first five ingredients on a label are the only ones that concern you, since they are the only ones that there is enough of in the product to do you any good at all. That's right, all the rest are of no value & only the first two are of any real significance. The first two ingredients on a label are what you are actually "buying", no matter how impressive the following list of "ingedients" might be. So friend, check those labels!.

Most importantly, Magick should be used for healing & defensive works & not abused as a tool to "get back" at your enemies. It is not a weapon to be flaunted like the 007 Witch's Mac10. We are not at war with mother nature. In fact, if utilized wisely, magick can turn out to be our "best friend". Learn it. Know it. Use it wisely & use it well. "Know not only how, but also why and when and where."

Now we are almost there. You may need to stock up with a few items when working with herbs, such as a mortar and pestle,a good knife, containers to keep moisture away from them. If you intend to use your herbs for both cooking and healing, then you will need to buy two mortar and pestles.You will not want to use a mortar & pestle that was used to crush mistletoe, holly or other poisonous herbs to also grind up the pepper or garlic for your dinner.This would be a very bad idea!! Remember, some of the herbs you may use in magick are toxic if taken internally. Also, it would be wise to stay away from metals, your knife being the exception, because some oils and herbs have reactions to certain alloys. "Know not only how, but also why and when and where."

From time to time, in other sections, we will discuss amulets & talismans. You may need a cloth bag, string etc. for sachets, and of course you will eventually want to make these amulets and other things yourself, but these things may be acquired as the need arises.

Most of us have the basic kitchen herbs in our pantries, and many different flowers and plants also fall into the magickal category.Some of these, you may have as well. Personally I keep an aloe vera plant around my house always, just as a precaution. Prevention is always better than having to wait for the cure of an illness, if there is one.

Over the next few pages, I have compiled a list of herbs & their properties. Some may have more information than others, because these are slowly but surely being tested & added to or subtracted from each day.

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Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way