Intermediate Chakra Exercises and Meditation

Opening a chakra: We are going to pretend that we have imaginary hands and we will use then during these meditational Chakra techniques. You will imagine that you are tearing pieces of cotton up at the site of a chakra when you are asked to do this. You don't have to visualise it, just pretend and feel like this is what you are doing. Pretend that you are doing it in real life without looking at what you are doing. You will be directly stimulating the chakras by moving your point of awareness to the site of a chakra and causing a mental opening effect with your hands.

Do the breathing and grounding before stimulating the chakras. Try not to tense any muscles during these exercises. You may, feel a slight contracting internally, a feeling that is not a muscular one while you are stimulating your chakras. These are the glands and nerve ganglia that are linked to the chakras, contracting in response to the stimulation. This is normal.

After learning these techniques, you should spend some time with your relaxation, breathing, concentration and mental hands exercises daily, if possible to increase your abilities and keep them active. These can be done anywhere and anytime you like and have the time to spare.

Now, you will use breath awareness to aide your hands while pulling energy into each chakra. You will draw energy UP on the inhale of each breath and HOLD it on the exhale, with all these chakra stimulation exercises below.

1. Base chakra: Raise energy up to your Base chakra. Use your HANDS to open it. Pull energy into the Base chakra, repeating this first step, completely, seven times. The Base, or Root chakra, is a master chakra and is the most important one. It must be activated.. This chakra is the doorway for the Kundalini energy and unless it is opened correctly, the energy cannot flow into the other chakras. Concentrate most of your time and energy into stimulating your Base chakra, at least in the beginning of chakra development.

2. Spleen chakra: Draw energy from the feet, through the Base chakra and on up to the Spleen chakra. Open the Spleen chakra. Repeat three times, beginning at the feet.

3. Solar Plexus chakra: Draw energy from the feet, through the Base and Spleen chakras and on up to the Solar Plexus chakra. Open the Solar Plexus chakra. Repeat three times, beginning at the feet.

4. Heart chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen and Solar Plexus chakras and on up to the Heart chakra. Open the Heart chakra. Repeat three times, beginning at the feet.

5. Throat chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus and heart chakras to the Throat chakra. Open the Throat chakra. Repeat three times, beginning at the feet.

6. Brow chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat chakras to the Brow chakra. Open the Brow chakra. Repeat three times, beginning at the feet.

7. Crown chakra: Draw energy up to the Crown chakra . Open the Crown chakra. This chakra is much larger than the others ( whole top of head, above hairline). Imagine you have a much larger, flatter piece of cotton inside your head at the top of the crownand are tearing it open with your invisible hands. Repeat this process twice, beginning at the feet.

Once you have finished these, you should feel revitalized, calm, and peaceful. Your energy is now in balanced.

Some people have more natural chakra activity than others. Lack of any sensation is not unusual and should not stop you from stimulating and developing them. Remember, this is ALL mental work. Your body needs to stay calm and relaxed throughout these procedures.

Closing The Chakras

After working with your chakras, it is important to close them, unless you are planning on using them in the very near future for something such as projection or magick. If you leave chakras, you will bleed energy. This can cause fatigue and health problems. To close them, simply feel your mental hands closing each chakra and pushing the energy back down. If you still feel activity after doing this, eating and physical exercise can help to close them.

After you have spent some time awakening your chakras and your abilities to work with them, you may begin to feel some psychic abilities, growing in yourself. This is a natural and no cause for worry.

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

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