Blessings to you!Blessings to you!

Energy within us can be measured on a machine, (EEG, EKG) and so like electricity etc, it can be harnessed.

Did you know that we can measure light, and have harnessed it's energy?

Did you know that we have measured water, and have harnessed it's energy?

Did you know that the light and heat from within yourself is measurable as brainwaves and heartbeats, etc?

Did you know that even inanimate objects have this same energy, like that of water, electrical, heat, and electromagnetic energy, only in smaller amounts? Now that one's hard to believe, huh? Well, it's true because everything in this universe is made up of atoms, of tiny living cells some too small to even be seen. And if it's living, then it is a source of energy. And one way or another, energy can be harnessed.

All energy can be harnessed and harnessed by you! Just think of what you can do with it once you learn how to control it.

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