We are all interconnected like the atom and the molecules.     


Introduction: Part I

Let's Begin

Practitioners of the Olde Celtic Religion were pursuers of wisdom and spiritual growth in all forms. They were not followers, but leaders and were always and forever seeking knowledge, and that is because, not only "magick", but "life", is also a learning experience that never ends. What you "learn" is up to you as long as you feel there is a need for it. The Celts did not only study things "Celtic", anymore than Americans only study things "American". In fact, you don't have to be a Celt to study this. All you have to be is interested and dedicated to this pathway.

The purpose of this religion is to teach the soul how to evolve to a higher realm, by revealing the ways of nature. Since nature is a reflection of the spiritual laws of the earth, a study of its' secrets can enlighten the soul, and thus prepare it for a different kind of life on a higher plane of existence, freeing it from the cycle of reincarnation. The purpose of the Olde Religion is also to give due worship to the Spirit within us all, to ensure the fertility of the Earth, and to create & maintain balance and harmony for all therein. In other words, magick is not the only thing that you should study.

The Olde Religion teaches personal power and personal empowerment if you wish to learn it. It also teaches personal responsibility, and reveals that all life is interconnected. And this is just the beginning!

Code Of Ethics

A Celt Practitioner lives by a code of ethics which is built upon the Laws of Nature. Honor, Courage, Truth, Strength, Wisdom, Eloquence, & the "spoken word". These are our values and have been handed down for centuries by our ancestors, the gods, for it is "in the blood" you see. But no, you do not have to be a celt to practice the Religion of the Ancients. The only thing you have to be is dedicated.

Our behavior is not regulated by a fear of what awaits us in the afterlife, but a respect for what awaits us in this life. We believe in Honor & Duty & Responsibility. We descend from a heroic, honorable people & follow along as such. It is our nature. Anything else would feel unnatural & contradictory to a Celt. The one thing to be aware of however, is this: You are responsible for whatever you choose to do and if your choices are misdirected, then so will the consequences be, and you may not like them. Keep this in mind, will you please, and always be honorable in your intentions. Magick is a responsibility to the individual and that means YOU! NO ONE ELSE but you, yourself. And now, if you feel you are ready, this road, the road to Higher Learning is also a road to knowledge of all kinds. You will study much on your journey, and must be absolutely certain that this is what you desire, because you won't get far if it's not. Ready? We begin here.....

Blessed Be!

This is our Creed:

Three things from which never to be moved:
One's Oaths, One's Gods, and the Truth.

The three highest causes of the true human are:
Truth, Honor, and Duty.

Three candles that illuminate every darkness:
Truth, Nature, and Knowledge.

Part Two: And what about MAGICK?

Introduction to The Craft: Your first step is to forget all the narrow-minded viewpoints of reality that you have previously learned. Then you are going to have to recondition yourself to think in a completely different way than you are used to. You will have to retrain your mind by harnessing the powers of intuition, inspiration and creative imagination. Keep an open mind. You must draw on the power of the unconscious. Doing this will soon set you on the right path to creating magick. If you can forget all those myths taught to you by storybooks that you read as a child, and forget the fear and ignorance as well, then you should have no problems. Fear: it doesn't exist here.

(Don't worry. I will protect you.)

( Lol! Well, I'll try anyway. Dragons may be the exceptions.) So just what is Magick?:

You will probably find that magick doesn't turn out to be at all like you are thinking. As a matter of fact, unless you are already aware of what Magick is from an occult viewpoint, then I am sure that you haven't the faintest clue as to what most practitioners speak of when they talk of Magick. Are you really ready to learn all this? Are you sure? heh...go on then and get your broomstick...

"Magick is the study and application of psychic forces. We use intensive mental training, concentration, meditation and rituals to program the mind and redirect our own personal energy. Many times, self-hypnosis is used as an aid in performing magick and raising our consciousness to the proper levels without the aid of mind altering drugs. It has only been in recent years that our culture here in the west has become open minded enough to permit investigation of the occult. And only since the beginning of the twentieth century that science has shown much interest in the developement of magick. Many say, and this includes some scientists, that the human mind and body emits a certain type of psychic energy or force, much like that emanating from a radio station. Kirlian photography, which has been used to actually capture the aura on film, Cloud Chamber tests, temperature effects, and other experiments support this theory.

