Blessings to you!Blessings to you!

Blessings of Samhain to you!

Magickal Names of Herbs, Flowers, Trees and Roots
© 1987 by Scott Cunningham
Folk Name:Common Name Folk Name:Common Name
Candlemas MaidenSnowdrop May LilyLily of the valley
Candlewick PlanMullein Mistress of the NightTuberose
Crown for a KingWormwood PasswordPrimrose
Dew of the Sea Rosemary Queen of the Meadow Meadowsweet
Dragonwort Bistort Ram's HeadAmerican Valerian
DwaleDeadly Nightshade Seven Year's LoveYarrow
Earth SmokeFumitory Sleep WortLettuce
ElfwortElecampane Sorcer's Violet Periwinkle
Enchanter's Plant Vervain Star FlowerBorage
Eye of the Star Horehound Star of the Earth Avens
Five Finger Grass Cinquefoil Starweed Chickweed
Golden StarAvens StarwortAster
Honey LotusMelilot Thousand SealYarrow
Joy of the Mountain Marjoram Thunder PlantHouseleek
Little Dragon Tarragon Unicorn HornTrue Unicorn Root
Love-In-IdlenessPansy Wax Dolls Fumitory
Love ParsleyLovage Witches Aspirin While Willow Bark
LoverootOrris Witches BellsFoxglove
Lad's Love Southernwood Witch HerbMugwort
Master of the WoodsWoodruff WitchwoodRowan
MasterwortAngelica Witches Briar Brier Hip

Magickal Names of Herbs, Flowers, Trees and Roots
© 2000 by Debi
Folk Name:Common Name Folk Name:Common Name
BloodSap from an elder tree A Snake's HeadA Leech
Bloody FingersFoxglove A Snake's Ball of ThreadSoapstone
Blood of a SnakeHematite A Bone of an IbisBuckthorn
Blood of a Hyraxtruly of a Hyrax (probably the rock hyrax) Tears [Sleep Sand] of a Hamadryas BaboonDill Juice
Crocodile DungEthiopian Soil Blood of a Hamadryas BaboonBlood of a Spotted Gecko.
Lion Semen Human Semen Blood of Hephaistos Wormwood.
Hairs of a Hamadryas BaboonDill Seed Semen of HermesDill
Blood of Ares Purslane Blood of an Eye Tamarisk Gall
Blood from a ShoulderBear's Breach From the LoinsCamomile
A Man's Bile Turnip Sap A Pig's TailLeopard's Bane
Blood of HestiaChamomile. Blood of a GooseA Mulberry Tree's Milk
A Physician's BoneSandstone An EagleWild Garlic
Kronos' SpicePiglet's Milk A Lion's Hairs Tongue of a Turnip (leaves of the taproot)
Kronos' Blood Of Cedar Semen of Helios White Hellebore
Semen of Herakles Mustard Rocket A Titan's Blood Wild Lettuce
Blood from a HeadLupine A Bull's Semen Egg of a Blister beetle
A Hawk's HeartHeart of Wormwood Semen of Hephaistos Fleabane
Semen of AmmonHouseleek Semen of AresClover
Fat from a Head Spurge From the BellyEarth-apple.
From the FootHouseleek BLANKBLANK


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