Three candles that illuminate every darkness:
Truth, Nature, and Knowledge.
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Major Healing Powers
There are Four Major Healing Powers of the Mind:
1) Positive Images
2) Positive Words
3) Positive Feelings
4) Positive Beliefs
There is a right and wrong way of applying these four healing powers. A person can go at it too strongly and be too forceful simply trying to obtain results. We may try too hard and that may be our ultimate defeat. This is a time to relax, to slow down, to rid yourself of worry, yet many worry about "ridding themselves of worry", and this makes no sense. Meditation is supposed to be relaxing and soothing. It will all come to you when the time is right, so take your time about getting there.
The above are relatively simple concepts. You take whatever is pleasing to you, and use it as your focus. You must believe in yourself first of all, and then you should try the power of positive thinking. Using some or all of the ideas below, you concentrate on the positive, visualize the positive, meditate on the positive until you have it all in focus. Negativity never helped anyone.
Positive Images: Meditate on a picture of something, a photograph.
Positive Words: Perhaps a poem to concentrate on or a song. A mantra is helpful to some.
Positive Feelings: Just the feeling of joy might be enough to get you into focus or perhaps thinking of your happiest times.
Positive Beliefs: Maybe a prayer, or simply concentrating on why you believe what you do. Thinking of how these beliefs make you feel inside.
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