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How does Magick Work?

Like miracles, magick doesn't always accomplish what we want. Sometimes the practitioner is just not ready or strong enough, and sometimes, things just are not meant to be. There is a certain cycle to all life and regardless of how much we desire to change it, it is not always possible. A friend of mine wrote something to me once that made me realize that sometimes special people are "given" to us for only a short period of time, so that they might learn from us and us from them, before going on to the next incarnation or "heaven" if you prefer. Sometimes having a special person in your life is a "gift", but one that just isn't meant to last forever. Magick is also like that. Some of us are ready and some of us are not. But for those of you that are, you will need a few things to begin. And those things are your Powers.

Before going on, take this into consideration. Visualization is very important to magick. You can not perform magick without it. With the simple power of visualization via meditation, you can rearrange the atoms in your body to produce better health conditions. You can consciously " feel" your way through the human body and manipulate your cellular structure solely by the power of your thought waves. (More on this later: See link at bottom of page) You can visualize the illness or trouble spot fading and diminishing until it finally dissolves completely and the excretory system carries it away into nothingness. Once you have accomplished this, it transforms itself into reality. Others can also help to boost the process by sending out their thought waves, prayers, dedications, declarations, etc into the Universe to co-mingle with yours. In fact, the more energy, the better off you are. You just have to redirect those atoms and form them into a different pattern. And this is done by "magick". And as I mentioned above, to do this you need your powers. You will find them listed below.

The Power of Belief: First, you must believe. You can not go into this with total disbelief because to do so is to admit defeat from the beginning. If you can emit strong believing thought patterns and emotions, then the liklihood of them taking shape is much greater than not. You must be able to "see" your request or desire taking shape in your mind and you must believe in yourself to do this. The Power of Belief can turn out to be an incredible thing.

The Power of Declarations: You must declare your intentions completely but firmly. Make sure to be as detailed as possible. You are sending out a declaration to the cosmos, so let's get it started off on the right foot, shall we?

The Power of Attention: Attention is something that not many of us put a whole lot of work into. When you are learning to meditate and focus, to concentrate and control, attention must be foremost in your actions. When you begin a healing, you must pay attention before, during, and afterwards to your body or your patient's body. To diagnose and heal, you must make yourself fully aware of all that is happening. And you must learn to control you own thoughts and emotions, so you must pay attention to these things specifically.

The Power of Positive Thinking: Focus your thoughts and free them of negativity . If your thought patterns are full of fear, then you will attract this type of energy back to yourself..... just as you do out in social situations. In public, if you smile at people, most will smile back but if you scowl, they either scowl back or totally ignore you. Being scowled at or ignored is not your goal. Likewise if you transmit thoughts full of love and trust, you will attract this also. You must try to free your mind of all negative energy and meditation can help you do this.

The Power of Responsibility: Taking responsibility means accepting that what you do is your own decision and no one elses. It means taking consequences for what you do or cause to happen, and not putting it off on the nearest "victim". "He made me do it", or "But I thought it was the truth..." are not acceptable excuses.

In fact, anytime you do something, no matter what you were told or thought, you are solely responsible for what takes place from then on out. Responsibility means "bucking up" and meeting situations head on and with fervor. Don't put things on the back burner. Take charge of your life. And once you do, make the most of it. In this way, you prepare yourself for whatever work you must accomplish, and you also realize that if you don't make things happen, then nobody else is going to do it for you.

The Power of Repetition: Once you have determined your goals, you need to focus on them over and over. Repetitive actions only make the process stronger. It may be called Magick, but you still can't get it just by twitching your nose or blinking your eyes, so put some oomph into it. Repeat those thoughts and emotions.

The Power of the People: It is possible to do many things by yourself, but it never hurts to have extra resources on hand when needed. The more people that aid you in your healing, the better. They don't even have to be present. In fact, this might disturb things in an unpleasant manner for you or your patient. The more people sending out their thought waves, prayers, dedications, declarations, etc into the Universe to co-mingle with yours, the better off you are. Don't be afraid to ask for help. People might surprise you.

Now that you have been armed with your powers, make the most of them. Especially for sceptics: (Hey, don't knock it. I'm as sceptical as they come but once I get "on" to something, I will definitely investigate it to completion.) At the link below, you will read some things that you already know, but need to be reminded of in connection with using your brainpower to work magick. Read in here and then think about it. Decide just how much power you can handle. This is what made me seriously think about it.

Brain Power & Energy
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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way