Blessings to you!Blessings to you!

The Celtic Lady

Blessed Be!

After finishing this lesson, you can go here to "Make Sense of it all" if things are not quite clear. It is very short and sweet.

The Spirit and Magick

Like the God & Goddess, we are all  three-part beings. You have a body, "mind", and soul.

The BODY is self-explanatory.

The "MIND" holds a consciousness, a subconsciousness, and a super-consciousness. 

Your internal self is a SOUL or a spirit. You may be "all" these things, but you are still "ONE" person. Getting clearer?

This portion of you, the soul, is within the body. A larger, multidimensional portion of you, called the Higher Self exists simultaneously outside the body at all times, and in all places, and in all incarnations.

Everything, Mind, Body, Soul and the Higher Self is a part of the Creator as well. Entertwined you become the energy known as Akasha. This is what creates Magick or Miracles. This is personal empowerment. The all-encompassing spirit!!

In doing magick of any kind, you are going to have to use all of yourself, the consciousness, a subconsciousness, and a super-consciousness to visualize, meditate, focus, and practice what you need to know and do, along with the forces of nature. Air (one of the elements and one used frequently) may be what transports that new thoughtwave or bit of electrical energy that you are planning on sending out to it's newest destination. That will mean that the atoms of air, the atoms of you, the atoms of the Spirit will all be in contact at the time, moving, exchanging, changing etc. Magick will not come if you can not learn to use all of the above together at the appropriate times.

In other words, if you put your whole self into what you are doing, use all the "energy" from that weary old brain (all areas of consciousness') that you can muster, and all the feeling from that still-beating heart, you can generate some powerful energy. Energy that no one but you is in control long as you can also learn how to focus it and direct it.

Now check this out for a sec. SCIENTIFIC FACTS:

Brain Waves

When you drop a small stone in water, you see waves. Similarly our heart and our brain have wave patterns. The wave pattern of the heart is measured by ECG (electro cardiograph). The brain waves are measured by EEG (electro encephalograph).

Using the brain wave studies, scientists have discovered that our brain waves are of four types.

The brain waves also have peaks that are similar to the peaks we see in water waves. The number of times the peak appears in one second is called "cycles per second". For example, the electricity in India is of 50 cycles per second.

Beta (13 to 25 cycles per second)
This brain wave indicates that your conscious mind is in control. It indicates a mental state of logical thought, analysis, and action. You are alert and awake talking, speaking, doing, solving problems, etc.

Alpha (8 to 12 cycles per second)
This brain wave indicates relaxation and meditation. It is a state of relaxed alertness good for inspiration, learning facts fast.

Theta (4 to 8 cycles per second)
Deep meditation. This is associated with life-like imagination. This is best for suggestibility and inspiration. This brain wave is dominant in children of age 2 to 5.

Delta (0.5 to 4 cycles per second)
Deep dreamless sleep. Deep relaxation.

Left brain and right brain working together
Usually the left brain and the right brain waves are independent. They reach peaks independent of each other. During meditation and deep relaxation, the left brain waves and the right brain waves happen together. For both, the peaks are reached together. This is called synchronization. Scientists now believe that synchronization makes much greater mind power available. This is associated with learning large amounts of information very quickly as well as with creativity.

Brain self-control
Scientists had long believed that brain activity such as brain waves and secretion of brain chemicals were beyond conscious control

But, experiments on Swami Rama of the Himalayas and on biofeedback have now changed that belief. Now it is proven that some people can control their brain waves, blood pressure, heart beats, etc.


The ancients believed that life was a neverending cycle of learning. (using those brain waves, helping that energy to mature and grow).

There is empowerment in knowledge, and many practitioners study millions of subjects in order to attain the wisdom of the ancients.
Nothing ever totally ceases to exist. It is still with us in one form or another.

Take this test:
This is just to show how energy can be harnessed,
yet perhaps not be readily apparent at first.
Take this for example:

You can take a deep breath and smell "the scents" on the air. You can stand outside on a blustery day and feel the "cold" from the air on a windy day.You can also look around you and see the trees and grass swaying from the air in the breeze gently blowing now. You can even reach out and touch the air as it expels quickly from a balloon or storm. Have you felt the wind in your hair, on your face. Air is touchable then. You can hear all the racket that a tornado or hurricane blows in on the air, now can't you? So have you heard the wind lately, soughing gently through your daydreams, while sitting in that utmost favorite spot of yours? Ever been kissed and for hours it seems as if you can still "taste" your lover's breath so sweetly lingering upon your lips?

So what does that tell you? (Air is one of the elements, btw, and these same things will be applied when you "attune with nature" later on.)

Let's take inventory now. You can see, hear, feel, smell, and taste the air! Now for that sixth sense.... spirit. Without using any analogies, can you  actually point out "air" to me? No with your finger!! Point to it so that I can see it clearly. Where does air live exactly? Can you tell me?

I know. It lives within you, in your head, in your heart, in your soul. In each and every living cell upon this earth. The spirit lives within us all. You may not be able to actually put your finger on it, but it's there and it is powerful. If it wasn't then neither would we "BE". Harnessing that air/energy gives you the power to create magick. Electrical impulses. That "air" never dies. It just gently moves on to prepare for other life. (reincarnation: another lesson)


Now believing that energy is always present, we believe it just goes on in another form. If your soul/spirit/energy has not learned all it needs for that particular lifetime before it moves on, you may be doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over in your next incarnation. Once you have reached your highest level of being, once you are perfect throughout a single lifetime, once you have learned all your lessons of life, once you are at your most powerful, be it five minutes or one hundred and five years, you become the Spirit and exist as the Spirit only. You no longer come back in a "physical" body. You no longer need this to incubate a weak spirit because it is now at it's strongest as are you. You are now Pure Spirit. You ARE Akasha. 100% energy!!

Anyone can harness this energy and manifest talents through hard work and dedication. Through the energy above that we spoke of. The Akasha. The total sum of it All. The atoms. Through brainwaves and heart rythyms that are sources of our own active energy. This is a scientifically proven fact.

Magickal spells work because of the energy we put into them, the intent, good or evil. This is pure energy that comes from no place else but from within yourself and others around you. Christians call it a miracle. Individuals of the Craft call it Magick.


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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way