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The Celtic Lady

Blessed Be!


Choosing a Craft Name

Note:Names such as Banshee are actually mispelled in the english language. This has been corrected. Banshee should be said the same but spelled "BeanSidhe".Some names are not spelled correctly on purpose to give the word some flavor or uniqueness. Change them as you like. Pick a name that is close to your heart, desire, quest, etc. If you have something to overcome, you may pick a name according to your special need.

For example, a name in the "Growth" category could be something you are proud of having grown into or something you plan on growing into in the future. When I was growing up, a craft name was chosen, always kept, and unspoken. Times have changed, it seems. Now modern Wiccans change their names like they do their clothes, from what I have learned online & in books that I recently read to catch up with the times. It makes sense in a way, because we are ever changing. As we progress, then perhaps it only right that our "craft names" should progress as well.

Names can be changed, if growth is emminent, or you do not even have to choose a name if you don't care to. It is another "tool" of the trade & can help you in many ways. It can remind you of who you are. It can remind you of your goals. It can reflect how you feel or it can just be a name that makes you feel good about yourself. As I said, it isn't necessary, but it can be helpful.

This magickal name used to be one that the practitioner kept to herself/himself, to be used on magickal tools , in Craft books & recordings. Today, it seems that this practice has changed & the names are no longer kept secret. I chose as a child & have only revealed my "name" to one person, a High Priestess to be used in prayer. Do as you will, for it is yourself you must please. I, however, will just keep this one tiny secret to myself.

Mix & Match, if you like. Add or subtract from the names, as you like. The most important thing is to make the name your own. Choose well.
{ an "(m)" means the name is masculine }
{ an "(f)" means the name is female }
If the name has a / after it, then it may be used with the "a" for the feminine version of the name. Most names are obviously one or the other.

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