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Herbal Remedies

ACHES AND SPRAINS: Studies have shown that Devil's Claw has anti-inflammatory effects and relieves the pain of arthritis. Devil's Claw also has analgesic effects and will relieve the pain of minor aches and sprains.



Rheumatoid arthritis: New studies are considering Lemon Balm in the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis

Raisins for Arthritis: Many of you that know me understand my obssession with arthritis and I found this in an amazing newsletter that I subscribe to daily. It is called "Emazing."

"On ABC's 'Good Morning America' program, Joe Graedon explained several natural remedies, including one for arthritis. This is Graedon's arthritis remedy. You will need:"
One box of golden raisins

"Empty the box of raisins into a bowl and pour enough gin (any kind, preferably cheap) over them to cover. Allow the gin to evaporate for a week to ten days, then place the moist raisins in a covered container. The story said you must eat nine raisins a day, no more, no less. It will take six weeks of eating these raisins before you feel any results."

Arthritis Pain: Capsaicin is the active ingredient in red peppers that relieves arthritis pain and is effective when applied topically to the area that hurts. Creams containing capsaicin can be found in health food stores and pharmacies. In addition, herbal alfalfa tablets, taken over a certain time period, work to restore flexibility to stiff joints.


ATHELETE'S FOOT: Tea tree oil can cure even the most stubborn cases of athlete's foot and nail fungus . Apply it each night for up to a week and cover the hands or feet you are treating with cotton socks or gloves. One week is generally sufficient treatment.



Influenza Prevention: Black Elderberry tincture will protect other family members from the flu. The flu sufferer will also recover faster by using this herbal tincture as the label directs.

Echinacea is our number-one-selling herbal remedy in America and was handed down from Native Americans. It is used to treat colds, flu, respiratory infections and urinary tract infections. It is extremely effective and I can attest to that. I use it myself. One thing to remember though is that it extends the effects of any other drugs that are in your system. For example: I have a hard time getting my doctors to understand that 10 days of an antibiotic usually won't do it for me. I have learned that I have to take it twice as long as most people or it recurs almost instantly, so instead of arguing, I now take the echinacea along with the antibiotic and not only does it work faster for me, but it seems more effective. Ask your doctor before trying it though. I take responsibility for MYSELF only.

GARLIC: Antibiotic, reduce cholesterol, lower high blood pressure. Even the ancient Egyptians recognized the antibiotic properties of garlic. In addition to its antibiotic properties, garlic will help reduce cholesterol levels and lower high blood pressure.

Congestion: Anise can aid in clearing congestion from the upper respiratory tract. A tea can be made from the spice itself. Sip warm herbal tea as desired. Also try Red Clover for bronchitis.

Fevers: There are several herbs that are useful in cutting high fevers. Fevers generally mean that you have an infection of some kind, so I would strongly suggest seeing a doctor. Following is a list of herbs that can help reduce fever: Angelica, Boneset, Cayenne (this is HOT pepper), Elder Flower, & Peppermint.

From the Native Americans come these suggestions for Colds:

Wungobe--Balsam Fir
Nakadonup--Wild Buckwheat
Ya-Tombe--Creosote Bush
Aqui he binga--Blue Gilia
Toza--Indian Balsam
Taba emul--Meadow Rye


DIURETIC: A diuretic is a substance that will increase urine production, and to some extent remove excess fluid from the body tissues. These herbs can be used as diuretics: horsetail, sea buckthorn, chervil and silverweed.


IRREGULAR HEARTBEAT: (always check with your doctor.) Hawthorn is a cardiac tonic that strengthens the heartbeat and eliminates irregular heartbeats. The recommended daily dosage is 160-900 mg of Hawthorn extract standardized to contain 4-30 mg of flavonoids and 30-160 mg of oligomeric procyanidins.


INDIGESTION: Indigestion may be the most prevalent complaint people have, outside the common cold. Several natural foods and herbs have been shown to reduce or eliminate stomach distress such as the following:

Bran: Natural Fiber cereals.

Lemon Balm, or Melissa officinalis, has been used effectively for stomach complaints and insomnia. The leaves and flowering tops of the Lemon Balm plant are used medicinally. They have an odor of lemon, and contain citronella.

Papaya: This natural digestive aid helps in digesting protein. If papaya is out of season, you can purchase papaya supplements at health food stores. Papaya may relieve gas as well as stomach upsets and indigestion.

Fennel: Many herbalists say a tea made from fennel seeds is a good treatment for indigestion.

Catnip: Tea made from catnip leaves is a traditional remedy for stomach ailments, particularly among children.

Anise: Sometimes an over-acidic stomach comes from too many sweets. Herbalists recommend anise seeds in that case.

Mint: Both peppermint and spearmint leaves are excellent for making a tea for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and colon problems. A tablespoon of crushed leaves steeped in a cup of water for five minutes can help eliminate all sorts of digestive problems.

