Welcome to my sanctuary. All opinions are welcomed as long as you agree with me.     


For those that gave their lives on September 11, 2001.

Here's to you and here's to me
I pray that friends we'll always be,
But if by chance we disagree,
The heck with you and here's to me!


The Throat Chakra
The Visuddha Chakra
The Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is called visuddha which means purity. It is the chakra of the spiritual body and is located at base of throat. It is Hormonal Balance. It governs communication and personal magnetism. It is the chakra that most influences intercommunication and is a link between emotion and thought. When this energy is balanced energy, you are contented, centered, artistically inspired, can mediate, have a grasp of spiritual teachings, sincere, truthful, independent.Your voice becomes clear and deeper when this Chakra is in balance. As this Chakra becomes aligned, language & communication become more of an expression of pre-existing spiritual maturity and all thinking & feeling finally become connected .

A well-balance chakra can connect us to knowledge, health and communication. This color is mentally relaxing and an ideal remedy for sleep problems, stress and hyperactivity in children. When it is contented and balanced, it has a soothing nature and a perfect sense of timing.

This chakra deals with expression, inspiration and judgment. Meditating on this Chakra sometimes brings out issues of communication that need to be resolved. This Chakra desires the perfect life, and idealistically to be surrounded by beauty and peacefulness, and to have complete control over one's mental faculties and abilities. It governs the vocal chords, bronchial apparatus, and the alimentary canal. This center, located near the thyroid gland, is the ruler of communication, balance of the positive and negative, creativity, and clairaudience (psychic hearing). It also rules creativity of the arts, sciences, literatures, & music.

When overactive or unbalanced, this chakra can produce a razor-sharp tongue, closure to the new or unusual, self-righteousness, a closed mind, arrogance, self righteousness, overly talkative, dogmatic,gossipy and domineering individual, who may also be fanatical, over-reactive, negative & harsh speaking, clinging to tradition, and hyperactive.

With an underactive chakra, a person would easily surrender to pressure from others, yet resist change, become melancholy and slow to respond. He would also be quite stubborn, a frightened individual, easily scared and obviously timid. You would see inconsistent and dependent type behaviour, a quiet, weak, unreliable, and devious person, that is unable to express thoughts. He would be lacking in creative expressions, and have many suppressed feelings. While meditating for this chakra, the image in nature to focus on is the blue sky, reflections of the sky in water, or gentle waves.

Tantra says: Only speak when you have come to the fifth centre through the fourth - only speak through love, otherwise don't speak at all. Speak through compassion, otherwise don't speak! Only if you have heard the sound of God are you then allowed to speak, then your throat centre can release the message. When you have the message first, then it can become words.


The color of this chakra is Blue and it corresponds to the throat chakra and the planet Jupiter. The effects are cold, astringent and antiseptic.

Use Blue for - Hyperthyroid, sore throat, inflammations, burns, skin irritations, fever, ear infections, over tiredness, mental exhaustion, gum inflammations, ulcers, digestive disorders, nervousness, colic, back pain, hemorroids, high blood pressure, hyperactive or violent behaviour. It also fights infections, heals the throat, gives peace of mind. It is also recommended for alleviating the effects of poison.

Blue, as well as green, is useful in treating 'red' conditions such as inflammation and fevers. Not recommended for colds, rheumatism, or paralysis. Blue has a peaceful effect on the nervous system and promotes relaxation. The image in nature to focus on is the blue sky, reflections of the sky in water, or gentle waves.

Location: Back of the Neck
Effect: coolant
Color: Blue

To Balance this Chakra: When this chakra is unbalanced you may experience problems communicating and often find your emotions stuck in the throat. Tears may well up as well over the slightest things. To bring balance to this chakra, try singing, chanting, humming, and breathe consciously. Yoga is also helpful with most all of the chakras.

Sense: Hearing.
Overactive energy : over talkative , addictive personality
Underactive energy: timid, inconsistent, unable to express themselves
Musical Note: g #
Mantra: ham or u as in blue
Element: Ether Air and Fire energy.
Number: 5
Gems: Clear Quartz, Lapis, Sodalite, Turquoise,Blue lace agate,
Blue topaz, Aquamarine chryoscolla, azurite, Amazonite, Gem Silica
Essential Oils: Lavender, aniseed, blue chamomile, cypress, tea tree.
Healing: Throat, Fevers, Asthma, Lungs, Thyroid, Antiseptic, Stimulation
Gland: Thyroid
Organ: Breathing, Ailmentary Canal, throat, thyroid, nerves, eyes, muscles

Back to the Individual Chakras

Or do you want to go home?

I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way