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Increase or Reduce your estrogen levels:
Alfalfa, taken as tablets or tea, promotes estrogen production.
Anise Seed tea also promotes estrogen, as will Sage tea and Garlic.
Onions, Dill, and Thyme reduce estrogen production.

Black Cohosh (also called Black Snake Root, Bugbane, Bugwort, Rattle Root, Squaw Root)
Part Used: Fresh and Dried Roots/ also liquid extract

Actions and Uses: This herb was used for many years by native Americans for painful periods. It has an anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. It contains a natural precursor to estrogen, an antispasmodic, and an emmenagogue.

Recent scientific investigation has approved the use of black cohosh in treating both dysmenorrhea and menopause. This is a good estrogenic herb that acts on the uterus to reduce cramps and congestion. It contains two anti-rheumatic agents. There have been no drug interactions reported to date.

Black Cohosh aids in relieving or reducing many of the symptoms that go along with menstuation and menopause such as depression, ringing in the ears, heart palpitation, profuse perspiration , vertigo, joint pain, nervousness, irritability, headache, loss of concentration, insomnia, and hot flashes. It also aids in reducing blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Dosage: Take 250 mg in tablet or capsule form, two to four times daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily. (Note: Very high doses (5 grams or teaspoonful of the root; 12 grams or 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid extract) have been shown to cause vomiting, headache, dizziness, limb pains, and low blood pressure. If you suspect overdose, seek medical attention immediately.)

Part Used: Dried fruit

Actions and Uses: This herb is a hormone balancer that is used to alleviate depression during menopause. The Chasteberry is a favorite herb in Europe, proclaimed to "work wonders" for all menopausal symptoms. The list of symptoms it can alleviate is unending.

Chasteberry contains estrogen and progesterone-like compounds. It is possible that its beneficial effects in menopause are due to altering LH and FSH secretion. It does not appear to reduce libido during menopause.

Dosage: Take 300-600 mg in tablet or capsule form daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Part Used: Dried leaves

Actions and Uses: Damiana is a pituitary regulator and antidepressant. It is also an aphrodisiac and is of benefit for sexual difficulties. It should not be taken too frequently, however, or it may irritate the lining of the urinary tract.

Dosage: Take 100-150 mg in tablet or capsule form, for two or three days out of the week. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily, for two or three days out of the week.

Part Used: Leaves, roots, and tops

Actions and Uses: Dandelion is a wonderful herb for the liver. If your hormones are out of balance, then your liver is under extra stress, and dandelion root will be beneficial for this.

Dosage: Take 1,000-3,000 mg in tablet or capsule form, or 2-3 cups of tea,daily. Or take 1-2 teaspoons of dandelion tincture, three times daily.

Dong quai
Part Used: Roots

Actions and Uses: Dong Quai is a well-known Chinese herb that aids hormonal balance. It contains iron and vitamin E. In Asia, it has been used to treat menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes, as well as such conditions as dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), and rnetrorrhagia (too frequent menstruation), and to assure a healthy pregnancy and easy delivery.

Dong quai has demonstrated good uterine tonic activity, causing an initial increase in uterine contraction, followed by relaxation. This herb is high in natural plant estrogens called phytosterols and helps to reduce the symptoms of estrogen deficiency.

Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, twice daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Evening Primrose Oil aids in hormone balancing. Quite a bit of clinical research supports this. It contains precursors of Prostaglandins, important to the proper functioning of every cell in your body. Some women report losing weight when they take 4 to 8 capsules of Evening Primrose Oil daily.

False unicorn root
Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: This plant is an estrogen regulator. It has a direct action on the uterus and ovaries and is considered to be a corrective herb for women. It is a specific for the herbal treatment of ovarian cysts.

Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, or 1 teaspoon of tincture, daily.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Part Used: Leaves

Actions and Uses: This herb improves brain function, circulation, and oxygenation of all body cells. It is helpful for symptoms of fatigue, memory problems, and depression. Ginkgo biloba extract is useful for the menopausal and postmenopausal woman because of its effects on the vascular system. It is especially useful in relieving both the cold hands and feet and the forgetfulness that often accompany menopause.

Dosage: Take 1,000 mg in tablet or capsule form daily. Or take I teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Part Used: Roots

Actions and Uses: Ginseng strengthens the adrenal glands, enhances immune function, increases energy, and normalizes blood pressure. It is useful for symptoms of both mental and physical fatigue. Avoid it if you have very high blood pressure (over 180/100). Siberian ginseng is more effective than the American variety.

