Root Chakra


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The Muladhara Chakra
The First Chakra

There are seven bodies, seven chakras, seven different energy centers, and each chakra is connected with its corresponding body.

The muladhara tends to suffer from constipation and diarrhea. It needs to relax and be stress free. The muladhara chakra must function at 100% for our energy to begin to move within us.

The Root is the core chakra, and is called the muladhara chakra. Being the first chakra and also the chakra of the physical body, the Indians believe this to be the home to Kundalini energy, the serpent energy thought to reside at the tip of the tailbone. The mudladhara is thought to hold an energy that can stagnate, but can be reawakened through meditation. It's important connection is with the physical body.

It relates to these areas of the body: Anus, Rectum, Colon, Adrenals. It also governs the bones, teeth and nails and is associated with the sense of smell. This chakra is our survival instinct and controls basic self preservation. It also controls fear, and increases overall health when in top condition.

Some of its qualities are motivation, passion, vitality, courage, inner strength, self-confidence and encouragement towards our goals. Vigor, heredity , security ,passion ,feet legs and trust, your relationship with money, home, and job. primal feelings, energy, will to live, physical existence, our bodies and our health are all associated with this chakra. It gives us the power and inner strength to pursue our dreams and the ability to work lovingly on the physical plane.

When this chakra is underactive and out of balance, it causes lack of confidence, weakness, feelings of being unloved, fears of abandonment, and lack of sexual interest. A person with an underactive, unbalanced root chakra can become suicidal. They tend to feel weak willed and often sexually inadequate, fearful, frustrated, alienated, separated from others.

In the other direction, however, when overactive, it can cause a person to become egotistical, greedy, domineering, and uncaring of others feelings. He can also be hyperactive, addicted to self, violent, dishonest, cunning. Too centered on self.

What we want here is to create a balance and this will normalize these areas making the person balanced, centered, grounded, and healthy with unlimited physical energy. A person with a well-balanced root chakra will be able to trust others as well as being independent, determined, secure, patient, constant, ambitious, passionate, and able to commitment.

When you meditate on this Chakra it balances the physical body which controls the fight or flight syndrome. This is where you get the energy to get out of bed every morning. To Awaken and Balance this chakra: Spend some time each day sitting directly on the earth. Dance! The image in nature to focus on is dawn, the sunset, or fresh soil.

Root Chakra:1
Color - Red/black
Musical note: note c
Mantra: Lam
Angel: Auriel
Essential Oils - Clove, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Cedar wood, rosewood,
Bach Flower Essences - Gorse, Cerato, Scleranthus, Gentian,and Wild Oat.
Use the color red for these ailments: Depression, lack of energy, being ungrounded, low blood pressure, bladder infections, shock, poor circulation, cold , impotence, back pain, legs and feet. Also use red for anemia,rheumatism, arthritis, and lower backache.
For Overactive symptoms of this chakra, use the color green to counteract them.
For Underactive symptoms of this chakra use the color red.
Stone - garnet, ruby, red jasper, smoky quartz, black tourmaline ,hematite ,bloodstone, black onyx, jasper, obsidian
Healing/Health - Circulation, Low Blood Pressure, Colds, Shock
Gland - Adrenals
Organ - Kidneys, Spinal Column, all reproductive organs, spine, blood, bladder.

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way