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Wheel of the Year
Author: © Debi 2001


To practicing Craft members , Samhain is one of the four High Holidays, or Greater Sabbats. It is one of the cross-quarter days. Because it is the most important holiday of the year, it is sometimes called 'The Great Sabbat. Samhain, (pronounced sow-en) is celebrated beginning the Eve of October 31 (starts at sunset) until November 2nd (at sunset) as the beginning of the Celtic New Year, and represents one full turn of the "seasonal" year. It is the holiday that signalizes the end of harvest and the initiation of the winter season, lasting until May (Bealtaine, which is a gaelic word and more commonly said "Beltane" in America.).

It is a memorial day for deceased friends, similar to the national holiday of Memorial Day. It is a time for giving thanks and much celebrating. It is a time to begin projects, to throw out the old and begin the new. Samhain is considered a time of reflection, a time for remembering ancestors and setting new goals.

The day before Nov 1st, at sunset, when Samhain begins is one of the more powerful and magickal days of the seasons. This is the day that we say a temporary farewell to the God as he passes on and readies himself to be reborn. It is said to be the time when souls that are leaving this physical plane pass out and souls that are reincarnating pass in.

Directly opposite Bealtane on the wheel of the year, Samhain is considered Bealtane's dark twin. It is a night of much power, when the veil that separates our world from that of Tir Nan Og (The land of the Young) or known to the celts as Emania in some traditions, is at its thinnest. (This is also called The Land of the Dead, where our "souls" go upon death to await rebirth.) It is said that one can commune with lost loved ones as they begin their journey across the barriers.The end of autumn, it is also, more importantly, the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. The dark phase of the year (winter) begins once more.

Now for a bit of history, we must go back to old Irish tradition. The Celts had 3 harvests: Aug 1, or Lammas, was the first harvest, when the first fruits of the season were offered to the Gods in thanks. The Fall Equinox was the "true harvest". This was when the bulk of crops would be brought in. Samhain was the final harvest of the year. Anything left on the vines or in fields after this date was considered blasted by the fairies and unfit for human consumption. Samhain was one of the sacred "Fire Festivals" of the druids. All the hearth fires in Ireland were extinguished, and then re-lit from the central fire of the Druids at Tlachtga, 12 miles from the royal hill of Tara. The extinguishing of the fires symbolized the "dark half" of the year, and the re-kindling from the Druidic fires was symbolic of returning life.

It was believed that departed loved ones could return to the land of the living on Samhain to celebrate with their families. The great burial mounds of Ireland, "sidhe (shee) mounds", translated as "faery mounds", were opened up and strewn with lighted torches along their walls, so the beloved dead could find their way home safely. Extra places were set at the table and food provided for any of the years deceased that wished to partake. This holiday was said to be the very best for divination. At no other holiday was it as likely to succeed.

The custom of dressing in costume and going from house to house is of Celtic origin and was actively indulged in by adults as well as children. Also, the 'treat' which was required was often one of spirits or alcohol.

Here is a prayer that is used frequently on this day .

Every beginning has an ending,
And every ending is a new beginning.
In Life there is Death, and in Death there is Life.
Watch over me and my loved ones, and all of my
Brothers and Sisters, here and departed,
Who, tonight are joined together once again for
Fellowship and celebration.
Bless us all as we light our bonfires, our hearth fires,
And the eternal fires in our hearts.
Guide us and protect us,
Tonight and throughout the coming year.
Blessed Be Emania! Blessed Be Akasha!

Symbolism of Samhain:

The Third Harvest, the Dark Mysteries, Rebirth through Death. Symbolized by jack-o'-lanterns, the balefire, besoms, masks, and cauldrons.

Herbs of Samhain: Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak leaves, Sage and Straw.

Foods of Samhain: Corn,Beets, Turnips, Gingerbread, Apples, Spices, Pumpkin Pie, Hazelnuts, Gourds, Nuts, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry. Also potatoes, cabbage and onions, oatcakes.

Incense of Samhain: Heliotrope, Apple, Sage, Mint, Nutmeg, Frankincense, Basil, Yarrow, Clove, and Camphor.

Colors of Samhain: Black, Orange, Red, White, Silver, Gold and Yellow Gold.

Stones of Samhain: All Black Stones, jet, obsidian, onyx.

Spellwork for Samhain: Protection, Reflection, Renewal, Getting rid of the negative.

Rituals for Samhain

For a look at a basic (Wiccan)Samhain ritual go here.

For a look at a basic (Celtic)Samhain ritual go here.

And for a prayer on this festival night, go here.


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Blessed be!

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