The Qabalistic Cross and the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram are performed together. The Qabalistic Cross is performed both before and after the Pentagram Ritual and is used to spiritually align and empower the sorcerer. As with most rituals, visualization, imagination, and concentration are of the utmost importance during this ritual. As you touch each body part (or chakra), during the ritual, visualize yourself charging each chakra with a brilliant white light descending down through the crown of your head and spiraling down into each individual chakra. Imagine each one empowered with vital energy. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is useful for clearing out a space prior to doing a larger ritual. It will banish negative spirits. The Hebrew names used at the four quarters are names given for the absolute spirit within the Qabalah. They are: YHVH - this is called the Tetragrammaton, or the name of god which can not be named. It is pronounced: Yod He Vau He. ADNI - pronounced Adonai, meaning "Lord." AHIH - pronounced Eheieh, meaning "to be".
AGLA - this is notariqon of:
The entities invoked at the ending of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram are the four archangels of the Tetramorph. Each archangel represents one of the four elements. Raphael represents Air; Michael represents Fire; Gabriel is Water; and Uriel is representative of Earth. The four archangels act as guardians and aid the sorcerer in banishing whatever it is you desire to be rid of. When performing the ritual, visualize each archangel standing in the proper quarter as they are summoned.
(Remember these are chakras and do the visualization.)
Take your Athame and draw the banishing Pentagram of earth to the East and, then bring it to the center of the Pentagram, and vibrate the deity name -- YOD HE VAU HE -- Imagine that your voice carries forward to the East of the Universe. Holding the Athame out before you, go to the South, make the Pentagram and vibrate similarly the deity name -- ADONAI. Go to the West, make the Pentagram and vibrate EHEIEH. Go to the North, make the Pentagram and vibrate AGLA. Return to the East and complete your circle by bringing the point of the Athame to the center of the first Pentagram. Stand, in the center of the circle, with arms outstretched in the form of a cross and say: