First, we'll take meditation. I am hoping here that you have read up on & studied the previous lessons, but we will review it nevertheless. Meditation is the art of clearing the mind of all mundane thoughts and feelings. It is a state of relaxation and peace, the goal being to reach a state of non-thought. This is not easy but it is essential. Your mind must be at peace so that you can focus on what you're trying to accomplish. This generally comes with continual practice. Self-hypnosis helps to put you in a trance-like state so that you are more aware of your creative energies and less aware of the outside world. It is a great relaxer and aids visualization as well as meditation. These things will be entwined in your magickal endeavors. Learn to use them well. Visualization is the ability to see with your mind & not with your senses. Visualization is a core tool you will need in order to direct energy and create visible change. Visualization is the ability to accurately hold an image in your mind. The only way to increase your skills in this technique is to practice. Start with simple objects like a ball, or box. First take a good look at it and study it closely. Then close your eyes, but continue to see it. Try and make out the details in your mind. As you practice, try and hold the image in your mind longer each time, and then gradually move on to more complex images. When you have mastered this, your next step is to create an image, preferably something you haven't seen before, and then hold that image for as long as possible. As I said above, Visualization is the ability to see with your mind & not with your senses. And although you will not actually be using your senses (i.e. tasting, smelling, seeing, hearing, feeling etc.), you will attempt to visualize with them in your mind. Try this exercise. Close your eyes. Within your mind's eye & think of something that you might need to visualize, a baby bird, for example. Let your mind see its tiny body, its feathery soft wings, its little open beak, etc. Let your mind feel the feathers. Are they soft or rough or damp or dry? Does the bird have a scent? Let your mind smell that scent. Let your mind hear the chirping as the little bird tells you all about its troubles. (Taste also falls into this category, but it doesn't apply in this case.) Visualization is not always easy, but with practice you can visualize anything you want. During spellwork you will visualize your goal, being very specific and detailed. Focus is another tool that is developed through prolonged practice. It is more difficult than visualization because it requires you to hold more than just a picture in your mind. You will need to hold a concept, and address it. Hold this idea in your mind, and focus on only this one concept, with all the mental powers you have within you. For example, take the concept of levitation. Focus on it. Feel it. Focus on levitating something in the room with you. Unless you have some power of telekinesis, this won't really happen, but pretend that it is. Visualize it happening. Focus on it intently. You can also do something else that requires intense focus, such as working out math problems in your head or something similar that requires concentration on a particular subject. This is the ability to use the energies of the correspondences, your own energy and that of the universe & direct it towards your goal. As you charge an object, the energy is initially coming from you. So how does one go about directing energy? Try this: From within yourself, visualize a bright light, maybe blue for a healing spell for the baby bird you pictured above, that must have fallen from the nest. Visualize this light and imagine it forming within yourself, centered between your chest and stomach. Let that light grow and expand. Use your emotions!! Feel it!Then direct it up through your body, down your power, or what we call your projective arm, out your fingertips (or through your athame or wand) and into whatever you are trying to heal or charge. In this case, you are sending healing energy out to the bird. Feel it leave your body as a burst of energy rushing from you. See it enter whatever you are working with. Watch as it swirls all around your little patient. When charging objects with this energy, you will visualize the energy flowing through your projective arm and going into the item you are using. For example, when using candles during your work, you may light them and see your energy flow from your arm into the fire and onto the candle. And if using a stone as well, take it & pass it through the misty smoke coming from your candle. Feel your energy flowing into the stone as you pick it up and pass it through the smoke. Burn incense, oil, herbs etc. whatever you feel will help you direct your energy. While you direct that light, that energy, you will be visualizing your intent with as much feeling as possible. It is important to understand that magick is energy flow coming from the spellcrafter. It is not power. All spells create a tangible connection between the items of correspondence used and yourself. When you work magick, be specific, but be careful! If you do a spell for money, be sure that you visualize the money coming, but not at the expense of another! Now we are almost finished. It is a good practice to turn everything over to the Creator, and ask that your workings take a path that is for the good of all involved. To do this, you merely use your own words to say so. You may also write a spell beforehand if you wish. This often provides that extra dash of charge necessary for your goals to be accomplished. Meditation, visualiztion, self-hypnosis, energy direction and concentration are the essential ingredients to working any magick. Without them, you can do nothing. The Altered State of Consciousness that you must reach is an intensive one that is done step by step from the very beginning of your choice to do magickal spellwork. Anything that interferes with your ability to concentrate and control the high energy state necessary to perform magick should be avoided. Remember that Magick is the manipulation of energy; a thought is a form of energy and a visualization is an even stronger form. Your visualization is used to further intensify and direct your will. It will lead to the method by which you control the magickal energy you have produced. You must know what you want. You must see it, hear it, smell it, taste it. But most of all, you must feel it. And then it is up to you to direct it. To do this, you begin your altered consciousness as early as possible, meaning as soon as you first begin to prepare. Even choosing your correspondences can aid in increasing your energies if you will let it. That is actually their purpose to begin with. (Example: Begin your visualization process as you do the things I have written about below. Even do them as you choose your magickal place. For this chore, you can visualize yourself performing magick and receiving what you wish for.) Doing magick involves many steps especially as you are learning. It becomes easier the more you practice and the better you learn it. It is important to have no distractions. Choose a place to work that is comfortable, peaceful and secure, a place that you can call yours where others won't invade your privacy. Distractions can destroy the best of intentions. This must be a place where you can do your meditation and visualizations without interruptions. Before you begin your magick, always gather together your correpondences and your tools. Actually everything you use is nothing more than a tool to help you set the mood and get into the proper mindframe. There is nothing magickal about these things. The tool is not magickal. You are!! BUT...when these tools are used properly, they can help to trigger the creative side of your brain and elicit primitive responses from deep inside you. They help to lull the "logical" side of your brain into conformity. Consider the purpose of your ritual and choose your tools accordingly. If your magick is to be a healing, then the tools should make you feel calm and peaceful, but also powerful. They should represent a healing. (As you choose, you should be visualizing.) Just before a ritual, we generally prepare by doing a cleansing. Prepare yourself by any means necessary (and safe) to cleanse and purify. Some people fast, some follow a particular bathing ritual, and some use self-denial or sensory depravation. There are many ways to prepare for a ritual. The choice is up to you. Whatever gets you in the mood. ( But as you do this, you should be meditating and visualizing.) Whatever you decide to use, this will set the energy that you will be using into motion so be sure to do your meditation and visualization!! Once your purification process is finished, you are ready to begin. Go immediately to your special workplace. Many use music to set the mood during this phase of spellwork. In fact, new research has shown this to be an excellent idea. So if you wish to do so, begin it now. As you use your oils, candles, incense, herbs, or whatever tools you have chosen, you should begin to further intensify the energy that you have already set into motion. Be sure to keep visualizing and maintain your focus throughout this period. The more you do this, the more powerful your energy becomes. Your entire purpose depends on how well you can visualize it and direct it. Good luck and Blessings to you! |
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