Magick is a belief in what we can not see, but nevertheless we know is there. Sort of like "God" to some and the "Air", even though it is deathly still, to others. You may not be able to point to it but I'd stake my magick wand that not a one of you will argue with me that the world is filled with Air, am I right? (I started to say that I'd stake my "life' instead but I know there's always got to be at least one smartass in every group, and wands are easier to come by. heh...)

Okay, think about this for a moment. This is magick from a scientific viewpoint. We live in a world that’s teeming with life, and energy that we cannot see. And part of that Life Force is called an atom.

Everything in our world including us, is made up of billions and billions of tiny atoms that are invisible to the naked eye, and each of these atoms is comprised of orbiting bands of whirling electrons, and a nucleus containing neutrons and protons. Now take a look at the atom, and see how the acts of balance take effect at the atomic level. An atom must have eight electrons in the outermost ring to maintain stability. Any less, and the atom will become unstable, and a free electron is created. When there are many atoms together that are less than stable, the outermost orbital electrons aren’t certain as to which atoms they belong to. They then may migrate from one atom, to the next, and the next and so on. However, as one electron migrates from an atom, that atom takes on a free electron from yet another atom. This chain goes on in an endless manner, and serves to demonstrate the idea of balance in nature, whereas the imbalance is removed by equalizing the electron to proton ratio.

Now that we can see how electrons can move from one atom to another, and we know that all objects in nature are made up of these atoms, then we also know that there is a constant exchange of energy. Free electrons are shared among all things, including you and me, with no exceptions and because all matter is comprised of electrons, we can say that all elements in nature are interconnected. They all co-exist, being linked to each other.

The Earth is alive and teeming with an abundance of neverending energy, which we all share, exchange back and forth, and are an integral part of. This "Life Force" or energy source is in you and it is in me. It is in rocks and trees, deserts and streams, plants and animals, from amoeba to humans and all things in between. Everything on earth is made up of the same things: Atoms. "The entire earth is a living, breathing organism. And energy is nothing more than electrons in motion that exist as a part of this organism." We are none of us more than electrons in motion, yet we are all connected to each other and the four elements due to this exchange of atoms. The elements are also made of atoms, and thus are a living organism as well. You can even touch the elements and not have to go "on faith" to experience this sharing. You can touch, see, smell, taste, and/or hear, the Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. And all of these plus you and me make up the Spirit. I can touch it. Can you? The Spirit is in that little baby that let's out the most alarming cry upon being thrust into a new realm of existence. Heh... he doesn't like that cold air on his wet little body. That little soul came from human beings. He/she is another Spirit in the great scheme of things. More atoms. More energy.

Being connected to the elements in this way, also means we are sharing the atoms of each others electrical impulses, although we may not know it. You experience a new feeling when you hear that little creature cry (the baby above). That feeling is an emotion, and comes from the heart. Energy from the heart can be measured.

You can measure energy. This includes any electricity that you put out...like brainwaves (thoughts) and heart rythyms (emotions). And you can change the essence of things by sending out a different exchange of energy in a repetitive pattern.

The working of magick is much like tapping into electricity. The "electrical current" is the universal energy or Life Force. It can be directed in numerous ways, depending on what is to be done with it. They did it with electricity, remember? And now we have light. Without it, you wouldn't be reading this. No energy. No electricity. No computers.

It can also be turned off, if there is no "power" behind it. And the "powerhouse" or "power supply"? You, of course. Me, all of us. We are the conductors. But you must learn to use it and that takes work. Lots of work.

Remember: Everything on this planet is made of atoms, and atoms, like the atomic bomb, equals energy. You, as the practitioner, must learn how to harness some of this power for your own purposes. You must push those atoms in a different direction. Thus, energy can be manipulated toward the desired goal of the individual. This is your "power" & negativity or disbelief turns it off in the biggest way. Your thoughts and emotions are simple electromagnetic impulses. Unfortunately, most of them don't get off the ground or at least, not far from it. Use your power!

And for just a second, I would like to focus on the differences between white and black magick. Good or bad, white or black, "magick" comes from the person, and not the ritual or spell itself. For example, a gun is not evil, nor is it good. It just is. The person behind the gun and their intentions is what makes the gun good or bad. Got that? There is no such thing as "Black Magick" or "White Magick" until there is "intent" and intent comes from the individual.

Once you have all of this straight in your mind, if I haven't completely confused you, then you are ready for the next step towards your goal of making "Magick". And if you are confused, don't worry. I will go into all this much deeper as we go along. You may also email me with any questions or issues that concern you.

Next: Choices . Do I or don't I?

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