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No book can be a substitute for a doctor. However, homoeopathy is so harmless that it is worthwhile trying its remedies for common illnesses when it is not convenient to see a doctor or when the illness does not merit immediate attention of a physician.

The harmlessness of a homoeopathic medicine results from the fact that it is very very dilute. The medicine does not directly bring about any chemical changes but gently persuades the body's vital force to bring back the body into equilibrium, and thus to cure the disease.

The homoeopathic medicines are of various potencies. For example `Arnica 30' means remedy `Arnica' of potency 30. Arnica 200 is remedy `Arnica' with potency 200. The more dilute the remedy, the greater its potency.

Homoeopathic medicines can be bought from retail homoeopathic medicine stores. You ask for "Arnica 200 - one dram in pills". The pharmacist will give you a very small bottle of one dram size full of sugar pills into which he has poured a few drops of required liquid medicine and shaken it for proper mixing of medicine into pills. A few pills (around six) constitutes one dose. You can also ask for liquid medicine if you prefer to take it in water.

The Biochemic System has only twelve medicines and these between themselves can deal with all the common problems. These medicines have `X' added after their description. If you ask for `Ferrum Phos 6x' the chemist will give you a small box or bottle of tablets labelled `Ferrum Phos 6x'. You can get the tablets loose also.

The standard dose of biochemic medicines for adults is four tablets four times a day or as directed by a physician. Biochemic and homoeopathic medicines can be taken together.

Homoeopathic medicines also come in mother tinctures. These may be considered homoeopathic remedies of zero potency or of minimum dilution (i.e. maximum concentration).

These days some homoeopaths also use potencies of Bach flower remedies. Flower remedies are thirty eight in number and are prescribed on the basis of mental symptoms. These remedies are also dealt with in this book.

A homoeopath may give you one or more of the medicines - homoeopathic, biochemic, tincture or flower remedy.

Some proprietary combinations of homoeopathic medicines are manufactured by some companies and are in use for various ailments. Twenty eight combinations of biochemic medicines are routinely used. Biochemic remedies are best for children.

A beginner should confine himself to the personal use of potency 30 only and that too of common remedies. Higher potencies are required for mental problems and of nosodes (medicines made of disease products etc) and these are best left to experts. You are expected to reduce medication as soon as you get better and to stop it altogether when you get well.

Don't try to handle any suspected emergency case yourself, but take it to the appropriate specialist/hospital. You may use a known effective medicine as a first aid but without delaying contact with specialist/hospital.

Homoeopaths usually advise patients not to have any food item within half an hour of taking medicine. This advice should be adhered to as far as possible. A strong cup of coffee antidotes many homoeopathic medicines.

If you do not improve after taking medicine for a reasonable time, go and see the qualified physician. After all, a book is no substitute for a physician. This book will of course be very useful in many cases. You will soon realize this.