Blessings to you!Blessings to you!

The Celtic Lady

Blessed Be!

Part II : Logical vs Creative Brain

Let me explain a bit. You have a logical side of the brain and a creative side. Usually you don't have much control over which side you're using but in magick, you must have control. So we use tools and certain colors, rituals, steps etc to set the mood for the logical side of the brain and lull it into a meditative mode and give it a false sense of security, so that the creative side can take over without interference. Once this is done, you are ready for the magick.

Now before I move on, check out the little smiley above. He is your brain. He looks kind of confused, doesn't he? heh... But if we put him in the right setting... with candles, incense, chants, different colored tools, even pagan music or rituals etc, then he will stop looking back and forth, and he will be fascinated with whatever it is you are going to do. This is what we are trying to do to that "logical" side of your brain. Distract it. Fascinate it, so that it allows the creative side to take over, since it will be too busy watching what you are going to do next to reason out anything. That is probably why magick was often called "Fascination" back in the olde days. Now just how do we fascinate a smiley? Why, you do it all the time!!

Look at this example: You do this very same thing in another entirely different ritual of which you are perhaps unaware. It is called the mating ritual, & yes at one time or another, we all perform it. We get haircuts & new styles. We buy a new dress or just the right fit of pants, spritz on perfume or splash on cologne. We worry about if this necklace, makeup, shirt, tie, boots etc looks too dressy for the occasion or just right for going to that particular little restaurant/bar. And just before time for the date or meeting with that special someone, we take one last look, or unconsciously perhaps, smooth down that cowlick that just won't quit acting up. Once this is done, you are ready for that date. As the evening progresses, there are more associations & rituals that take place here as well. For example, (I don't know if this happens much anymore in this day & age, lol but...) After dinner, let's say you decide to go somewhere that you can be alone. If you are a male, you decide on the place, probably your apartment, lol. You might have brought her flowers, put on a certain type of mood music, anything that you associate with this type of magick.And I'd just bet that the logical side of your brain isn't concentrating on anything like the math test that you are going to have to take tomorrow. Am I right? I could go on here but I think you all can finish it up in your imaginations. More often than not, if you do this ritual in the exact same way, under the exact same circumstances everytime, it will have the same results. Your mind, body, & spirit will now "be in the mood." After all, isn't love just another kind of magick? And now your "logical minds" aren't thinking nearly as clear, are they? So your creative side can be much more effective. Go ahead now, & cast that spell. lol! We'll just close the door behind us on our way out.

Now a few last remarks before taking you to the next level. We talked a bit about the tools of the Craft. As far as this goes, use what you want and discard what you don't. If the association seems strange to you, then it's better not to use it. If you simply hate that color, then pick one you like that "feels" like the right color for what you are doing.

As for spells, I will post some here, but the best spells are written by the practitioner herself/himself. These are the most powerful because you pour your own energy into them as you write them. And you don't even have to write them. Not everyone is a poet. You can stand there and say your own spell from the heart, and do just as well. All magick comes from within. Remember that! You are the magick and the magi. Focus is the word! Meditation, visualization, and practice are the keys! So mote it be!

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

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