First off, I'd like to begin with a little advice here. Be the olde saying goes, "You may get what you ask for." And you may live to regret it. It is not a good idea to perform magick in relationship to "romantic love" and focus your intent on a specific person. If you do this, you may never know whether this person really loves you or not. And if the spell is ever broken, you may find yourself in more trouble than you care for. It could also backfire on you and cause this person to become a stalker with you their prime target. Just remember that each and every one of us has "free will", and things don't always work out like we want them too. When performing love spells, your best bet is to perform it with the idea of drawing your soulmate to you, but not any particular person. It should turn out much better this way. Soulmates don't come along everyday, you know.

To Find A Compatable Lover............Wear a ring with amethyst, aquamarine, and topaz stones. Chant: Bring me true love, bring me long love, bring me the love of my dreams.

Candle Spell For 2 candles, red wine, ground cinnamon, 2 shallow bowls/ cups. Ritual: Light the candles and pour some wine in the bowls. Each person should start warming their bowl of wine over a candle. Add a pinch of cinnamon. Swirl the bowls to mix the cinnamon while you finish the warming. Each person now breathes into their own bowl. Recite the follow ..........May the union of man and woman bring pleasure and happiness to both. Touch bowls together and interchange them. Then Drink.

White Candle Love-Drawing Spell........Get a white candle that will burn down in 20 to 40 minutes. Prepare your altar with things precious to you and to the one you love. Using a rose thorn from a white rose bush, inscribe the words....All love come to me......3 times on the candle. Now place the candle in the center of the altar and light it. For the entire time the candle burns, gaze upon it and visualize your love coming to you in nakedness and beauty. When the candle burns out, collect the wax puddle that remains, wrap it up with the momentos from the altar and keep it in a safe place. Accept the degree of love you recieve with grace and tenderness. If at some future time you no longer wish to receive that persons love, dispose of the wax puddle. It can be burned on a fire, buried, thrown into running water, ground into shavings or whatever you feel is appropriate. But it is your responsiblity to dispose of it.

Lust Spell Doll::::::::::::::This spell isn't for love, but for lust, but we can always be hopeful. Heh....Or maybe not. Materials needed: Target's picture, your picture, 2 red poppets, one for each of you, colored cloth, yarn, 3 candles, 2 rubber bands, a lighter, and a shoe box.
Make your poppets first. See if you can find a picture of the person you are doing the spell for or something that belongs to him or her, something you can attach to the poppet, like hair or a small piece of clothing. CLOTH MAKING::: Use the color that represents lust, love or both. Buy a cloth of that color that is large enough to wrap or cover the dolls. Find a string, or yarn of the same color to fasten the cloth. Write on the cloth....."LUST"......Tie two knots in the yarn..............

RITUAL: Light a love candle for you and a love candle for the target. Then say this: This candle is burning for you as am I. This candle is your will to love".          Place the dolls together. Place a third unlit candle between the 2 candles..Ans say..."this candle is the growing lust between us, attracting us to each other"       Take the 2 candles with both hands and light the center candle with them, using both at the same time. Extinguish the light of the target candle and your candle and say....."By the light of our growing lust for each other, I bind us with it until I should choose to break the bonds and part ways"      Cover the dolls facing each other with the cloth and bind it with the yarn by making one more knot in addition to the two. Place the dolls in a shoebox and make sure no one disturbs the box
TO make a generic lust attractor..........Just wrap your own doll in the cloth but don't bind it. Place it in the shoebox. Say once a day while holding the wrapped doll..........."I have increased my power to attract!!"
Do this until you feel that other's attraction to you is sufficient for your needs.


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