Dosage: Take 1,000-4,000 mg in tablet or capsule form daily. Ginseng is a safe energy-booster for most people.

Kelp or other Seaweed should be eaten or taken daily. You'll find it a great emotional roller-coaster-riding aid, plus helpful in alleviating or eliminating or preventing all menopausal symptoms.

Oats, whether eaten or infused, will nourish and help balance your hormonal system. An infusion of Oatstraw will do likewise.

Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: Licorice is a powerful adrenal stimulant and is a wonderful estrogenic herb. For this reason, it is a very useful herb during menopause. Care must be taken, however, not to take licorice too often, or it can deplete potassium and elevate blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure, use it with caution or avoid it entirely. On the other hand, if you suffer from low blood pressure, this herb will be useful in correcting the problem. Licorice makes a pleasant-tasting tea.It can also be added in small amounts to other herbal teas to improve their flavor.

Dosage: For hot flashes, drink 1-2 cups of licorice tea or taking 500-1,000 mg in tablet or capsule form daily. Or take 1/2-1 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Liferoot (Senecio Bursas)
Part Used: Dried plant

Actions and Uses: Liferoot is a uterine tonic that contains plant estrogens. It helps to reestablish emotional and vascular stability and eliminate hot flashes. It may also help to treat irregular, painful, or excessive menstrual bleeding.

Dosage: Take 500 mg daily in tablet or capsule form. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
Part Used: Fresh or dried leaves and fruit

Actions and Uses: Raspberry is an astringent and nutritive estrogenic herb. It has a direct action on the muscles of the uterus, helps to tone weakened uterine muscles, and relaxes uterine and intestinal spasms. It also assists in correcting prolapse of the uterus and/or vagina.

Red Raspberry leaf tea is a delicious drink and a wonderful tonic for the uterus and mucous membranes. It will also symptomatically allay cramping and almost any discomfort below the waist.

Dosage: Take 2,000 mg in tablet or capsule form, or drink 2-3 glasses of rasp- berry tea daily.

Red clover
Part Used: Dried flower heads; fresh plant

Actions and Uses: Red clover contains a plant estrogen called coumestrol that stimulates the ovaries. It is a good 'alkalinizing' herb that restores healthy body functions. Red clover is a specific for the herbal treatment of ovarian cysts.

Dosage: To relieve hot flashes, take 1,000-2,000 mg of red clover in tablet or capsule form or drink 3-4 cups of red clover tea daily. Or take 1/2-11/2 teaspoons of red clover tincture, up to three times daily.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Part Used: Fresh or dried leaves

Actions and Uses: This herb has many medicinal properties and is very useful during menopause for the treatment of hot flashes. Sage reduces excessive sweating and it contains plant estrogens. You will find sage particularly helpful in eliminating night sweats.

Dosage: Drink 3-4 cups of sage tea daily to relieve hot flashes, or take 1/2-1 teaspoon of tincture, three times a day. Sprinkle finely chopped fresh sage in soups and on salads and vegetables.

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Part Used: Fresh or dried flowering plant

Actions and Uses: This herb is a mild sedative that is specific for anxiety states. It may also be useful for combating depression.

Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form, or 1/4-1 teaspoon of tincture, two or three times daily.

Sarsaparilla (smilax officinalis)
Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: Sarsaparilla is another alterative herb that stimulates the production of testosterone and therefore improves a flagging libido. It also helps to increase energy.

Dosage: Take 1,000-2,000 mg in tablet or capsule form or drink 2-3 glasses of sarsaparilla tea daily. Or take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of tincture, up to three times daily.

Saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata)
Part Used: Dried fruit

Actions and Uses: This herb is an astringent diuretic that is beneficial for the treatment of urinary incontinence, fluid retention, and prolapse of the pelvic organs. Dryness and lack of tone in the tissues of the bladder often lead to irritation and weakness. This is reduced by saw palmetto. This herb can also be useful for combating chronic urinary tract infection.

Dosage: Take 1,000-2,000 mg in tablet or capsule form daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice daily.

Shepherd's purse (CapseIla bursapastoris)
Part Used: Dried flowering plant; fresh plant

Actions and Uses: One of its primary attributes is its ability to normalize progesterone levels. It you are beginning menopause and have been experiencing excessive, irregular bleeding or spotting, this herb will help to regulate and increase the length of your menstrual cycles until the natural cessation of menses.

