Blessings to you!Blessings to you!

The Celtic Lady

Blessed Be!

What is Akasha?

Akasha is the electrical energy that flows through all living creatures. It is also that great record of all that was, all that is, and all that will be.

Akasha is what we call the all-pervasive life force, a universal medium in which every single thing is contained, touched and surrounded by itself. It fills all space and penetrates all matter. It is me. It is you. In Wicca, it is earth, air, fire, water. To the Celts, it is Sky, Earth and Water. It is the God and the Goddess. It is the Spirit. It is everything, atom by atom by atom. It is Akasha.

Now I hope this doesn't get confusing. Just remember that Akasha is the total sum of everything that exists in and out of our world. Both Wiccans & the Celts interpret the Akasha as the spirit acting as the agent through which electromagnetic forces operate.

I repeat:"Akasha is The Spirit. It is God/Goddess. It is your spirit, acting as the agent or conductor, through which electromagnetic forces operate. Meaning that you will be using your own "spirit" or inner self, subconscious, and whatever higher power or form of energy you believe in or worship...your cause a vibrational essence of a force, one that will help you direct your "Magick". You are the copper wire and your emotions, thoughts, etc are going to be used as electricity to power up your world. Later on...

Both Wiccans & Celts believe that there is energy within everyone. (Some call this energy the "soul".) This energy resides within every human being, every animal, every plant, and all things nonliving as well. It may seem ludicrous to think of inanimate objects as being energy sources, but just remember that everything in our world is made up of atoms, molecules and tiny living cells. Everything has it's own energy, regardless of how large or how small.

For example, you may not be able to see exactly how you could perform "magick" because you have no "supernatural" powers. In fact, you may even believe that these powers don't really exist. Well, you might look at it this way, just as a second opinion.

You are a being made up of electrical energy.(Atoms, remember?) You think, & your brainwaves can be measured. Your heart beats, & this can also be measured. When you go to the doctor for certain conditions, they measure this energy on their machines: EEG & ECG.

Now think of how water & electricity can be measured and that energy harnessed. Your bodies responses have already been measured by our scientists and doctors, and this is a proven fact. You are alive because of this energy you contain inside yourself. This energy can be redirected, harnessed and put to good use, just as we took the energy from "lightening" and now have electricity channeled into our homes and businesses. This can happen to you as well. You can channel and redirect your own energy.

Don't forget that at one time, we all thought that electricity was impossible as well. Light without a flame? *snorts* Sure, buddy. You been smokin' that opium again? Lol! No, I'm not that old!! I didn't live when there were no lights or televisions. Okay, well maybe we didn't have television when I was born but we got one a few years after....Let's proceed so that I can tell you just how lazy you are for THAT smart aleck comment. And no you didn't say it, but I heard it loud and clear anyway...

Unfortunately, for the most part, we are essentially lazy creatures (Who? Me? -- Yes, you!) and even the scientists will tell you that we only use a minute portion of our brain power. Ten percent, is what they tell us. 10%. Only ten percent. Got it?

The energy from your hearts and brains can be reconditioned to do things beyond imagining, if you can just learn to hold your focus, to "visualize' things happening without losing concentration, but we will work more on this as we go along.

You must find the way to harness your own electromagnetic energy though, before you can perform any magick, & who knows, you might just find out that you have supernatural powers after all.

This energy that we all have is a very powerful thing when cultivated and allowed to grow and evolve. It connects us to each other which in turn gives us even greater power and it even connects us to the powers of the Universe. We call this collection of energy the Spirit. And if you can capture this "energy" through intense concentration, meditation, self-hypnosis, visulization, and practice, then you will indeed have Magick in your hands.

Magick is the electromagnetic energy that flows through all living creatures and this is Akasha. Just remember, "concentration, meditation, self-hypnosis, visulization, and practice" is the key. And this, I will teach you as we go along.

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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way