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The Chakras and Healing

The Quest for Knowledge

This section is dedicated to learning a bit about the mysteries of life. You do not have to study this section to be a Wiccan, a Witch, a Druid, or any member of an Occult Religion, but many seek this knowledge and so I have decided to include it.

The Druids of Olde were a knowledge-seeking people and The Craft is an old religion dedicated to the gathering of that knowledge. There were many types of much sought after knowledge back in the days of the Celtic Tribes. Many sought to become skilled laborers, bards, & musicians, amongst a few of the available choices.

One type of knowledge was & is the art of healing. As I said, this is not a religion, but a choice of skills with which you can further yourself through helping the Goddess to help others. And although not a prerequisite, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to learn as much as possible about what makes us tick & how we can help those in need. Healing is an artform & a much coveted one by the olde & new of our Craft. Here you will begin your studies that will never end, for life is nothing without knowledge. Forever learning is our goal. I plan to speak of numerous things here, such as: The Chakras, The Kabballah, Kundalini, & more, so sit back for a spell & let's get started on the road to enlightment, the Road of The Goddess & The Olde Way.

Hi, come & join me. The lessons begin right here!

Explains Chakras: Heal Yourself

I though this info might also be helpful.
The Four Major Healing Powers of the Mind

Chakras Explained in Brief

Going Deeper into Chakras
Learn about The Chakras in More Detail

Index to Individual Chakras

Palm Chakras
Learn about Hands On Healing

Emotional & Physical Symptoms Guide

Correspondence Charts



        Blessed be!

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