Dosage: Take 500 mg in tablet or capsule form daily, or take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of tincture, up to twice daily.

True unicorn root (Aletris farinosa)
Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: This estrogenic herb stimulates and strengthens the female genital organs. It is a bitter herb that is also useful for indigestion and has a mild sedative action.

Dosage: Take 500-1,000 mg in tablet or capsule form daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice a day.

Wild yam (Dioscarea villosa)
Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes

Actions and Uses: Wild yam is a powerful estrogenic herb used by women around the world. It has a good anti- inflammatory action and gives relief from menopausal arthritis. It also has progestogenic properties, and may help to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.

Dosage: Take 1,000-4,000 mg of dried extract daily. Or take 1/2 teaspoon of tincture, twice a day.


Herbs most commonly used for hot flashes and night sweats are:
Dong Quai
Black Cohosh

Some women may need to take up to two capsules three times a day, for two weeks or so, before symptoms are eliminated.

Herbs recommended for insomnia: Catnip tea, Basil, Hops, Skullcap, Jamaican dogwood, Limeflower, Passion flower, Wild lettuce, chasteberry. ... Hops Flowers, Valerian, Blue Vervain, Motherwort, Yarrow, Violet Leaves, and Lady Slipper are all relaxing and calming, whether you take them in capsules or as a tea. Use individually or in any combination.

Herbal Tea for Insomnia
3 tbsp. Lemon balm
3 tbsp. Peppermint
2 tbsp. Hops
1 tbsp. Valerian
2 tsp. Chamomile

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tsp. of this mixture, steep for five minutes; strain and drink 1 cup at bedtime.


Depression is a common condition during menopause. Try these for at least a few weeks before you give up on them. Most things, even doctor prescribed, take time to work. And please read the labels or inquire after instructions especially if you take other medications or have other medical conditons.
St. John's Wort

There are many other remedies as well. You might try some of these.

Dandelion flower or leaf tea will soothe the nerves. Pour boiling water over a handful and steep a few minutes. Sweeten if desired.

To be rid of stress, try Oat Straw, Irish Moss,Comfrey Root, Alfalfa, Horsetail.

Add a whole Clove or two to other teas, or a pinch of powdered cloves.

Damiana, is a mild aphrodisiac and is also used for depression and as a nerve aid.

Pumpkin Seeds, containing tryptophan, will soothe nerves, relax you, and help you sleep. Dose: about six or seven ounces, nibbled and enjoyed.

Black Cohosh root, as tea or capsules, is useful for all sorts of menopausaul and nervous conditions. This drug seems to be a wonder drug.

Skullcap has frequently been used to restore calm nerves and repair the nervous system, even repairing the spinal cord. The dosage is three ounces of infusion, three times a day. Be sure to use this herb in the freshest possible condition for best results.

Oat groats, or even rolled oats (oatmeal), as an infusion, tincture, fluid extract, or simply enjoyed as food, will help your nerves, restore some strength, and help you cope.

Kelp, one teaspoon of the powder per day, or the equivalent (1000 mg.) in tablets or capsules. Calms nerves.


For anxiety, you may try the following :
Wood betony

Herbal Tea to Calm Nervous Conditions
4 tbsp. Lemon balm
1 tbsp. Mistletoe (CAUTION!! Can be poison)
1 tbsp. Silverweed
1 tbsp. Valerian

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tsp. of this mixture, steep for five minutes; strain, sweeten with 1 tsp. of honey, and drink 3 cups daily.


Close to half of menopausal women report having problems with constipation. Prolonged use of any laxative, even in herbal form, should be avoided. If your bowel muscles become too dependant on laxatives , they'll get lazy and won't want to work on their own.

Dandelion: Make an infusion of the fresh root.

Nettle Leaves, as a tea after dinner or, if you can get nettle fresh, use it juiced or as cooked greens daily, or at least several times a week for several weeks.

Oatmeal, consumed as part of the daily diet (great for bones and nerves, too) or oatstraw tea taken daily.

Oregon Grape Root is good for chronic constipation. Make a decoction and take 3 ounces before meals. This should be made fresh daily; or use a tincture, 30 to 60 drops in water, also three times daily.

Cascara Sagrada, usually taken in capsule form.

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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

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