Sage: The slightly bitter tea made from sage leaves is said to be an excellent tonic for intestinalproblems, including stomach inflamation.

Yogurt: has been found to be soothing to the entire digestive tract. Eating yogurt can sooth everything from an enflamed esophagus to colonitis.

My Recipe for Nausea

Make a tea using peppermint tea, and add in 2 Tsp ginger, a pinch or two of anise, a dash or two of fennel, 2 Tsp. of cinnamon, and then add sugar or honey to sweeten to suit your own taste. Strain. Drink while warm. The ingredients here are relatively harmless in nature, so don't over worry the amounts. Just don't go way overboard with the anise or fennel. This tea is excellent for nausea. My daughter asks for it anytime her stomach is upset and will even say "Hurry up, mom." while I make it. That's because she has learned from experience that this will take away that queasy feeling. If you are pregnant, ask your doctor about this recipe before using, although I sincerely doubt any of the ingredients would harm you. If you are also nervous or tense, you may add in other herbs as well such as valerian, kava kava, hops, chamomile etc....but NOT if you are pregnant in this case.


INFECTIONS: Cuts and wounds, and swelling: A poultice made from chopped cabbage leaves can draw out impurities from infected cuts and wounds. It will also soothe swelling and help to heal bruises


INSECT BITES: Summer brings more opportunity to try herbal treatments for insect bites. Mosquito bites are uncomfortable, and bites can itch, sting, and become inflamed in some individuals. Use a solution of 15% Tea Tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) on the bites for quick relief.------I don't know if the one above works since I haven't tried it, but I do know one that does because my son was allergic to many insects including mosquitos & I felt so bad for him that I had to research relief methods. Use Alum, regular grocery store (spice section & cheap too) alum. It looks like salt once you open it. First you must wet the skin and then take a handful and rub it on the bites. Use it to scratch them with. It won't hurt because alum is antiseptic and will feel good to the victim. Do NOT wash it off but let it dry on the skin.

Notes: It will turn chalky, of course, so if you are going out, be prepared to cover it with clothing, lol. At bedtime, I pour some of the alum onto the covers around where the bites are if possible & my kids, me too actually, use it to "scratch" the bites with if needed. (This only after above is done, wet & rubbed on.) It stops the itching almost completely. Guaranteed!! (Be caredful around genital areas and keep them covered. It can burn. Not dangerous but uncomfortable until you take a bath. Don't get into eyes, mouth, or nose if you can help it. Do not use on open wounds. Painful.)


INSOMNIA: See Stress or Sleep Problems Below


Click here for an entire section on Menopause

After talking to so many women and hearing about all the problems that have occurred to many, I decided to do some extensive research on this subject, and have devoted an entire section to it. I am convinced that most doctors still do not take women's problems seriously and many of us go through hell because of it. It's time it stopped or we took matters into our own hands. Anyone with useful information, I would be more than happy to add it to this section. Just email me. And I intend to continue researching women's issues and updating with anything I find.


MENSTRUAL CRAMPS: Over the counter: Ibuprofen (Personally when I use this, I use up from 600-800 miligrams, but you might want to start out with the least amount and work up until you find out what your body can tolerate and what it needs. I weigh in at around 100 lbs at approx. 5 foot tall, and as we all know, body weight does matter, so this is just to give you a guideline. For children, I suggest consulting your doctor first.

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis), or its American relative Angelica atropurpurea. Root tea or powdered in capsules. Check with the store or on the product label for dosage. It varies..

Cramp bark (Viburnum opulis), or its relatives V. prunifolium (blackhaw) or V. nudum (possomhaw). Bark tea or powdered in capsules. Couldn't find any dosage on that. Berries of Viburnum species are poisonous, by the way.

Clary Sage (Salvia Sclarea): its essential oils are said to be relieving to menstrual cramps.

Those are pretty specific uterine antispasmodics. You could also use general antispasmodics, such as valerian and Passiflora (passion flower), but they cause drowsiness so be sure you don't have to drive if you use them. More gentle general antispasmodics, like camomile, raspberry leaves, are perhaps more useful. Some suggested using ginger if nausea is present (Also see PMS Below....)


OVEREXERTION: Sore muscles and joints often come from overexertion. A tea can be made from the crushed leaves of garden thyme and then added to bath water or used as a compress. Use a compress directly on the area of pain or soreness.


BALANCING THE HORMONES: Female hormone levels often get out of balance after taking birth control pills, and certain herb may offer a solution. Mix one part each of black cohosh, chasteberry, licorice, angelica sinensis, and motherwort. Make a strong tea, and drink one cup up to three times a day for one week.

