Correspondence Tables

Welcome to my sanctuary. All opinions are welcomed as long as you agree with me.

Fillean meal ar an meallaire.
This is written in Gaelic. It means:
Evil returns to the evil doer.

For those that gave their lives on September 11, 2001.

Basic Table of Correspondence

First, a comment. There are many different things associated with magiak such as certain colors, candles, herbs, spells, etc. These are not cast in stone, my friends, nor are they written in blood, at least, not my blood. If something feels right, do it. if it feels wrong, change it. I will get into more detail on the whys and wherefores of this later. And to any that disagree, take your disagreements elsewhere please. I studied from the time I was knee-high to a grasshopper through my grandmother and great-grandmother. I do not want to hear such silliness as, "Oh, that won't work because you mustn't use a blue candle for a love spell." Each practitioner is an individual. One point here: If you absolutely hate red and the spell (I say this loosely here. Will explain more later.) calls for red because it is a lover's spell, let's say, just where do you think you are going to get by using hate in your ritual? I mean, "Geez, I hate that color but dearest Goddess, please send me a new lover." Makes a lot of sense now, doesn't it? Heh...besides that's not the easiest way to get a new lover, but we won't discuss that here. Now on to the basic table.


ANOINTING: acacia, angelica, carnation, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, lily of the valley, lotus, myrrh, rose, rosemary, vervain.
BALANCE: jasmine, orange, rose.
BANISHING, RELEASING: cedar, clove, cypress, patchouli, rose, rue, violet, elder, fern, mugwort, St.Johnswort, vervain, yarrow.
BINDING: apple, cayenne, dragon's blood, pine, pepper, rowan, wormwood.
BLESSING, CONSECRATION: carnation, cypress, frankincense, lotus, rosemary, elder, rue.
CHANGES: peppermint, dragon's blood, woodruff.
CLAIRVOYANCE, DIVINATION: cinnamon, lilac, laurel, eyebright, honeysuckle, marigold, nutmeg, rose, thyme, hazel, moonwort, rowan.
CREATIVITY: honeysuckle, lilac, lotus rose, wild cherry, savory.
CURSING: blackthorn, elder, pepper.
DETERMINATION, COURAGE: allspice, musk, rosemary, mullien.
ENERGY, STRENGTH: allspice, bay, carnation, cinnamon, lotus, musk, thyme, oak, holly.
EXORCISM: bay, lavender, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, basil, cedar, fern, pepper, rue, St, Johnswort, wormwood, yarrow.
GOOD LUCK, FORTUNE: cedar, lotus, mint, violet, nutmeg, bayberry, chamomile, jasmine, yellow dock.
HAPPINESS, HARMONY: apple blossom, basil, cedar, fir, jasmine, lavender, lilac, lotus, orange, rose, lily of the valey, purple loosestrife, valerain.
HEALING: carnation, clove, lavender, lotus, rose, sandalwood, apple, laurel, wild cherry, hazel, hops, orange, peppermint, rowan, savory.
INSPIRATION: acacia, clove, cypress, fir, hazel, laurel, lily of the valley, oak moss, reed, rue.
LOVE: apple blossom, birch, gardenia, honeysuckle, jasmine, musk, rose, acacia, catnip, fern, heather, juniper, lavender, marigold, marjoram, mistletoe, savory, vanilla, yarrow.
MEDITATION: angelica, bay, cinnamon, jasmine, nutmeg, wisteria.
NEW BEGINNINGS: birch oil.
PROTECTION, DEFENSE: angelica, bay, bayberry, birch, cinnamon, jasmine, lily of the valley, pine, rue, basile, burdock, club moss, dill, fern, feverfew, fir, furze, hawthorn, hazel, heather, holy, juniper, mistletoe, mullien, oak, pepper, rowan, thistle.
PSYCHIC CENTERS: nutmeg, mimosa, wistteria, lotus, mugwort.
PURIFICATION, CLEANSING: bay laurel, lavender, pine, rosemary, basil, betony, cedar, elder, feverfew, hyssop, oak, peppermint, rue, salt, thyme, woodruff.
REINCARNATION: lilac, sandalwood.
VISIONS: bay laurel, lotus, acacia, marigold, mugwort.
WILLPOWER: rosemary, St. Johnswort. *** Be careful when using WHITE BRYONY and LILY OF THE VALLEY, they are poisonous, and should never be ingested.



