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I just wanted to thank you for sharing this with me. It is my belief that if you take these lessons one by one then you will understand more about the Craft & it's ways. You may choose to follow this path yourselves, if you haven't already done so, so good luck & many blessings to you. These lessons should be followed in order, lest you miss an important statement, section, or sometimes a whole page that I haven't linked except to the preceding page that you needed to read first.

Introduction to the Craft: Part I

Introduction to the Craft: Part II
Making Choices

The Craft:
Lesson I

Lesson II

Lesson IIa

Lesson III

Lesson III: The Four Elements
Includes correspondence tables.

Lesson IIIa: Attune with Nature's Elements
Water Visualization

Fire Visualization

Air Visualization

Earth Visualization

Lesson IIIb: Attuning with Nature

Lesson IIIc: The Triquatra & The Pentagram
In Relation to The Elements
Element Symbols shown

Lesson IV: Your Powers
Things you must have to work Magick

Making Sense of it All

Still need convincing?
Read Brain Power & Energy

Home/Main Index

BACK to where you came from

Lessons in the Craft

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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way 2000