Breast Tenderness: Caffine should be avoided. Supplemental vitamin E may help. The following herbs are suggested - Black Currant, Borage, Dong Quai, Feverfew. The application of Evening Primrose oil is also suggested.

Cramps : Avoid consuming Alcohol and fatty foods. Supplements of Magnesium and calcium is suggested. The Following herbs are suggested - Black Currant, Borage, Chamomile, Chaste Berry Tree, Cramp Bark, Dong Quai, Feverfew, Motherwort, Scullcap and wild yams.

Emotional Upsets: Avoid Fats and sweets, increase the intake of carbohydrates. Supplements of Magnesium, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B6. Herbs Suggested - Chamomile, Chaste Tree Berry, Dong Quai, Feverfew, Motherwort, Sarsaparilla, Scullcap and Wild Yams. Exercise may also be helpful.

Water retention: Avoid salts. The following herbs are suggested - Chamomile, Chaste Tree Berry, Dandelion, and Wild Yams.


SCARS: Edgar Cayce lived from 1877 until 1945 and left behind an amazing legacy of healing information. His recipe for the treatment of scars contains 2 ounces of camphorated oil, one half teaspoon of dissolved lanolin and one ounce of peanut oil. Check your local health food store for the ingredients. Gently massage this mixture into scarred areas (only after the wound has completely closed, if you’re treating a new scar) twice a day to minimize or eliminate scar tissue.


STRESS OR SLEEP PROBLEMS: The following are brief descriptions of some calming herbs, their uses, and side effects (if any). They each can offer us symptomatic relief in our times of distress.

Lemon Balm, or Melissa officinalis, has been used effectively for stomach complaints and insomnia. The leaves and flowering tops of the Lemon Balm plant are used medicinally. They contain citronella.

Kava - is a central nervous system depressant. It acts in the limbic system (the seat of emotion). Occasional use for symptoms of anxiety and/or sleeplessness is an appropriate use for Kava. High dosages over prolonged periods can be irritating to the liver. Misuse of kava, such as taking it at higher than recommended doses over a long period of time, can result in a scaly skin rash and discoloration of the hair and nails. Discontinuing the kava resolves these effects.

Passionflower - is more sedative than Kava. One of Nature's best tranquilizers, its uses include anxiety, insomnia, and as an anti-spasmodic, it can be used to treat symptoms of asthma. DO NOT USE during pregnancy.

Valerian - is used as a gentle, safe, sleep aid. It is the herbal treatment of choice for nervous tension and panic attacks. Although it may cause headaches with prolonged use, there are few side effects other than its disagreeable smell and taste.

Skullcap - was originally used as a remedy for the symptoms of rabies. Although there is little scientific research available, it is popularly used to relieve nervous tension and menstrual cramps. Its relaxing effect makes it useful in the treatment of seizures, hysteria, and epilepsy.

St. Johnswort - is a mild tranquilizer that is safe for short term use. It increases dopamine levels in the brain (which affects emotional stability). Its uses include relief of emotional stress, anxiety, and irritability. Prolonged use may produce toxicity and may also make the skin light-sensitive. Current studies are ongoing to examine the possible anti-viral activity of St. Johnswort.

More on Saint John's Wort I

More on Saint John's Wort II

How to Heal Depression
By Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D. & Peter McWilliams
Entire Book Online

Chamomile - is a mild sedative. Its calming effect on smooth muscle tissue has made it a traditional remedy for nervous stomach and colic. It interacts well with passionflower. Chamomile is from the same family of plants (daisy) as ragweed, so people with ragweed allergies must be careful to avoid chamomile products.

Wild Oats - is a natural relaxant. It is used to treat chronic and acute anxiety. As it strengthens the entire nervous system, it is an appropriate remedy for exhaustion, when accompanied with depression and stress.

Catnip - is a member of the mint family used mainly as a children's remedy. It is a mild sedative and is commonly used for children's nervousness and insomnia. Its anti-spasmodic activity can prove effective against cramps, upset stomach, and colic.


TOOTHACHE: Cloves release an oil when they are scraped or bruised that acts as a temporary skin anesthetic. You can buy cloves from your grocery store in the spice aisle. Take about ten cloves and remove the stems, then wrap them in a piece of cotton and crush it lightly in your hands. Discard the pieces of cloves and wipe the sore tooth and gum with the oil on the piece of cotton. Another option is to bruise a clove slightly, then roll it around in your mouth. You may also steep your cloves in alcohol and then apply it to cotton and press on the area. Also from the Native Americans come these suggestions:

Poku erop--Iris


VARICOSE VEINS: Horse Chestnut Seed can reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids, as well as the swelling of varicose veins.


WARTS: A tried and true recipe from Edgar Cayce: To eliminate warts and moles, apply a small amount of pure Castor oil to the wart or mole twice a day, with very gentle massage. It can take up to several weeks to remove an old wart or mole.

Also see Herbs III

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