ACACIA,ROSE = Elegance, Regal poise and position
AFRICAN MARIGOLD = Vulgar Minds, Selfish Lust
AGNUS CACTUS = Coldness: to live without love or feeling
ALOE = Acute Sorrow, Sadness
AMARYLLIS = Haughtiness; Pride
AMBROSIA = Love returned, pleasure divine
APPLE BLOSSOM = Preference, Choice in love
AUSTRIAN ROSE = Very lovely, beautiful inside
AZALEA = Temperance, patience
BALSAM = Impatience, "do not haste"
BILBERRY = New life and vitality; Defense booster against illness
BLACK MULBERRY TREE = "I will not survive you"
BLACK POPLAR = Courage; defense
BLUE CORNFLOWER = Draws new love, re-ignites old love
BLUE FLAX = Grounding, soothing and tranquil.
BLUE PERIWINKLE = Early Friendship, easy friendships
BRIDAL ROSE = Happy Love
BUTTERCUPS = Ingratitude; Lies
BUTTERFLY ORCHIDS = Gaiety, Merry Revelry
BUTTON FERN = Inner transformation; growth; removes blockages, depression, fear.
CACTUS = "I burn"; desire
CARDINAL FLOWER = Distinctionl; Honor
CARNATION = Pride and beauty merited
CAROLINA ROSE = Love is dangerous; broken promises
CAYENNE = Change and growth.
CHINA ASTER = Variety; "many happy tidings"
CHRYSANTHEMUM = Cheerfulness under adversity
COCK'S COMB = Singularity; oneness
CROWN IMPERIAL = Majesty; Power
DAFFODIL = Deceitful hope
DAHLIA = Instability
DAISY = Innocence
FOXGLOVE = Insincerity
GARDEN MARIGOLD = Uneasiness and jealousy
GERANIUM,IVY = Bridal favor
GOLDEN ROD = "Beware";Precaution
HOLLY = Foresight
HONEYSUCKLE = Bonds of love
HYACINTH = Game; Play
IRIS = Messages
IVY = Friendship in adversity
JASMINE = Amiability
JONQUIL = Return of affection
LADY'S SLIPPER = Fickleness
LAUREL = Glory
LAVENDER PHLOX = Protects, shields, repels negativity
LEMON BLOSSOM = Fidelity in love
LILAC, PURPLE = First emotions of love
LILAC, WHITE = Youthful innocence
LILY OF THE VALLEY = Return of happiness
LILY, WHITE = Purity, Sweetness
LILY, YELLOW = Falsehood; Gaiety
LOTUS FLOWER = Estranged love
MAGNOLIA = Love of nature; Magnificence
MARIGOLD = Mental anguish
MIMOSA = Sensitiveness; Courtesy
MISTLETOE = "I surmount all difficulties"
MOONFLOWER = Goddess attunement.Psychic sensitivity.
MOUNTAIN ASH = Perseverance against the odds.
OAKMOSS = Prosperity and abundance
ORANGE BLOSSOM = "Your purity equals your beauty"
PASSION FLOWER = Faith if erect; superstition if reversed
SWEET PEA = Departure; Delicate pleasures
PEACH BLOSSOM = "I am your captive"
PERIWINKLE = Sweet remembrances
PHLOX = Unanimity
PINK JASMINE = Growth through pleasure; relinquishing pain.
Sensitivity, intimacy, sexuality.
POPPY = Consolation of sleep
PRIMROSE = Early youth and sadness
RHODODENDRON = Danger; Beware
ROSE = Love
ROSE GERANIUM = Draws beauty into one's life .
SNAPDRAGON = Presumption
SNOWDROP = Hope; Consolation
SPRING CROCUS = Youthful gladness
STRAWBERRY = Draws sweetness and playfulness into one's life.
SUNFLOWER = False riches
TULIP, RED = Declaration of love
TULIP, YELLOW = Hopeless love
VIOLET, BLUE = Faithfulness
VIOLET, YELLOW = Rural happiness
WATER LILY = Eloquence; Purity of heart
WHITE DAISY = "I will think of it"
WISTERIA = "Welcome, fair stranger"
YELLOW DAY LILY = Flirtations; Coquetry
ZINNIA = Thoughts of absent friends; Repels jealousy or greed.

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