I pray that friends we'll always be, But if by chance we disagree, The heck with you and here's to me! |
It's not what you say that makes a spell work, it's the intent, the work you put into it and the energy. To write your own spells, first you must know what magick is and how to do it. If you have read through the lessons on this site, then you should at least have a general idea of what magick is. Magick is energy first of all. Now decide what you will need to do your spell work. Do you need visual aids to help you or are you more advanced than that? If you haven't done so already, you must learn how to ground, raise, and direct energy. This is imperative!! You can not do magick if you can not raise the energy and direct it. You should also know how to open and close a circle. And you must have a purpose. Are you trying to heal an illness or bring prosperity into your life? Is the ritual to celebrate a Sabbat or Esbat? What is it you are trying to do? What is your ultimate goal? Make sure you are able to state it or write it down. Decide whether you should do a drawing or banishing ritual or spell. Is the moon waning, waxing, full etc? You can always check this out here: Moons & Correspondences Now decide upon your other correspondents. Will you be using herbs, candles, stones or crystals? What colors? What will you use to represent your magickal purpose besides these things? Will you need a photograph to work a healing spell? What kind of magick are you going to use? Candle magick, Symbolic Magick? Etc....What kind are you best at or if this is your first spell, what kind do you think would be most interesting to you? Below you will see the basic outline of spellwork. Read through it and write your own spell for this magickal work you are about to embark on. As you write it, focus upon your intentions and goals. This is another form of empowerment and will aid you as you go. No matter what else you may forget, never, ever forget to visualize your desire coming true. Do this as clearly and intensely as you possibly can. Put some emotion into it. See it. Hear it. Smell it. Taste it. But most of all FEEL it!! Ritual Preparation: For expedience sake, we will say that this is to be a healing ritual. Choose a date and time. Choose your God or Goddess, if you wish. Decide how you will raise energy (psychic consciousness, dancing, chanting, drumming, etc.) Now begin to write your ritual. Cleanse yourself: You can do this with a ritual bath or through meditation to cleanse and calm your mind and to provide the beginning focus. Or you can write yourself a new cleansing spell if you wish. Using a cleansing bath or incense is usually the best way, I have found, at least for myself. Because it is so relaxing the bath helps to calm and clear my mind of negativity. I also use candles during this and bath salts of some kind.
Now Cast the Circle and Invoke the elements: (This will be part of what you have written.) Statement of purpose: Speak your purpose aloud and tell what you are trying to accomplish. (This will be part of what you have written.) Magickal Working: Raise your energy. Direct or channel this energy into your purpose. You may use candles, herbs, stones or whatever other correspondences you need to do this if you wish it. Meditations, visualizations. Concentration. Focus. Grounding: Cakes and Wine if needed. This is to help restore your energy. Close the Circle: (This will be part of what you have written.) Thank the Powers: (This will be part of what you have written.) Thank the elements and the deities. And finally close out your circle. Blessed Be! |