Here's to you and here's to me
I pray that friends we'll always be,
But if by chance we disagree,
The heck with you and here's to me!


Root Chakra Meditation

The following is just one way of performing this balancing. Lie or sit in a relaxed and comfortable position. Your spine should be straight and your head in alignment with your body. Eyes are closed.

Now do your breathing exercise. Breathe in through your nose deeply several times and when exhaling , see all the negative energy leaving and feel the peacefulness taking over. Relax and breathe in and out naturally. Now take a moment to ground yourself here in this moment, in this body, in this place, in this time......Take some deep breaths....In.... and out....In....and out....Follow the breath as it flows toward your nostrils, as it enters your nose, as it fills your lungs and then as it is expelled. That's it, just relax into this quiet moment. Breathe in...follow your breath... and out. In....and out.

Feel where your body meets the floor (or wherever it meets a surface.). Become aware of your body from head to toe, of your weight, of the heaviness of your limbs. Now focus on the area at the base of the spine, the area between your legs. This is the root chakra. It's energy is red, and it governs your physical body, your physical health and vitality.

In your mind, study the appearance of this chakra...note it's color and vitality. Mentally envision the chakra, Take note of any symptoms of illness or negativity. These may seem real or it may seem merely symbolic, but whichever it is, if your chakra is dirty, tattered, or less than a perfectly brilliant whirling red vortex, imagine your hands working on the chakra. If it is dirty, clean away the dirt and throw it into an imaginary garbage bin with a lid on it. Allow your hands to repair any imperfections, and when the chakra is totally clean, mentally take the garbage and hurl it away from yourself. Hurl it into the sun and watch as it travels through space and then bursts into a zillion tiny bits of energy upon solar contact. Allow the sun to recycle this energy back into the universe.

Now turn your attention back to the root chakra. It is clean and red. You are surrounded by infinite root energy now. Imagine the room glowing a healthy red with this energy. Now reach out and feel it's strength and power. See the red swirling energy, flowing to your root chakra. You can feel the tingling as the energy fills your root chakra. As it goes on in, your chakra grows large and deep red and strong. Allow the energy to fill your chakra until it is so vital that it extends several feet out from your body. In your mind you can see your root chakra, a brilliant swirling red vortex of physical energy. You are now refreshed, calm, and peaceful. Your root chakra energy is balanced. You are full of life and vitality.

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

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