Tarot spells are great for beginners. The only requirements being that as always you must concentrate on your goal, as well as on the person you are reading for the cards for. Simply direct your own energy into each of the cards to charge them. It is often necessary to use a Psychic link as well, if you recall what this is. It is something belonging to the person in question, or an article that will help you to focus on them, such as a photograph, hair etc.

To do this spell, you must first lay out the cards, one by one, using several rows or stacks if needed. This depend on how complicated the spell you wish to cast is. How much do you need to know? What is this spell for? Etcetera...You can use the correspondents below in a couple of interesting ways. One of the ways we use the tarot is to fortell future events (past, present & future). As you deal the cards you will read them left to right.

Or you may decide you need a spell for strength. Just pick out those cards related to strength and lay out these specific cards during a spell or ceremony.

Abbreviations of Cards below

w- wands
c- cups
s- swords
P -Page
Kn- Knight
O- Oueen
K- King
r - Reversed

To Find a New Love: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Star , The Moon , Branch: [Left: III / Female Link , Middle: 2 c / 2 p , Right: IV / Male Link ] , The Sun.

To Strengthen an Existing Love: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Star , The Moon , Branch [ Left: III / Female Link , Middle: VI , Right: IV / Male Link ] , The Sun.

To Strengthen the Spirit: The High Priestess , The Magician , The Hanged Man , The Chariot , Temperance / 6 c , The Sun , Link.

To Banish an Obsession: Strength / 9 p , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Hanged Man , Temperance , The Moon / 6 c , The Sun / 8 s r , The Chariot , Link.

To Overcome a Fear: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Hanged Man , XIV / XV r / 9 s r , The Sun , Link.

To Be Luckier: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Star , The Wheel of Fortune , The Fool / 9 c , Link.

For Protected: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Hanged Man , The Wheel of Fortune , VII / P s / 7 s / K s / 5 s , Link.

To Banish a Psychic Attack: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , Justice , XVII r , XVI r , Link.

To Banish Negativity From a Place: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Star , The Sun , The World , Link.

To Enhance Dreams: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Star / 4 s , The Sun / 7 c , Link.
Notes:When using this spell yourself, you should have someone else cast it on you while you sleep.

To Improve Creativity: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Star , XIX / 3 p / 8 p , Link.

To Aid in Concentration and Meditation: Strength , The High Preistess , The Magician , The Star , The Hanged Man , The Wheel of Fortune , The Hermit , The World , Link.

To Improve Magical Ability: Strength , The High Priestess , The Magician , The Star , XIX / XVII , IX / 7 c / 2 w , Link.

To Enhance a Telepathic Link: Strength , The High Preistess , The Magician , The Hanged Man , IX / 8 w , Link / 7 c.


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